Real Learning Comes Through Experience

Real Learning Comes Through Experience

INTERACTIVE SLIDE DECK IN ENGLISH FOR GRADE VI LEARNERS OF ILOILO CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Teachers use a wide variety of tools to foster learning while having fun. Instructional Materials are used in educational lessons which include active learning and assessment that can support students in their academic performance. The technology will allow teachers to bridge these learning experiences more naturally and seamlessly. As more digital tools become available and accessible that facilitate learning in multiple modalities, just as effective teachers in the 21e century will continue to maximize and seek avenues to improve student learning. Interactive lessons and activities prompt students to engage with content rather than passively absorb it. Gamified activities involving internet connections and laptops through PowerPoint presentations are fun ways to review their understanding of the learning content. They are more focused, attentive, and participative in class discussions. Deep learning occurs through experiential, authentic, and collaborative Instructional processes. The pursuit for higher Mean Percentage Score from First to Fourth Grading Periodic Tests had challenged the subject teachers to come up with a teacher-made learning material that pushes students to Internalize and support learning in a creative way. Instead, more professional learning time should be spent helping teachers plan, develop materials and practice delivering the strategies with colleague support Addressing this problem can have a very real positive effect on student performance, A slide deck presentation is an exposition of a series of slides or images in an electronic device or in a projection screen. It is a collection of slides put together in the same presentation, and it is essential for teachers to have a well-structured presentation With this, an Interactive Slide Deck in English for Grade V Learners was materialized to help the English Grade VI teachers to lessen the burden of finding resource materials that include all the learning competencies from First to Fourth Quarter. This learning material contains 545 slides classified according to competencies and objectives aligned to the Grade VI English curriculum guide. This was utilized by the Grade 1 English Teachers among 379 Grade VI pupils of Iloilo Central Elementary School for the school year 2018-2019. In our quest to improve our children's overall performance in support to L&D program implementation, preparation of learner's materials and resource package development is our topmost priority. The findings call for a more teacher and students' friendly approach in monitoring and assessing the academic performance in the English content area and quality of students' analysis, which this instructional material will address. May this learning material facilitate learners' acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude to create a 21st century learning environment by blending physical and digital arrangements inside the classroom. 1. What is the text all about? 2. What challenged the subject teachers to come up with a teacher-made learning material? 3. What does the learning material contain? 4. What do you think is the purpose of the writer? 5. Do you agree with the teachers' initiative? Why or why not?​ Ayusin nyo po ang pag sagot, salamat

Daftar Isi

1. INTERACTIVE SLIDE DECK IN ENGLISH FOR GRADE VI LEARNERS OF ILOILO CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Teachers use a wide variety of tools to foster learning while having fun. Instructional Materials are used in educational lessons which include active learning and assessment that can support students in their academic performance. The technology will allow teachers to bridge these learning experiences more naturally and seamlessly. As more digital tools become available and accessible that facilitate learning in multiple modalities, just as effective teachers in the 21e century will continue to maximize and seek avenues to improve student learning. Interactive lessons and activities prompt students to engage with content rather than passively absorb it. Gamified activities involving internet connections and laptops through PowerPoint presentations are fun ways to review their understanding of the learning content. They are more focused, attentive, and participative in class discussions. Deep learning occurs through experiential, authentic, and collaborative Instructional processes. The pursuit for higher Mean Percentage Score from First to Fourth Grading Periodic Tests had challenged the subject teachers to come up with a teacher-made learning material that pushes students to Internalize and support learning in a creative way. Instead, more professional learning time should be spent helping teachers plan, develop materials and practice delivering the strategies with colleague support Addressing this problem can have a very real positive effect on student performance, A slide deck presentation is an exposition of a series of slides or images in an electronic device or in a projection screen. It is a collection of slides put together in the same presentation, and it is essential for teachers to have a well-structured presentation With this, an Interactive Slide Deck in English for Grade V Learners was materialized to help the English Grade VI teachers to lessen the burden of finding resource materials that include all the learning competencies from First to Fourth Quarter. This learning material contains 545 slides classified according to competencies and objectives aligned to the Grade VI English curriculum guide. This was utilized by the Grade 1 English Teachers among 379 Grade VI pupils of Iloilo Central Elementary School for the school year 2018-2019. In our quest to improve our children's overall performance in support to L&D program implementation, preparation of learner's materials and resource package development is our topmost priority. The findings call for a more teacher and students' friendly approach in monitoring and assessing the academic performance in the English content area and quality of students' analysis, which this instructional material will address. May this learning material facilitate learners' acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude to create a 21st century learning environment by blending physical and digital arrangements inside the classroom. 1. What is the text all about? 2. What challenged the subject teachers to come up with a teacher-made learning material? 3. What does the learning material contain? 4. What do you think is the purpose of the writer? 5. Do you agree with the teachers' initiative? Why or why not?​ Ayusin nyo po ang pag sagot, salamat




