How The Environment Reinforces And Punishes Modeling

How The Environment Reinforces And Punishes Modeling

compare and contrast positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement , and punishment​

Daftar Isi

1. compare and contrast positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement , and punishment​


In operant conditioning, positive and negative do not mean good and bad.


I'm not sure but I hope you help

In operant conditioning, positive and negative do not mean good and bad. Instead, positive means you are adding something, and negative means you are taking something away. Reinforcement means you are increasing a behavior, and punishment means you are decreasing a behavior.

2. 5. Given this experience, what are your thoughts about operant conditioning? Doyou think children reinforce and punish adults as adults reinforce and punishthem? How might the two be interdependent?​


The most effective way to teach a person or animal a new behavior is with positive reinforcement. In positive reinforcement, a desirable stimulus is added to increase a behavior.


Hope it helps

3. In operant conditioning in Psychology. "Walang kakain hangga't walang huling isda". What type of reinforcement or punishment? positive or negative? reinforcement or punishment?

In operant conditioning, reinforcement refers to the addition of a rewarding stimulus after a desired behavior is exhibited, while punishment refers to the addition of an aversive stimulus after an undesired behavior is exhibited. "Walang kakain hangga't walang huling isda" could be an example of negative punishment, where the removal of a rewarding stimulus (in this case, food) is used to decrease the likelihood of a behavior (not catching a fish) occurring in the future. It is important to note that reinforcement and punishment are not necessarily positive or negative, but rather refer to the addition or removal of a stimulus in response to a behavior.


Have a great day!

4. How can punishment be of no avail ?


•in a crime,if there is so called blood money,the money that the criminals pay to the family of the victim


Pa Brainliest naman po ty


in a crime, if there is so called blood money, the money that the criminals pays to the family of the victim

5. The serpent's punishment for his environment in the temptation of adam and eve was. ​


The serpent's punishment is to be a snake and to crawl on its belly and eat dust.

6. what kinds of behavior on the part of children elicit reinforcement and punishment consequences from the adult​


None. The parent must consciously choose his or her reactions. It is never the fault or duty of the child — to “elicit" anything. Parents should have stable, reliable rules — written out if possible — upon which the child can rely. That's not to say that a child shouldn't be reprimanded but to say that his or her present behavior should be met with constant, calm responses at every juncture. xx

7. human activities and landslidesReinforce,reiterate where/ in which environment each of the hazard is experienced or is more prominent.​

5 Facts So Weird You Won't Believe They're True

There's a company that turns dead bodies into an ocean reef. ...

The name "bonobo" resulted from a misspelling. ...

There is an annual Coffee Break Festival. ...

You can buy a flying bicycle. ...

Dolphins sleep with one eye open. ...

Vacuum cleaners were originally horse-drawn.

8. what kinds of behavior of adult are reinforced or punished by the children?​


kayo na bahalng humusga


Reinforcement means you are increasing a behavior, and punishment means you are decreasing a behavior. Reinforcement can be positive or negative, and punishment can also be positive or negative. All reinforcers (positive or negative) increase the likelihood of a behavioral response. All punishers (positive or negative) decrease the likelihood of a behavioral response.

9. which is the best way to discipline student, a corporal punishment or Positive reinforcement? 3. Follow the Format in writing the exposition. a Introduction (Statement of position) A. Body (Arguments) C. Conclusion (Reinforcement of statement of position)essay ​


uidance and discipline are important for a child’s growth education and development as a way to prepare the child for their future stage as an adult living productively and peacefully in society. However, there are important limits on how children can be disciplined. Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment fail to recognise children as full rights holders and disrespect their inherent dignity and right to physical integrity as human beings. Child development principles advocate instead for the use of alternative measures, which are commonly referred to as “positive discipline”, and consist of non-violent, solution-focused and respectful ways to discipline children. Only positive discipline is consistent with international human rights standards and in particular, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention against Torture. This new tool is further helpful in implementing a range of Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 16.2.

10. How does modern technology reinforce recreational plays? How does modern technology reinforce recreational plays?

How does modern technology reinforce recreational plays?

The consensus among population is that technology has enhanced the quality of leisure, as it made possible for people to communicate faster, to connect to remote areas more easily and it brought along all kinds of new pieces of equipment people use for fun activities, like gaming consoles, exercising machines.


