Rubrics For Poem Presentation

Rubrics For Poem Presentation

create a poem about the effects of human activities on the earth atmosphere write the poem and a whole sheet of bond paper and make it presentable a rubric will be used to score your output​

Daftar Isi

1. create a poem about the effects of human activities on the earth atmosphere write the poem and a whole sheet of bond paper and make it presentable a rubric will be used to score your output​

Earth is our home

But look what we have done

Littering, burning, mining and other things

All these will cause Earth's desctruction

2. Read the poem by Michael V. for 2022 election voters. Write your personal reaction to present your personal response to the literary poem. Write what you feel after reading the poem. Be guided by the given rubric below.​


yeah, it's really better to respect people's opinion because they decided to vote that person. Even though your chosen candidate didn't win, we still have to respect the next president.


3. Direction: Create a 4-line poem about health appraisal procedure. Mechanics: 1. Rhyming words 2. 4 lines poem 3. Correct / Proper capitalization 4. Correct Punctuation Rubrics: 4 - Created a poem about health appraisal procedure. (4 mechanics are present) 3 - Created a poem about health appraisal procedure but some information is lacking (3 mechanics are present) 2. Created a poem about health appraisal procedure but many information is not present. (2 mechanics are present) 1 - Have not created a poem.​


hello crush pa brainliest Naman jan

4. DIRECTION: In a short bond paper, construct your own original 3-5 stanza poem about what you feelnow that Cordillera Region is under GCQ again. Sensory images and adverbs must be present in yourpoem. Be guided with the rubrics at the back.​


i'm hungy


that's what I feel hehez

5. Activity 1 Write a blog Write a blog entry about poem. In the blog entry, include the following: why you liked this poem; how it made you feel; the message you got from it; and how it affects your appreciation of the past and the present. The rubric for the blog entry should be the following:​



As I sit down to reflect on my time in the English major at Berry, I’m roughly three

months removed from my last English class. At the moment, I’m in the middle of a semester-

long student teaching experience at Armuchee High School, finishing out my Secondary

Education minor and preparing for the “real world” of teaching that awaits me after May 10th


At this point, I’ve got some well-needed temporal, as well as practical, distance between myself

and the English classes that were a staple of my time at Berry. Truth be told, I miss them. On a

more relevant note, I’m thankful for them. In combination with my own extensive

extracurricular studies of literature – e.g. my annual summer reading and research projects

with books like Ulysses, Gravity’s Rainbow, and Infinite Jest – my English studies at Berry have

not only given me knowledge that I am using right now in the high school classroom but also

made me an overall better, more critical reader and writer. The discussions I’ve had (or rather,

given my introverted nature, mostly observed) in class have shown me how to engage with

others in good intellectual discussion and how a single text can be approached and analyzed

from a variety of angles. The connections I’ve made with professors, both in and out of the

classroom, have shown me much the same while giving me intellectual and personal role

models to look up to. In short, my experience as an English major at Berry has been an

enriching one, one that has prepared me both professionally and personally for the years after



i hope it help

6. Create an advocacy material or activity (flyer, jingle, poem composition, advocacy video, etc.) on raising awareness about the signs of an impending volcanic eruption. Your work/performance will be rated using the given rubric. Description Criteria Accuracy of the content All information presented are complete and reliable. It shows originality and creativity. The message conveyed is Only few of the information is correct. Some information presented are complete and reliable. It shows creativeness. Most of the information presented are complete and reliable. It shows originality and no creativity. The message conveyed is clear. Originality and creativity No originality and no creativity. No message conveyed. Clarity of the message The message is conveyed is not clear. very clear.​



Be prepared either to shelter or to evacuate.

Develop an evacuation plan and a sheltering plan for yourself ,your family and others in your household or community.

Review the plans and make sure that everyone understands them.

Take an emergency kit including: flashlight and extra batteries,first aid kit,food and water, essential medicine,eye protection (goggles), battery-powered radio, respiratory (breathing) protection and etc.


