Love In Today s Society Essay

Love In Today s Society Essay

readers and society today essay

Daftar Isi

1. readers and society today essay


Reading is essential as it opens us up to a universe of feelings


2. description of your society today? essay​


Society is neither an agglomeration of men, women and children nor their coming together to achieve an object with an eye on their eventual disagreement. In sociology, the term society refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of the norms of interaction that arise among them.

Functionally, society may be defined as a complex of groups in reciprocal relationships interacting upon one another, enabling each person to achieve the fulfillment of life. Further society may be viewed dynamically. Society may be viewed as the process of stimulus response relationship which result in interaction, communication and consensus.

3. Are love and justice possible in our society today? How can the wisdom of the prophet Amos help us live out the values of love and justice?


Love and justice can exist in society today, but achieving these values can be a challenge due to the complexities and flaws of human nature and the systems that govern our community. Love and justice require effort, compassion, and a willingness to confront and address injustice and inequality.

The wisdom of the prophet Amos can help guide us in the pursuit of love and justice. Amos was a prophet in the Hebrew Bible who spoke out against social injustice, corruption, and oppression in ancient Israel. His message was of righteousness and justice, and he called on the people to repent of their wrongdoing and seek a closer relationship with God.

Some key themes from the book of Amos that can help us live out the values of love and justice include:

Social justice: Amos spoke out against the exploitation and oppression of the poor and marginalized and called for fair treatment and equality for all people.

Righteousness: Amos emphasized the importance of living a righteous and moral life and called on the people to turn away from their sins and seek reconciliation with God.

Mercy and compassion: Amos called on the people to show mercy and compassion to those in need and to act with kindness and compassion towards others.

Repentance: Amos called on the people to confess their sins, seek forgiveness, turn away from their wrongdoing and seek a closer relationship with God.

By following the wisdom of Amos and seeking to embody these values in our lives, we can work towards creating a more loving and just society.

4. Assessment 2 Write a short essay entitled the Government and the Society Today.​


"Readers and society today"

The society today is toxic as well as the readers. Because, Nowadays there are so many things being change, We people expect more. However, we all have difference perspective so the Readers today and the society today are different because we all have our own way to live.


pls po pa pa heart po and pa 5star narin po thank you

5. ESSAY:As a learner, what is your significant contribution in our society today?​

As a learner, my significant contribution to our society today is to become a responsible student. A responsible student honors their commitments - to others and to themselves. They submit their assignments and module on time with a quality answer. During performance tasks, they do their share to support the team. Responsible students agree to take that they are responsible for their own learning.

Student Responsibilities  

These are the student responsibilities to acquire learning:

Regular in attending lessons.Comes to class prepared.Finishing all assignments on time.Manage time wisely.Habitual reading.

Student Skills

The following are important skills a student should have:  

Time ManagementStress ManagementStudy SkillsFinancial Management

Open the links to learn more:

Why is responsibility important for you as a student? :

What responsibility should I take or act as a student?:

What is the role of a responsible student facing the new trend in



6. ESSAY:<br />As a learner, what is your significant contribution in our society today?​



•As a learner, my significant contribution to our society today is to become a responsible student. A responsible student honors their commitments - to others and to themselves. ... Responsible students agree to take that they are responsible for their own learning.

7. What type of society do we lived in today?​


We live in a society wherein change are irrevocable. We do not really know what happens next still take delight with what we have right now for that will make our living smoother.


chaotic because of some issues

8. We live in a fair and just society today . Agree or disagree




because we lived now in society with Freedom of Speech, Human Rights and etc.

9. Example of Contemporary today s Society.​


Contemporary society refers to the modern society, in existence at the time being, and the social features it relates to. It is a dynamic reference, with the exact features being referred to changing from generation to generation.

The contemporary society at the moment features great technological dependence and innovations, longer average life spans in people, higher levels of literacy, and such things as greater levels of gender equality. Technological advances have also led to the notion of globalization and a higher awareness of international concerns. Towards the future, these features of the society are going to evolve, and either develop further, or recede into oblivion, as other contemporary issues take over.

10. essay about a current issue or a sociopolitical situation that is very relevant in our society today​


sorry shih tzu for rent na

11. As a learner what is your significant contribution in our society today essay


As a learner, I believe my contribution to our society is to be attentive and sensitive to all occurring and situations right now, since I do not trust everything I see on the internet.

Instead, I always double-check it to see whether it is correct. It's difficult to live in our culture today, where fake news and false information abound on the internet. Sensitivity because I accept and comprehend everyone's uniqueness.