11. Which of the following supports preventive discipline? A. Stating rules B. Giving rewards C. Inflicting punishment D. Providing reinforcement


[tex]\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}[/tex]


A. [tex]Stating\:Rules[/tex]

I hope it helps ❤❤❤

#Compassion Squad ❤❤❤

#Carry on learning ❤❤❤



12. 5. How did your family deal with wrong behavior?1 Subtle reinforcement2 Accepted in the name of love3 Guilt trip4 Severe punishment5 Discussion6 Loving, firm discipline​


5. Discussion

6. Loving, firm discipline

13. in short reinforcing a behavior through rewards or punishment only last temporally?​


... criticism to operant conditioning that there is no lasting behavioral change, in short reinforcing a behavior through rewards or punishment only lasts temporarily ...

14. The word positive,when combined with the words reinforcement or punishment,means only that the behavior is followed by the (presentation/ withdrawal) _______________ of something.

my answer is presentationANSWER: Presentation

The word positive,when combined with the words reinforcement or punishment,means only that the behavior is followed by the (presentation/ withdrawal) presentation of something.


15. If the students are affected by neutral operant ...If the students are affected by the reinforcements ...Positive reinforcement ... and Negative reinforcement ... If the students are affected by punishes ... ADD MORE PLEASE IT'S ABOUT OPERANT CONDITIONING​


if i become hondsome its a tao

16. how did it reinforce your understanding of the tpack model of technology integration​


The TPACK model incites teachers, researchers, and teacher educators to move beyond oversimplified approaches that treat technology as an afterthought, redirecting their attention to the ways in which the connections among technology, content, and pedagogy, unravel within the classroom setting (Mishra & Koehler, 2009).


17. You are the CEO of your company and you observe that your employees have been using their phones always even during working hours. As a result, you notice some errors and mistakes in their outputs. As a professional and understanding boss, you want them to stop such distracting habit so they can focus on their work and produce high-quality outputs. Having knowledge about reinforcement, punishment, observation and behavioral modeling, how will you communicate to them and what will you do to address such dilemma?


Since your the CEO,you must be stern yet fair to your employees.Okay since the over used of mobile phones is a problem in your workplace,you need to limit their time or say that they can only use their phones for emergency or break times.Besides in a company high quality work is very important so you need to maintain your employees focus and proficieny on their jobs if you want to have a successful and strong and credible business


pa brainliest naman

18. what kinds of behavior on the part of children elicit reinforcement and punishment consequences from the adult​


None. The parent must consciously choose his or her reactions. It is never the fault or duty of the child — to “elicit" anything. Parents should have stable, reliable rules — written out if possible — upon which the child can rely. That's not to say that a child shouldn't be reprimanded but to say that his or her present behavior should be met with constant, calm responses at every juncture.

19. D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/iesHow can you help in protecting and taking care of the environment?​


by helping cleaning the sorrundings, telling people to trow thier trash at the right place, picking up the garbage and dig a deep hole to where i put my trash

20. What kinds of reinforcements and punishments seem to be the most "successful"?


Research has indicated that physical punishment is the most effective kind of punishment.

When used correctly, positive reinforcement can be very effective. 3 Positive reinforcement is most effective when it occurs immediately after the behavior. Reinforcement should be presented enthusiastically and should occur frequently.

21. If the students are affected by neutral operant ...If the students are affected by the reinforcements ...Positive reinforcement ... and Negative reinforcement ... If the students are affected by punishes ... ADD MORE PLEASE IT'S ABOUT OPERANT CONDITIONING​


Need ko lang po ng points huhu ty



22. how does god punish cain?​


Cain attacked his brother and killed him. What would Jehovah do about this? Jehovah punished Cain by sending him far away from his family. Cain would never be allowed to come back.

23. Reinforce,reiterate where in which environment each of the hazard is experienced or is more prominent.​


I dont know

sorry dont know the answer

24. Cite where - Positive reinforcement - Negative reinforcement - punishment Is present - Make sure that your example is a personal experience. Explain/elaborate how it is existed​


Positive reinforcement:

Example: When I was a child, my parents would praise me whenever I did well in school or completed a task without being asked. For example, if I received an A on a test, my parents would congratulate me and give me a small reward, such as taking me out for ice cream. This positive reinforcement encouraged me to continue working hard and striving for success.

Explanation: Positive reinforcement is a type of operant conditioning where a desirable behavior is reinforced by adding a positive stimulus, such as praise, rewards, or incentives. In my personal experience, my parents used positive reinforcement to encourage and reinforce my good behavior, which in turn motivated me to continue performing well.