7. 1. Why is it so cold when you get out from the bathroom wet, but not as cold if you dry off first before getting out?2.Make a creative presentation of how water changes in a water cycle. The presentation can be in a form of comicstrip, poem, pop up booklet, etc.)Rubric for the output:Concept/Substance=20 ptsOrganization =15 ptsPresentation =15 ptsTOTAL =50 pts​

1. When you step out of a steamy shower, the water on your body starts to evaporate. You go from being in an extremely humid environment to one that is not so much, which is why evaporation happens.

yung number 2 yung nasa picture, nasa sayo kung gagawin mo yan, pero mas maganda kung sariling gawa mo

8. Reflection: Ridge or Mindanao Pacific Cordillera (MPC) The geologic evolution of MPC wan OC Mara Region occupies the northernmost portion of the Eastern Mindanao sequences. As time passes hy. composition of rocks evolved due to soil erosion and during Upper Cretaceous to Pleistocene time. These complex tectonic processes brought the juxtaposition of older metamorphic basement rocks with opholte suite of rocks later superposed by younger multiple stage island are volcano sedimentary for us to adhere what John Watson said "The layers of the rocks are the pages in our history book" You may present your answer in creative way, eg, using infographic, slogan, poster, 4-line poem, essay. 4-line song or any presentation at your preference Rubric 5- Ideas expressed scientifically consistent with the concepts and has no inisconception. 4- Ideas expressed scientifically consistent with the concepts but with minimal misconception 3- Ideas expressed scientifically but contain several misconceptions 2- Ideas are poorly expressed scientifically 1 - Ideas are vague and not precise 0-No discussion (Note: Score has to be multiplied by two)​


musta kayo sana ok lang kayo

9. TASK: Make a creative presentation expounding on the correct explanation on why earthquakes occur based on the movement of lithospheric plates. Focus on why the scientific explanation makes more sense than these myths. The presentation must be convincing but still respectful to the myths that are part of our cultural identity. The output could be a comics strip, an explainer video, a creative drawing, a poem, song, a rap or any creative expression that is able to explain the concepts. Refer to the rubrics below for the criteria for scoring. pa help po​


An earthquake is sudden ground movement caused by the sudden release of energy stored in rocks, called the elastic rebound theory. Earthquakes happen when so much stress builds up in the rocks that the rocks rupture. The energy is transmitted by seismic waves. Each year there are more than 150,000 earthquakes strong enough to be felt by people and 900,000 recorded by seismometers!

In an earthquake, the initial point where the rocks rupture in the crust is called the focus (sometimes called the hypocenter). The epicenter is the point on the land surface that is directly above the focus. In about 75% of earthquakes, the focus is in the top 10 to 15 kilometers (6 to 9 miles) of the crust. Shallow earthquakes cause the most damage because the focus is near where people live. However, it is the epicenter of an earthquake that is reported by scientists and the media.


10. DIGITAL PICTURE STORY ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Needs Needs Needs Total Major Minor Revisions | Revisions Revisions 0 1 2 Total Needs No Restions 3 1. GRAPHIC/IMAGES Do graphics/images add to the over all project? 2. CREATIVITY Does the output display a creative concept? Is it dynamic and go above and beyond to produce a quality project? 3. AUDIO/VIDEO QUALITY Does the video add imagery to the poem? Does the audio mix together well? 4. FINISHED PRODUCT Are the elements of the poem clearly presented in the project? Is the output well produced? Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. It is reading a longer text, usually for pleasure. a. extensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. reading approach 2. It is one way that will help students to solve their problems in reading a. reading approach b. extensive reading c. skimming d. scanning 3. It is used by the reader to find answers to questions a. skimming b. reading approach c, extensive reading d. scanning 4. This technique is useful when the students are seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension. a. reading approach b. scanning c. skimming d. extensive reading ​











not sure




11. Assess what you have learned You've reached this far and now you're ready to take the assessment to test whether you have learned significantly the lesson presented in this module. Please be guided that rubrics will be used to gauge the level of understanding and skills related to political ideologies that you've acquired. Poem Writing Direction: Show and express the differences among the underlying principles of the political ideologies found in the left, middle and right of the political spectrum through a four-line, four-stanza poem with a title. The highest possible score is 20 points. Use a long-sized bond paper for this assessment.can someone help me this? ​


Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism.


