How To Critique A Short Story

How To Critique A Short Story

how to make a short story critique​

Daftar Isi

1. how to make a short story critique​


2. How do you critique a short story?


1. Examine the Opening Paragraph. Take a close look at the opening paragraph to make sure it catches your attention. ...

2. Look for Relevancy. Every word should count in a short story, says fiction editor and writing coach Victory Crayne. ...

3. Probe for Excess Material. ...

4. Stick to the Present.

3. how will you able evaluate/critique a short story?​


focus on present conflicts and ways primary characters instigate change by facing difficult circumstances.

4. Choose a short story and write a critique about it.​

[tex] \huge \bold \color{blue}[/tex]

5. Major element of a short story critique.​


The introductory paragraph for the short story critique has 3 major elements: the background, your opinion on the work as a whole, and the thesis. The background includes all of the relevant information






The introductory paragraph for the short story critique has 3 major elements: the background, your opinion on the work as a whole, and the thesis. The background includes all of the relevant information (especially who, what, when, where, and why) leading up to the thesis.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Explanation:

i hope it's help for you




6. What are the things you need to consider when you critic a short story? And howcritiquing helpful in making judgement?​


Things you need to consider:

When you make a critic of a short story, it is very important to be aware that you create it constructively. Constructive criticism helps the writer improve their story. The use of harsh words in your critic could ruin the writer's confidence and self-esteem. The purpose of criticizing is not hurting the person but by helping them to get better. Your judgment must be respectful and honest.




Conflict and Plot


Emotional / Intellectual payoff



Criticism is a form of communication.

Feedback helps make your product stronger.

It forces you to think about how you work.

The right kind of criticism can give you an advantage.

Use positive language, elicit a solution.

Don't take it personally.

Give both general and specific suggestions.

Follow up suggestions with specific solutions directly from the author's work, not someone else's.

Give feedback on both story-stuff--plot, characters, etc, as above--and editing.

A good critique is boththorough, and kind.


The purpose for writing a critique is to evaluate somebody's work a book, an essay, a movie, a order to increase the reader's understanding of it. A critical analysis is subjective writing because it expresses the writer's opinion or evaluation of a text.

How Helpful?:

Writing a critique on a work helps us to develop .A knowledge of the work's subject area or related works. An understanding of the work's purpose, intended audience, development of argument, structure of evidence or creative style. A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work.

7. how does your knowledge of elements help you in effectively critiquing a short story​

Knowledge about the elements of a story is helpful in critiquing short stories because the reviewer will be able to critique every aspect of a story without missing important details. Also, each element has a unique standard to be followed for the story to be considered good.

8. 48. Which statement is an incorrect way of critiquing a selection? a Critiquing a short story is noticing how the author poured his own story to the specific selection b. Critiquing is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the readers insight of the story. c Critiquing requires you reassemble the elements in such a way that your intended audience has a better understanding of the story's strengths, weaknesses, and highlights d. Critiquing a story is not primarily making a summary, rather, it gives




Pa Brianlest po

Thank you❤️

9. if you wil critique a short story, what is it? why? ​


Lola basyang


cuz its interisting

and yah ehe ehe


Story Critique Form

1. Originality. On a scale of 1 to 10, how original was this story? A 1 means that the story is cliché while a 10 means that it has at least a couple of ideas that I haven’t encountered before. ______2. Setting. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well was the setting developed? A 1 indicates that the setting was poorly developed. This means that is almost completely disappeared from the story, or that I felt confused as to where and when the tale took place in one or more scenes. Of course, the author should involve all of the senses in describing his or her setting. A 10 means that not only is the setting well-developed, but it informs every aspect of the story—from character development to tone and narrative style. In a story that rates a 10, the setting itself is a powerful draw for the story, and the author succeeded in transporting me into the tale. ______3. Characterization. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well-drawn are the characters in the story? Good characters should convince us that they grew up in the world or setting that we’ve placed them in. They should have complex motives and be imbued with conflicting attitudes about life, ethics, politics, and so on. The characters should have friends, enemies, acquaintances, secrets, desires and fears. The character should have a physical body, with a physical history. The character should have a family, of course, and some type of history, along with a place in society. In short, with a poorly drawn character, we know virtually nothing about him by the end of the story. With a well-drawn character, we feel as if we know him intimately by the end of the story. ______4. Conflict and Plot. On a scale of1 to 10, how interesting are the conflicts? Since the characters, along with their motives and abilities really lead to a plot, then one must also consider the twists and turns of the plot. How inventive are they? How exciting? How engrossing? ______5. Emotional/intellectual payoff. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did this story arouse powerful emotions? If it did arouse powerful emotions, were they the proper emotions for the intended audience (as gauged by the age and sex of the protagonists)? Remember that the author shouldn’t be hitting the same emotional beats over and over again. Instead, the author should be creating an emotional symphony, where counter-beats help raise the emotional payoff. ______6. Theme. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did this story speak to the reader? Does it raise interesting questions about life and provide profound insights? A rating of “1” means that I don’t really see either one. A rating of “10” means that the author astounded me. ______7. Treatment. On a scale of 1 to 10, how masterfully was the tale written on a line-by-line basis? A poor story, a tale that earns a 1, might be difficult to read simply because of something like “pronoun reference problems,” or it may be marred by typos and grammatical problems. A tale worthy of a 10 will be written not only in language that is beautiful and evocative, but it will also move with effortless pacing. Too often, authors who write beautifully work too hard to impress the reader and end up cluttering the tale will too many metaphors or overwrought pacing. In doing so, they struggle to draw attention to themselves rather than tell a story.

