Introduction To Ecological Agriculture

Introduction To Ecological Agriculture

1. What is ecological agriculture?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What is ecological agriculture?​

Abstract. The practice of ecological agriculture involves building the strengths of natural ecosystems into agroecosystems, purposely disturbed to produce food and fiber.


Among the advocates of sustainable agriculture, ecological farming is known as the high-end goal. Ecological agriculture is not the same as organic farming, but certain parallels exist and are not inherently incompatible.

2. introduction of ecological relationship​


An ecological relationship is a relationship between two or more organisms in an ecosystem. These relationships can be either beneficial, where one organism benefits from the interaction, or detrimental, where one organism is harmed by the interaction. Some common types of ecological relationships include predation, competition, mutualism, and parasitism. These relationships play a key role in maintaining the balance of an ecosystem and the overall health of the organisms within it.


3. Explain and descuss the importance of ecological agriculture​


Agricultural biodiversity also performs ecosystem services such as soil and water conservation, maintenance of soil fertility and biota, and pollination, all of which are essential to human survival.

Ecological farming is the most respectful of wildlife, because it produces a lower pollution of aerosols, it produces less carbon dioxide, it prevents the greenhouse effect, it doesn't generate polluting waste and helps make energy savings, since in the cultivation and in the production of the products it takes

4. As an agriculture student what do you think would be the benefit of having the idea or knowledge of the overview of introduction to agriculture?​


A degree in agriculture gives you the skills and knowledge to deal with agricultural sales, agriculture business, food production and so on.


thank me later!


The idea or knowledge on the overview/introduction to agriculture benefits an agriculture student as it gives him/her how this noble sector/ field of profession works. Also it is vital to have prior knowledge or background to something before studying it.


Background on agriculture and its related sciences is essential to a student who want to pursue agriculture. It will help him/her for a deeper understanding about the course.


5. 2. This type of farming practices or farming system is the application of soil and plant sciences to and management and crop production. Modern agriculture in 18th century started with crop sequence, organic recycling, introduction of exotic crops and animals, use of farm implements in agriculture, A. Advanced farming C. present day Agriculture D. Scientific Agriculture B. Mixed farming​


Scientific Agriculture


Scientific Agriculture is the application of soil and plant sciences to pand management and crop production.


6. Is ecological sustainable agriculture a solution for arable farmland Declining in the 21st century?


bye I'm m sgaina Co coo coo at coo

7. 9. Which of the following is not a practice that is involved in the overallstrategies of ecological agriculture"A. Grow healthy plant's with good defense capabilitiesB. Stressing pestsC. Enhancing population of benefecial OrganismsD. Curtailing the use of cover crops​


B.stressing pests


i hope makatulong

8. As future agriculturist, do you fullu agree with the principles and practices of ecological agriculture? Support your answers​


I do agree


because ecological agriculture claims to be an effective way to know what you're going to do in the future as an agriculture . and also you will learned a lot from it that you may use it if necessary.

9. why do we need to practice RA 9005 or ecological solid waste management of the philippines in proper disposing our agricultural waste product? what would be the Impact of managing solid waste materials on our environment and in your garden?​


yes we need it because to our plant to grow healthy to food

10. The following are the sources of greenhouse gases except: A. Industrial B. Energy C. Ecology D. Agriculture


C. Ecology

-sana po makatulong. take care always po! have a nice day! (^・o・^)ノ”

11. 1. These are general understanding or facts about ecosystems a. Ecological relationships c. Ecological organisations b. Ecological concepts d. Ecological principles​


C. Ecological organisation

12. 4. We must maintain ecological balance to sustain a safe and productive island.A. Our people are unmindful of what is happening to the environment.B. The island is no longer safe for occupancy as it has no agricultural produce.C. All of us are aware of what ecological balance is and how it affects our island.D. The safety and productivity of the island is dependent on its ecological balance, Which all of us should guys asap?​


D. the safety and productivity of the island is dependent on its ecological balance, Which all of us should preserve.

D) The safety and productivity of the island is dependent on its ecological balance, Which all of us should preserve

13. Why Ecological Agriculture so interesting?​

Ecological farming is the most respectful of wildlife, because it produces a lower pollution of aerosols, it produces less carbon dioxide, it prevents the greenhouse effect, it doesn't generate polluting waste and helps make energy savings, since in the cultivation and in the production of the products it takes.

pa-brainliest naman :))

14. °The following are the sources of greenhouse gases EXCEPT A. agriculture B. ecology C. energy D. industrial°Which of the following is NOT the effect of climate change? A.DroughtB.Malaria outbreak C.WildfiresD.Covid-19Pa-answer naman po :) ​



hope it's help#carryonlearning

15. How organic agriculture serves as a tool for ecologically sounds management of agricultural resources ​


Through efficient use of natural resources and biodiversity, and recycling of renewable resources, organic agriculture allows farmers, pastoralists and fishers to flourish in the absence of external agricultural inputs.