Sana po maka tulong pa Brainliests po please

12. Make a one-minute informative song, rap, or poem providing the information about axiomatic structure of a mathematical system. You may work as a group consisting of 4 members virtually. The song, rap, or poem must be presented in class through recorded video. Your points will be determined using the following rubrics.​



Let's look at three examples of axiomatic systems for a collection of committees selected

from a set of people. In each case, determine whether the axiomatic system is consistent or

inconsistent. If it is consistent, determine whether the system is independent or redundant,

complete or incomplete.

1. (a) There is a  nite number of people.

(b) Each committee consists of exactly two people.

(c) Exactly one person is on an odd number of committees.

Answer: This axiomatic system is inconsistent. In fact, we can prove that the  rst

two axioms imply that the number of people on an odd number of committees must

be even. This is sometimes called the Handshaking Theorem because it is often stated

in the form of pairs of people shaking hands (rather than serving on committees).

Handshaking Theorem: If various pairs of people among a  nite number

of people shake hands, the number of people who shake hands an odd number

of times is even.

Proof: Assume that there are n people. Let ai denote the number of times individual

i shakes hands, i = 1;:::;n. Let K denote the total number of handshakes that take

place. Then a1 + a2 + + an = 2K because every handshake is counted twice when

we add up the number of handshakes for each individual. Now 2K is an even number,

so the sum a1 + a2 + + an must be even. Therefore, the number of odd terms in

this sum must be evenStep-by-step

explanation:pa brainliest po

13. Write a poem or song describing you as a proud Filipino. The poem orsong shall comprise three stanzas wherein each stanza shall be composedwith four lines each. (use a long bond paper and present your poem withcreative design. ) See the rubrics on how you will be rated. ​.



I am a Filipino

Roses are red,Filipinos are brown

That's my race,So don't put it down

My Filipino pride I will not hide,

My Filipino race I won't disgrace.

My Filipino blood, Flows hot and true,My Filipino people I will stand right by you.

Through thick and thin

Until we die Our Philippine Flag

Always stands high.

I tell this poem,Louder than all the rest. Because everyone knows Filipinos are the best! Filipino blood is my kind We're unique people, you can't just find,So step aside and let me through Cause its all about the Filipino crew.


#Carry on learning

Brainliest me:))

14. 00Additional ActivitiesDirections: Create a poem about the effects ofhuman activities on the earth's atmosphere. Write the poem on awhole sheet of bond paper and make it presentable. A rubric will beused to score your output.Example of a free verse poem:Man is Earth's protectorMan is Earth's guardianMan lives within the planetThe man should not destroy itbrerome po paki sagot ​


Earth where the people live

Earth has better feature

Earth is a mother nature

Love the Earth

15. Make a presentation using the Tik-tok app about housing for animal in a dance, song or poem Form. If you do not have an electronic device write your piece on a pad paper. You will be graded using the rubrics below:​


search it on the chrome


hope it helps you

16. Let's Apply Write a free verse poem dedicated to our front liners who served amid the COVID- 19 pandemic. Your poem must have 3 stanzas with four lines each. Write your poem on a separate sheet of paper to be submitted next week (date) together with your module and complete answer sheets write it in modal vebs. Criteria 4 The entire poem is related to the Focus on assigned topic Assigned Topic and allows the reader to understand much more about the topic. Creativity Spelling and Punctuation Title Use of Modal Verbs RUBRIC FOR THE POEM 3 Most of the poem is related to the assigned topic. The poem wanders off at one point, but the reader can still learn something about the topic. The poem contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination. There are no spelling or punctuation errors. There is one spelling or punctuation permission, obligation, and prohibition are all correctly used in the poem. The poem contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The the poem. The author has used author has tried his imagination. to use his error. 2 Some of the poems are related to the assigned topic, but a reader does not learn much about the topic. Modal verbs of Two modal verbs are correctly used in the poem Title is creative, Title is related sparks interest to the poem and and is related to topic. the poem and topic. The poem contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from imagination. There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation 1 No attempt has been made to relate the poem to the assigned topic. errors. There is little evidence of creativity in the poem. The author does not seem to have used much imagination. There are more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors. Title is present, No title. but does not appear to be related to the poem and topic. One modal verb No modal verb is used correctly is used in the in the poem. poem.​


covid 19 is ah umm pandemic that are comes in China and its spread all over the world they have killed ah million or billion people