3. 345 slides

4. to inform other

5.your answer and opinion


⇒⇒⇒braileast po pls blanko kasi utak ko ngayon

5 opinoin niyo wala kasi a ko ma i sip

2. 2. Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or experienced.b. Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the day.Our brain comes up with the solutions in our sleep.d. Our brain sorts and files information.3. How does a brain-through dreams-perform the function of an office clerk?a. It sorts information we need from what we don't need.bit files what we know into fixed categories.cit clears the board to store new information.d. It functions alone.4. Based on how it is used in the selection, which of the following words is the synony"resolved"?a accommodated b. reflectedC. decidedd. fixed5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the brain?a. Our brain makes connections.b. Our brain never stops thinking.c Sleeping is our brain's way of shutting down.d. Our brain replays our experiences as we sleep.5. What is an informational text?a. Informational text contains facts and not real information.b. Informational text uses imaginative or made up stories.c. Informational text contains facts and true information.d. Informational text is usually found in comic book, novels, poetry and f​



6. C


Thanks po yan po true answer sa key answer kopo yan nakuha

3. Unit 1. SCIENCE AND INVESTIGATORY PROCESSLesson 1.1-PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCEWhat is Science?Science may be broadly defined as development and systematization of positive knowledge about thephysical world.What is Pure Science?a science depending on deductions from demonstrated truths, such as mathematics oriogic, or studied without regard to practical applications.It is the search for facts.Examples of Pure Science Scientist study human vision to learn how the eyes works.Students look through a microscope to see what's inside the cell.A biologist is experimenting on plant's reaction to lack of sunlight.What is applied Science? The search for practical applicationscientific knowledge to develop more Often referred to as "technology Technology comes from the Greek wark "technologia, which is a combination of techne meaning craft, andApplied science is a discipline that is used to apply existing practical applications, for example: technology or inventions.logia means study.The first technological tools were simple hand-axes made by our ancestors millions of years ago. Technology is a product of engineering and science. Science aims to understand why and how nature andengineering seeks to shape the natura world to meet human need as and wents.Examples of Applied ScienceScientist invent motion pictures, eyeglasses and contact lenses.Pharmacologist make and manufacture drugs and medicines. Engineers created bridges and tall buildings.1.3 Field study of ScienceScience has three major branches1. Social Sciences-It focuses primarily on the study of people and culture2. Formal Sciences-It is concerned with properties of formal systems based on definition3. Natural Sciences-It tries to understand the real world.Division of Natural ScienceBiological Science- any of the branches of natural science dealing with living things, such as their structure, behavior, organization, life processes, as well as their interactions with each other and with the natural environment Supplement. It includes biology and other related disciplines. Physical Science - the sciences concerned with the study of inanimate natural objects, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and related subjects. The study of non-living things.________________________1.DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the questions carefully.WORKSHEET NO.11 It is the search for facts.2. tuses the discoveries of pure science to create practical solutions to existing problems. 3. It is the Greek word for technology.4. It came from the Latin word means "Scientia",5. Technology comes from the Greek word technologia, techne means logia mean.II. ESSAYScience and technology feed off of one another, propelling both forward. Scientific knowledge allows us tobuild new technologies, which often allows us to make new observations about the world, which in turn, alow us to build even more scientific knowledge, which then inspire technology and so on. For you as a student is technology a boon or a bane? Explain your answer.________________________WORKSHEET NO.2DIRECTIONS: Classify whether the following professions/occupations are related to physical er biologicalscience.1. Doctor2. Engineer3. Veterinary Doctor4. Welder5. Eectrician6. Farmer7. Fisherman8. Nurse9. Astronaut10. Mason​


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