I do not follow trends and fads that have a negative impact on everyone, as well as trends that generate violations in humanity, which I detest. As a citizen, I advocate for equality and strive to prevent bias.

It is crucial to demonstrate initiative and effort toward significant things, as well as to volunteer for them. Making students volunteer in orphanages, nursing homes, and other organizations that support our community.

Participating in community and self-development activities is what it means to contribute to society. Participating in communal decision-making processes, for example, volunteering for and contributing to charity, constructive participation in social networks, or concerted attempts to improve one's personal wellness and character.

Students may organize cleaning drives, book drives, community service for the elderly, and tree planting activities in their communities, taking modest steps toward a larger goal. They can also help out in places like old age homes, orphanages, and rehab facilities by volunteering.

Ways to Help Your CommunityVolunteer. One of the most rewarding ways to give back to the community is through taking part in volunteer activities. Clean Up Your Community. Making your neighborhood a more pleasant place to live may be accomplished by cleaning up rubbish and performing some yard work. Assistance to Neighbors Donate things.Donations of money.

To understand more on contribution in our society, kindly click this link below:


12. In our society today, How will you bring God's love among the unlovable persons? Explain.


It's easy to love people who love you back. But then ... How to love the unlovable ... In 1 John 3:14-15, John, one of Jesus' closest friends, warns us that hating someone makes us murderers in our hearts. ... But with God's help, we are able to love others the way Jesus wants us to ... Why We Give · Give Now · Giving History ...

13. What is the Internet's role in today's society? Essay.


The Internet has become a crucial part of modern society. It is used for a wide range of purposes, including communication, information sharing, and entertainment. The Internet has greatly improved the way people communicate with one another, allowing them to connect with friends and family members all over the world. It has also made it easier for people to access information on any topic they can think of, which has greatly enhanced their ability to learn and grow. In addition, the Internet has opened up new opportunities for businesses, allowing them to reach customers all over the world and expand their operations. Overall, the Internet has had a profound impact on society, and it continues to play a central role in the way people live their lives.


The internet has become an integral part of modern society, and plays a significant role in many aspects of our daily lives.

First and foremost, the internet is a tool for communication and information sharing. It allows people to connect with one another and share ideas, opinions, and information in real time, regardless of where they are located. This has greatly facilitated the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and has made it possible for people to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues, even when they are physically far apart.

The internet has also revolutionized the way we access and consume information. In the past, information was primarily accessed through books, newspapers, and other physical media. Today, the internet has made it possible to access a vast amount of information with just a few clicks, and has made it easier than ever to find and share information on a wide range of topics.

In addition to its role in communication and information sharing, the internet has also become an essential tool for commerce. Online shopping, e-commerce, and digital payment systems have made it possible for people to buy and sell goods and services without having to meet face-to-face. This has greatly expanded the reach of businesses, and has made it possible for people to access a wider range of products and services from around the world.

The internet has also facilitated the development of new technologies and innovations. The open and interconnected nature of the internet has enabled rapid collaboration and innovation, and has helped to drive the development of new technologies and applications. These innovations have had a profound impact on many aspects of our lives, from the way we communicate and access information, to the way we work and do business.

Overall, the internet has greatly expanded the possibilities for human connection and communication, and has had a profound impact on many aspects of our lives. It has facilitated the exchange of ideas and information, and has made it possible for people to connect and communicate with one another in ways that were previously unimaginable. As such, the internet has become an indispensable part of modern society, and its role will only continue to grow in the future.

14. essay about the positive and negative impact of ICT to the society today.​

Today, information technology (IT) plays crucial role in our daily life. It is used in almost every aspect of our lives from banking to communication. However, due to the fast changing nature of IT, there are many negative as well as positive impacts associated with this industry. Negative effects include loss of privacy and security, increase in crime rate, increased unemployment, reduced productivity, etc. Positive impacts include increased access to information, improved communication, decreased cost, etc.

15. As a learner what is your significant contribution in our society today essay

The role of the learner in making a significant contribution to our society.

    In society, there is a hope that a learner can contribute to society with the skills or knowledge they get from the learning process. And I personally also hope to make a significant contribution to today's society.

    As a learner who learns about the earth and the environment, one of the things I do to make a significant contribution is to join a community whose mission is to prevent climate warming and promote cleanliness and environmental friendliness. We also carry out several projects such as cleaning the beach together, planting trees, and raising funds for the environment. When I joined this community, I feel succeeded in doing one thing and giving a significant role in society, especially in environmental issues.

    In the future, as a learner, of course, I want to learn more things to be able to do or participate in more activities to make more significant contributions to society.

Learn more about learners' significant contributions to our society.