17. Extra care shall be manifested in the selection of news sources since the integrity of the news depends largely on the reliability of these sources. In the same manner, gathering your data for a news story shall be done carefully. In this activity you are tasked to compose a four to five stanza poem on the learnings you gained about the news sources and news gathering methods. Your output will be graded according to the rubric below.FOCUS LEVEL OF PERFORMANCEExcellent Good Poor1. The poem presents relevant ideas on the given topic.2. The poem is created with substance and creativity.3. The poem serves as a guidepost in data gathering.​


Yes but i am concerned of these question and i can possibly answer them in a easy way like this

18. DIRECTION:In a short bond paper, construct your own original 3-5 stanza poem about what you feelnow that Cordillera Region is under GCQ again. Sensory images and adverbs must be present in yourpoem. Be guided with the rubrics at the back.​


kayo na bahala jan magtiwala lang kayo sa sarili nyo

19. Activity: Write a poem depicting the importance of modern gadgets such as cellphone and other relateddevices. Cite their benefits and advantages and highlight the truthfulness and relevance of the ideas you wantto present. Write your answer on the space provided.Be guided by this rubric: Message - 5ptsChoice of words - 5ptsTruthfulness and relevance - 5pts​


gadgets is our life

we forgot to play outside,read a books and everything

there's a games in our gadget

that were playing all day

you didn't answer your modules

because of your gadgets


ayan lang po naisip ko

20. Performance Task 2: Leave and Save life!Objective: Reflect on Earth's energy that all movement comes from Earth's internal heat.What you need: long bond paper, Art MaterialsWhat to do: Read the passage carefully.Earthquake jolt and shake us. Volcanoes erupt, shooting ash and hot gases into the atmosphere andpouring molten rock over the land. Great mountain ranges gradually inch upward, over the course ofmillennia. Earth's geosphere is constantly moving and changing, and the energy for all that movementcomes from Earth's internal heat (Understanding Global Change, 2021).We all knew that Taal Volcano latest eruption happened last January 12, 2020, and it displaced morethan 376,000 people from surrounding towns. Based on the report from NASA, the damage brought by theeruption extended beyond plant life. Large numbers of livestock and pets were also left behind when tensof thousands of people evacuated. Ash even affected the fish-mainly the tilapia and milkfish-being raised inthousands of aquaculture pens in Taal Lake. According to the Taal Lake Aquaculture Alliance, Inc., about30% of the fish cages in the lake were destroyed during the eruption and to keep the remaining fish alivefarmers appealed the authorities to allow them to feed and harvest the fish to support their living duringlockdowns.Consider yourself as one of the authorities, would you allow the people to get near in still-active-volcano? Why? You may present your answer in creative way, e.g., using infographic, slogan, poster, 4-linepoem, essay, 4-line song or any presentation at your preference.Rubric5 - Ideas are expressed scientifically, consistent to the concepts and has no misconception.4 - Ideas are expressed scientifically, consistent to the concepts but with misconception.3 - Ideas are expressed scientifically but contains several contradictory concepts.2 - Ideas are poorly expressed scientifically.1 - Ideas are vague and unprecise.Note: Score is multiplied by 2Need ko po talaga please help me!​


376,000 follow moko please

the comfort and luxury of the world today

we have more than we did on any other day

no old fashioned letters and telephone calls today technology does it all

latest gadgets and gizmos we have access to that makes our days is easier to get through

separate fact from fiction

or look up a definition

technology has got you covered

better than you ever wondered

what you want you to get a reply

with a clear answer of how and why

technology can also give consequences

that's why keep in mind and be on your senses

the benefits and advantages of gadgets are/truthfulness and relevance:

gadgets enhance communication

gadgets can speed up work

gadgets can boost collaboration

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