16. How the loss or introduction of a single species can have conservation consequences throughout a whole ecological community?


In ecosystems where species losses fall within intermediate projections of 21 to 40 percent of species, however, species loss is expected to reduce plant growth by 5 to 10 percent. The effect is comparable to the expected effects of climate warming and increased ultraviolet radiation due to stratospheric ozone loss.

17. a sustainable agriculture is ecologically sounds, economically viable, socially just and humane.How can these four these four goals for sustainability in agriculture present a position response to the limits and problems of both traditional and modern agriculture​


goal Is your idea bro diba

18. in your own what is your expectation in introduction to agricultural commodity​


As individuals within a society become more specialised in their economic activities, they come to rely upon others to supply at least some of the products and services which they need. Thus begins a process of exchange between buyers and sellers. For a while buyers and sellers remain in immediate contact and each party is able to determine what the other needs and values and, therefore, will be willing to exchange. As the economy develops the number and types of exchanges expand, there is a concomitant need for increasingly specialised marketing services such as physical distribution, storage, grading, market information gathering and so. The number of participants also increases with many of the specialised services being provided by intermediaries between the seller and ultimate buyer. Few buyers and sellers are in direct contact with one another and communication between them is channelled through a complex marketing system. This introductory chapter is devoted to exploring the nature of marketing and marketing systems.


Will an increase in the consumer's income lead to more consumption of the product (then the product would be considered a normal product) or less consumption of the product (then the product would be considered an inferior product)?

What might cause a consumer's income to increase? Note that this question assumes the consumer also is a producer and that production and sales generates the income with which this individual can then consume.

Increased productivity due to advancing production technology?

Increased productivity due to learning about the availability and application of production technology?

Increased price for the product the consumer is producing? More people are buying the product the consumer is producing thereby generating more income for this consumer to spend on other consumer products?

hope it's help.

19. A. Explain concepts of organic agriculture operations based on four (4) principles, write 3 sentences on each principle. Principle of healthPrinciple of ecologyPrinciple of fairnessPrinciple of Care B. Explore job opportunities on organic agriculture in your community or in the country. Give at least 3 and discuss each one in a short paragraph. ​​


Principle of health

The Principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and care are the roots from which organic agriculture grows and develops. They express the contribution that organic agriculture can make to the world, and a vision to improve all agriculture in a global context

Principle of ecology

Organic agriculture can be defined as a holistic production management system that avoids use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organisms, minimizes pollution of air soil and water, and optimizes the health and productivity of interdependent communities of plants, animals, and people.

Principle of fairness

This principle emphasizes that those involved in organic agriculture should conduct human relationships in a manner that ensures fairness at all levels and to all parties - farmers, workers, processors, distributors, traders and consumers.

Principle of care

Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Diko alam yung Ltter B. Sorry



This principle roots organic agriculture within living ecological systems. It states that production is to be based on ecological processes, and recycling.


Fairness is characterized by equity, respect, justice and stewardship of the shared world, both among people and in their relations to other living beings.


Scotland’s new Health and Social Care Standards will help everyone focus on what really matters – the experience of the person who uses care

20. pasagot pls...1. how overpopulation of humans can affect the balance of the ecosystem2. How is the destruction of habitats of species can disturbed the ecological equilibrium? 3. Why is introduction of non-native species to a certain place can harm thebalance of the ecological community?​


1. On Overpopulation and Ecosystem Collapse. Earth’s biosphere is collapsing and dying as human industrial growth overwhelms ecosystems and abruptly changes climate.

2. If a habitat of species was disturbed, the animals or species will be disturbed too and they can barely adjust again. So, to maintain the ecological equilibrium, we should take care of our environment and keep it stable.

3. Since invasive species are in a new environment, free from natural predators, parasites, or competitors, they often develop large population sizes very rapidly. These large populations can out-compete, displace or kill native species. Non-native species can reduce wildlife food and habitat. Some also have the potential to disrupt vital ecosystem functions, such as water flow, nutrient cycling, or soil decomposition. Other invasive species cause massive amounts of economic damage to the agricultural business by destroying crops and contaminating produce. Some invasive species can cause direct harm to humans or domestic animals.