10. Choose a short story or a persuasive essay and write a critique about it. Follow the following guide in writing your critique.


How to start a critique

Sentence 1: A book's author + its title + the main idea. Be objective, and use so-called evaluative verbs to power your writing.

Sentence 2: A book's summary + its purpose (a core argument). Stay unbiased and avoid details.

Sentence 3: A brief statement of your evaluation.

11. Critiquing a short story means...?​


an analytic o critical review of a book or short story is not primarily a summary: rather, it comments on and evaluates the work in the light of specific issues and theoritical concerns in a course.

12. How to write a short critique for poems, stories, or film reviews.


Images, perception, identification or opinions more than that you need more information about it...making a poem is not quite hard but also with more feelings and clarification it's the most important sources for your critique..


while your doing that kind of poem or film or even stories it's start by how you seen that or express the images about'll give you some ideas and optimistic thought of how will you describe this kind of poem..

let's give some examples

Roses are red violets are blue

Just me and you forever be true.

When I'm with you the pacific ocean

is also smiling upon you...

Achievement is what I got

but it's not a dream come TRUE,

A goal in my life is all because of YOU.

Live to the fullest where you could cherish

Live to choose what's right where you could perish.

13. Write a short story critique?

      Oftentimes, the society pictures out women as weak and vulnerable. And, sometimes they are being objectified.  But, what images of women are portrayed in the frame story Arabian Nights?

      In a patriarchal society, women’s images are portrayed negatively. However, in the story of Arabian Nights, it is clear that women have power and freedom in making decisions. They are portrayed as intelligent and brave. Switching gears, the role of women in the society has given less attention in the last few decades but now, they are given importance with a support coming from people and government. Before, women were just seen as wives who were intended to do household chores, cook and even taking care of the kids. Moreover, they had limited access in the workplace, and worse, their rights were deprived.  But today, women are an integral part of today’s society. Soon enough, women have important roles and equal rights in the society just like men. 

14. What are the parts of short story critique?


A story has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow.

15. critique a short story based on its elemented to​



Conflict and Plot.

Emotional/intellectual payoff.




Correct me if I'm wrong.


16. What do you think is the importance and revelance of critiquinga short story?​

Critiquing a short story makes an author think the problem of the story and do better for his next stories. It can also helps us to describe the short story, if it is either a beautiful or sad story.

17. I realize that in critiquing a short story, I need to focus on​


I need to focus on present conflicts and ways primary characters instigate change by facing difficult circumstances

hope it helps

18. Guidelines to Writing a Short Story Critique​


read the story atleast twice

dont only focus on the bad elements

provide detailed example

keep the big picture in mind


hope it helps

19. Write a short critique in the story of Pandora’s Box Help meee

Hesiod’s Works and Days – a kind of instruction manual and general book of fraternal wisdom which Hesiod wrote for his brother, Perses – lays out the meaning of the Pandora myth with admirable clarity by pairing it with the story of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to man. (Hesiod’s poem is also, by the way, our oldest source for the Prometheus story as well as the Pandora myth.)

Because Prometheus had tried to trick the gods, Zeus devised a punishment for mankind that would let evil into the world.

This punishment took the form of the first woman, Pandora, whose name means ‘All-Gifts’, because Zeus got Hermes, the messenger of the gods, to deliver to man via Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. Prometheus warned his brother not to accept gifts from Zeus, but Epimetheus didn’t heed the warning.

Pandora unstopped a jar Epimetheus had in his possession for safe-keeping, the jar containing all the toils and sicknesses and other unspecified evils, and in taking the lid off the jar, Pandora let them out into the world.

According to Hesiod, she put the lid back on the jar just in time to prevent hope from escaping too, although, as the translator M. L. West notes in his edition of Hesiod’s work, Theogony and Works and Days (Oxford World’s Classics), Hesiod doesn’t give the jar clear symbolic meaning. (We discuss Hesiod in more detail here.)

20. how does your knowledge of elements help you in effectively critiquing a short story​


Knowledge about the elements of a story is helpful in critiquing short stories because the reviewer will be able to critique every aspect of a story without missing important details. Also, each element has a unique standard to be followed for the story to be considered good.