16. essay that discusses the importance of love in the world today​


Love is important to all of the people because ut help us to be comfortable in socializing with other people. Love is one of the reason why there's a happy family in the world. Its hard to be happy without love in your heart.You need to love other people not only your family and relatives. Its important to love people in the world because it helps you to be happy in your life.

17. as a learner what is your significant contribution in our society today?essay answer please help me❤️​


as a student who still learning i think my significant contribution in our society today is my knowledge, because im sharing my knowledge to everyone who needs it. In short my contribution in our society is ny education. we still learning and we still haved many things to do as a learner. Just educate and share your knowledge to everyone

18. Activity 3: ESSAYQuestion:As a learner, what is your significant contribution in our society today?Discussion:​



Even if I am still a student. I still have a significant contribution to the society by means of educating myself for the future, so that I will become a valuable person in the society. I have made multitudinous commitments to society, essentially on the grounds that I have settled on it my decision to be an altruistic person. I give cash to causes when I can stand to do as such. All the more critically, I make myself accessible for the individuals who need direction and help and for the whole society. It doesn't take a ton to be a contributing citizen.

I'm not a major aficionado of expressing the things that I do, however since you asked, here are a couple. Somewhat recently, on top of taking part in a beneficent gathering, I've coordinated a garments drive that gave attire not exclusively to various younger students, yet in addition wound up with the Salvation Army having dress to provide for those attempting to restart their lives. My family and I gave Thanksgiving supper to two unique families. I give each and every year to numerous school supply drives. As a picture taker, I volunteer my administrations at whatever point I am inquired.

Moreover, I have a place with a creature salvage bunch, and in the past I have encouraged many mishandled canines and felines. I can't encourage right now, so I appear at appropriation occasions when I am capable and I make food and financial gifts when I am ready to do as such.

19. ESSAY:what does our society look like today?​


We are living in a society in which rapidly changing, the people and living things around us. Naturally occuring phenomenon cannot be stopped and continue distructing our home, livelihoods and other things around us.


toxic and stressful


because so many people hunger and suffering in the rotten system

20. What type of the society do we live in today?​


I think trubles i guess

21. Essay. Explain the importance of DNA biotechnology in today's society. ​


Importance. DNA is central to biotechnology and medicine by virtue of the fact that it not only provides the basic blueprint for all life, it is a fundamental determinant of how the body functions and the disease process.



22. Describe the society in which we live in today

Our modern day society is polluted, corrupted and crawling with poverty, but truly within is beauty. Like a music in a box, it plays a sweet melody from beginning to the end. Though as it ends, it ends and when it begins, it begins. Although in a lackluster voice it says "we are united, we fight as one and we in salvation, fight in the face of danger". We are but wimps, but wimps are we to say what a country we live in, for it's radiant glow is clasped in it's hands. We are but a treacherous glory to our nobles, our people too shall. But before it comes, we are but in sewers with only the shine of the sun to give light in our path. Our soldiers grew evil as age passes by, savaged by the hands of men, we grow weaker and weaker. But our people learn from one another and in return, we grow stronger and stronger from it. Our society may be crippled for it us who have power to rule. 

23. what type of society do we live in today?​


a judgemental one


just a joke sorry

24. 2. What type of society do we live in today?​


We live in an egoistic, selfish, narcissistic Human society, regardless of the “ism”, ideology, political, economic system used.

the type of society we live in is very harsh , people nowadays are sensitive and judging ur every move , the learning capability we have today is very hard to keep up with , one of reasons why is that we have bad internet or being slow learners like me , but on the bright side , we get to change our styles, have so much time to change our old past selves to newer versions of ourselves the better one.

25. 2. What type of society do we live in today?​


harassment and many problem in the society


26. Create an reflective essay on the importance of Rizal's family to the perspective of the society today. (50 points)


Recognize the significance of Rizal's principles and teachings in light of current societal realities and events. To promote the use of such values in today's societal and personal difficulties and issues. To have a better appreciate and comprehension of everything Rizal fought and died for

27. Write short essay entitled "Readers and society today"​


"Readers and society today"

The society today is toxic as well as the readers. Because, Nowadays there are so many things being change, We people expect more. However, we all have difference perspective so the Readers today and the society today are different because we all have our own way to live.

28. 2. What type of society do we live in today?​


We live in a Democratic Society

29. What kind of society do we live in today?​


a bad one






30. in one or two sentences describe the roles of oarent in today s society.​


Answer: Father and mother play important role in our mental, physical, social, financial and career development. Parents are the most precious gift of God for us. They help us in every step of our life ,they trained us very hard style for the future challenges.



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