21. true or false. organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustain them.​


Explanation:si manuel nung bata pa siya

22. 1.It refers to a period of severe dust storms that greatlydamaged the ecology and agriculture of the American andCanadian prairies during the 1930s.​


The Dust Bowl


It was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s

23. why it is considered as ecological agriculture project by using organic fermented fruit juice in plants​


The carbohydrates and sugar content of Fermented Fruit Juice serve as a source of energy of soil microorganism, thereby, accelerating their activity. Increased microbial activities result in the availability of nutrients for plant's uptake.

24. make a research Describe organic and inorganic compounds essential to health and agriculture. INTRODUCTION: (Write your own introduction)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FORMULATE HYPOTHESIS: ((Predict: What is your answer to the question and why do you think that is thel answer? If…Then…) example of format: If ____(cause)__________________, then ______(effect)___________________)pahelp plss​


1. Solubility

Most organic compounds have covalent bonds, while most inorganic compounds have ionic bonds. The ionic bonds allow inorganic compounds to dissociate into positive and negative ions in water, making them highly soluble in water, meaning easily dissolved. On the other hand, most organic compounds are insoluble in water, although they are soluble in other organic compounds.

2. Viscosity

Viscosity, which is basically thickness or ability to resist deformation, is based on how strong the intermolecular forces between molecules are. The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the viscosity. A purely hydrocarbon, organic compound will have very few intermolecular forces between them. The more other elements (such as oxygen or chlorine) are included in the structure, the more intermolecular forces the molecule will feel. But overall, the intermolecular forces of organic compounds are weak, thus their viscosity tends to be low.

Inorganic compounds tend to feel more intermolecular forces, such as dipole-dipole forces and hydrogen bonding. Thus, they tend to have a higher viscosity.

3. Density

Density, which is how compact something is, is based on the size of the molecule versus the weight of the atoms in the molecule. Most organic compounds have a lot of hydrogen atoms because hydrocarbons are common bonds. Hydrogen has a very low density; in fact, it's the lowest density atom. Since organic compounds tend to have more hydrogen atoms than inorganic compounds, this makes organic compounds typically less dense than inorganic compounds.

4. Conductivity

We've mentioned how organic compounds tend to have covalent bonds, while inorganic compounds tend to have ionic bonds. The ability for inorganic compounds to ionize allows them to be better electro-conductors. Let's think about how conductivity works: it's the movement of electrons from one location to another. If there are charges, such as with ionized inorganic compounds, then the electrons can move more easily. Thus inorganic compounds are typically more conductive than organic compounds.

5. Reactivity

Reactivity, in this case, refers to how easy or difficult it is for a substance to react to stimulation. A stable organic compound is typically very unreactive, and it takes a lot to get it to react. This is because in order to break the bonds of organic compounds we are breaking covalent bonds, which are much stronger than ionic bonds. This means that inorganic compounds have a faster overall rate of reaction than organic compounds.


25. Why is introduction of non-native species to a certain place can harm the balance of the ecological community?​


Invasive species can harm both the natural resources in an ecosystem as well as threaten human use of these resources (fish, wildlife, plants and overall ecosystem health) because they disrupt natural communities and ecological processes.


26. In the Asian Context where agriculture plays the dominant role in terms of economic development and food sustainability, what are the strategies and policies that the Asian economies can adopt to ensure that food production will not go beyond the threshold of ecological sustainability? Give examples.


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pa brainliest po

27. Do you think Ecological Agriculture will ensure food for all today and tomorrow?​




Infact Farming creates opportunities to lift people out of poverty in developing nations. Over 60% of the worlds working poor, works in agriculture.

Ecological Farming ensures Healthy Farming, Healthy Food for today, yesterday and tomorrow, by protecting soil,water and Climate, promote Biodiversity and Does not Contaminate the Environment w/ Chemical engineering.

28. what are the constraints of ecological agriculture in the Philippines​


The emphasis of seeds and breeds used in organic agriculture is on local suitability with respect to disease resistance and adaptability to local climate. The availability of suitable genetic material (e.g. GMO-free), its selection, rearing and distribution is often a constraint. Fertilizers and pesticides.

29. among the three models or approaches of ecological agriculture,what model applied in farming?​


Challenge Yourself by Living a Sustainable & Ecological Living in Israel. Experience Sustainable Living, Permacultre, Organic Farming and more.


Sana maka tulong

30. Which of the ff. refers to the study of organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment? A. Paleontology C. Environmental Seismology 7 B. Agricultural Engineering D. Ecology

Answer: letter D


Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and with their physical environment. The distribution and abundance of organisms on Earth is shaped by both biotic, living-organism-related, and abiotic, nonliving or physical, factors.




cause it refers about the study of organisms and their interactions and environment

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