Negative reinforcement:

Example: In my current job, I have a manager who often criticizes my work and points out my mistakes. When I correct the mistake, my manager stops criticizing me and offers praise instead. This negative reinforcement motivates me to work harder and avoid making mistakes in the future.

Explanation: Negative reinforcement is another type of operant conditioning where a behavior is reinforced by removing an unpleasant or aversive stimulus. In my personal experience, my manager uses negative reinforcement by removing the unpleasant criticism once I have corrected my mistake, which motivates me to continue performing well in my job.


Example: When I was a child, I remember stealing candy from a store. My parents found out and punished me by taking away my allowance for a week. This punishment taught me that stealing was wrong and helped me understand the consequences of my actions.

Explanation: Punishment is a type of operant conditioning where a behavior is discouraged by adding an unpleasant or aversive stimulus, such as scolding, spanking, or taking away privileges. In my personal experience, my parents used punishment to discourage my negative behavior and teach me the importance of making responsible choices.

25. Explain why rewards for success or accomplishment are better ways to provide reinforcement than punishment for a failure.​


People often find positive reinforcement easier to swallow than other methods of training, since it doesn't involve taking anything away or introducing a negative consequence. It's also much easier to encourage behaviors than to discourage them, making reinforcement a more powerful tool than punishment in most cases.

26. Although Johnny loves his cat, he is often too rough with it. To stop the behavior, the parents tell him they will take away his favorite toy. Based on operant conditioning this is considered a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Positive punishment d. Negative punishment​


a is the right answer hope it will help..

27. how can punishment be of no avail ?

in a crime,if there is so called blood money,the money that the criminals pay to the family of the victim

28. Give two real-life examples of each form of learning. For Classical Conditioning, show the process of learning similar to the one presented in the discussion and make sure to identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned/conditioned response and neutral/conditioned stimulus. For Operant Conditioning, identify what kind of reinforcement or punishment it is. For Observational Learning, present it using the steps in the modeling process. ​


Classical conditioning:

A person becomes afraid of dogs after being bitten by a dog in the past. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is the dog bite, the unconditioned response is fear, and the neutral stimulus is the presence of a dog. After the initial bite, the person experiences fear every time they see a dog (the conditioned stimulus). The presence of a dog now elicits the conditioned response of fear.

A person salivates at the sight of food after consistently eating a meal at the same time every day. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is the food, the unconditioned response is salivation, and the neutral stimulus is the sound of a timer going off. After consistently eating a meal at the same time every day, the sound of the timer (the conditioned stimulus) elicits the conditioned response of salivating at the sight of food.

Operant conditioning:

A student receives praise from their teacher for turning in all of their assignments on time, which increases the likelihood that they will turn in their assignments on time in the future. This is an example of positive reinforcement, as the student is receiving a positive consequence (praise) for their behavior.

A child is consistently scolded by their parent for not cleaning their room, which decreases the likelihood that they will forget to clean their room in the future. This is an example of punishment, as the child is receiving a negative consequence (scolding) for their behavior.

Observational learning:

A child watches their parent cook a meal and mimics their actions while cooking a meal themselves. In this example, the child is the observer, the parent is the model, and the cooking is the behavior being learned. The child pays attention to the model's behavior and reproduces it, which is the imitation step. The child may also receive positive reinforcement (praise) for their cooking, which is the reinforcement step.

A group of coworkers observe their manager's effective communication style and adopt it themselves in their own communication with clients. In this example, the coworkers are the observers, the manager is the model, and effective communication is the behavior being learned. The coworkers pay attention to the model's behavior, reproduce it, and receive positive reinforcement (praise or positive feedback from clients) for their improved communication, which are the attention, imitation, and reinforcement steps of the modeling process.

29. Write Pr if the statement refers to the positive reinforcement , nr for negative reinforcement pu for punishment and ex if it is refers to extinction​


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nasan Yong questions para masagutan

30. Reinforce,Reiterate where /in which environment each of the hazard is experienced or is more prominent.​


Air contaminants.

Toxic waste.


Disease-causing microorganisms and plants


Heavy metals.

Chemicals in consumer products.

Extreme temperatures and weather events.


Biological, Chemical, and Physical Environmental Hazards. Environmental hazards can also be classified into three interrelated categories (biological, chemical, and physical) based on the properties of their causes.


sorry diko alam sorry talaga

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