21. short story critique ​


Typically, the introduction is short (less than 10% of the word length) and you should: Name the work being reviewed as well as the date it was created and the name of the author/creator. Describe the main argument or purpose of the work.

22. Present a 2-minutes recorded video Critique or give comment on the short story "How Odin Lost His Eye".​





23. Question:1 What are the elements of a short story? 2 What are the types of conflict? 3. How would you critique the theme of a story?ANSWER PLSS​


elements of a short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

two type of conflicts: internal and external


#CarryOnLearning #WeCanDoThis #ForTheFuture

24. critique about the short story cell phone addiction​

I'll send the answer on the comment. (I can't post it brainly wouldn't let me)

25. short story critique​


reaction comes with your understanding of the circumstances. how do Situations affect your mood towards the story

26. write short story critique​


why critique called a word?cause it just a name disappeared and it spread by but unknown they not spread it cause that word just super hide wo can find only a fool can find also


hope it will help

27. example of short story critique

The author presents his main theme of fate by bringing the reader to a family’s holiday which is unfortunately brought to a sudden end by a murder (O’Connor 36). The grandmother argues that the family should go to Tennessee instead of Florida. Her insistence makes the family to deviate from the right path in an attempt to look for a fake treasure. The rebelliousness the family exhibits is a sign of moral decadence. The grandmother’s decision makes the family appear like it admires the Misfit. At the beginning of the story, the author illustrates clearly that the family was to suffer in the hands of Misfit. O’Connor effectively uses characterization in this story. He uses symbolism to show how the morals of a society have been destroyed (O’Connor 36).


In the story ”A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, the author features the grandmother as a central character. Her character is evidently presented in the story as a very pushy persona who dearly loves herself to an extent of being myopic (O’Connor 36). Similarly, the author paints her as an authoritative and manipulative person. This is confirmed when she manages to push the family to reschedule its plan. Her mean character is noticeably shown when she wants to visit the house she used to live in when she was young. Following her conversation with her son Bailey, the old woman tries to pressure him to change his plan to her advantage. Her character is the same up till the end of the story (Getz 234).

O’Connor extensively uses characterization to bring out lack of respect and poor discipline in America’s society. The message in his story can be understood from differences that subsist between the old and young generations (O’Connor 36). The grandmother in the story symbolizes the old generation. The author describes how the old lady clothes herself such that even if a misfortune occurs, any person could easily recognize that she was a female because of her dressing. In the past, there were good morals. The children could respect the elder people and everybody in the society would reinforce such behavior all the time (Getz 234). However, the grandchildren are immoral and undisciplined. The author through his employing of characterization elements shows that Misfit is a product of crumbled values and culture devoid of demeanor. However, Misfit seems to be respectful in a way especially when he uses polite words like ‘Maam’.

Similarly, O’Connor uses symbolism in the story to show bereavement and faith. The author says that the family deviates from the good road to follow a dreadful one where they end up getting killed. This symbolizes how people move away from the kingdom of God to go to down the evil paths. The town’s name called “Toombsboro” is used by the author to symbolize death (O’Connor 36). The old woman hopes that she would find a plantation in Toombsboro town. It is in this town still that the old lady is sidetracked. This symbolizes that her faith in Jesus is getting low. In the story, the author writes that June and John tries to guess what the sky’s color is. The clouds in are used by the author to present the faith of the old lady (Getz 234). At the end of the story, we are told that there are no clouds anymore and the sky has nothing. The author is trying to show that the old woman’s faith at that stage is already depleted. The author uses a grave yard to symbolize death. Furthermore, in his quote “big black battered hearse like automobile” is applied to show that death is the final destination (O’Connor 36).

The author strongly backs up his theme by titling the story “A Good man is hard to find”. He uses personalities like Misfit to support it. This propping up is evidenced by the use the grandchildren and Jesus. In the story, the old woman says that she could go with her children anywhere and could give answer to her consciousness if possible. Finally, this lady comes into a situation where she tries to give answers to her conscience by frustratingly assuming that Misfit is not a bad person. Misfit on the other hand insists that indeed he is a bad person (O’Connor 36). Misfit compares himself to Jesus where he says that Jesus suffered for other people’s sins just the same way he got punished for mistakes he never did. The theme that “a good man is hard to find” undoubtedly refers to Jesus. This is because Misfit tries to compare himself to Jesus but he finally commits a murder. The old woman’s shaky faith in Jesus is over. By Jesus not delivering her shows that indeed “a good man is hard to find.”

28. choose a short story and write a critique about it. following guide in writing your critique?​


Ayan na po ung sagot


hope it's help

29. Compose a CRITIQUE of the short story the necklace by Guy de Maupassant​.


The story is good and it emphasizes that you should tell the truth and don't lie so you don't suffer. If they told the truth about the necklace they wouldn't suffer that much

30. i realized that in critiquing a short story i need to focus on?​


place, time,and date,


hahah..hirap magisip..yan lng muna

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