Gender Equality Questionnaire For Students

Gender Equality Questionnaire For Students

9. A sample of 10 women were asked on their opinions regarding gender equality and women's empowerment. Which statistical instrument is best to use? A. Questionnaire B. Interview C. Observation D. Census​

Daftar Isi

1. 9. A sample of 10 women were asked on their opinions regarding gender equality and women's empowerment. Which statistical instrument is best to use? A. Questionnaire B. Interview C. Observation D. Census​


A. Questionnaires


2. Sample questionnaire for students performance

a)Interest.  1/2/3/4/5

1. i make myself prepared for the coming subject

2.i listen attentively to the lecture of my teacher

3.i actively participate in the discussion.

b) Study Habits

1.i do my assignments regularly

2.i study and prepared for quizes and tests

3. Time management questionnaire for students

How could I better plan my schedule so that I have ample time to do my work? What are some factors that lead to me procrastinate or put off my responsibilities as a student? What are some actionable steps I could take to prevent procrastination? Why is it important to be on time?

4. Effects of social networking sites on students questionnaire

It can affect students. By means of copying some doings in social media just to impress other people. But on the other side, its good. Because it can help you, find answers. It can help you contact your loved ones.

5. Time management questionnaire for students answer by yes or no




Students need a time management questionnaire.


^ _ ^





so we can create formulating survey and questionnaires

7. Sample questionnaire about modular learning for students


Is modular learning really effective?

8. the student will answer the physical activity readiness questionnaire to assess


Par-Q is designed to help yourself.Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise,and the completion of a Par-Q is a sensible first step to take if you are planning on increasing the amount of physical activityin your life.

9. give 10 example of survey questionnaire about student attitude and behavior​


1.How likely are you to recommend this school to your friends and family?

2.How satisfied are you with the school's coursework?

3.How satisfied are you with the school's transportation system?

4.Are you satisfied with the quality of teaching?


10. Where did the students who answered the NEO Questionnaires study? need it now :)


Huh? hindi ko po kayo maintindihan

11. Give me a questionnaire for thesis about development of evaluation an ergonomic chair for students​


Does your seat pan width and depth provide for good fit and comfort?


hope it helps!

12. Effects of gadgets on students. *survey Questionnaire*

It is absolutely true that, nowadays, technology has been an integral part of our daily lives. People all around the globe rely on gadgets for innumerable necessary reasons, such as communication, research, employment, etc. As the world is developing, more gadgets are getting introduced, and more dependent people have become on them. At one side where technology stands at a remarkable position in human life, another side has its negative impacts as well. Though technology has brought a lot of ease and advancement to humankind, the student section of the society has been adversely affected due to it. The young population that is in its growing age gets easily manipulated with the advanced trending gadgets. Our dissertation team has enlisted a few consequences that affect the lives of students due to excessive use of electronic devices.

13. 10 survey questionnaire about the importance of social media to students brough by the pandemic​

1.what is your opinion about the Importance of social media platforms is the midst of pandemic?

2.How does it help you?

3.How do you relate it as a student?

4.What social media platforms do you often used?

5.does it give you a specific information to our country?

6.define the significance of social media in the center of pandemic

7.Does social media corrupts human interaction in the midst of pandemic?

8.How social media helps people from pandemic?

9.Is there someone 8n your family that doesn't use social media?

10.How social media influence you in times of Quarantine?

14. construct your own questionnaires that will determine the favorite sports of the grade seven students​


Are you engage to sports?

What are the sports you are involved?

What is your favorite sport?

Why you choose that sport?

What are the good and bad things of sport?

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps. pa fallow at pa brainliest po thank u

15. Where did the students who answered the NEO Questionnaires study? need it now :)


yung pic po


nasan yung pic

16. Factors affecting the grade 11 students choosing general academic strand sample questionnaire


6 Factors that has the greatest Influence on Student's Decision in Choosing a Senior High School Academic Track Academic experience Educational aspirations/expectations Senior High School Academic Track Advise and advice of Others Friends/peer influence Family Background Figure1.

17. 5 questionnaire "socio cultural adjustment of muslim students to a non Muslim community​

tara mobile legend tayo

18. Create a YES or NO questionnaire on the "Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Students' Life".1.2.​


1. Do you think that the pandemic has changed you?

2. Do you think the Covid-19 has given you alot of stress?

19. Those questionnaires we answered last time are made by the Grade 12 students? And find the antecedent


pronoun and antecedent agreement

An antecedent is the word that a pronoun replaces or refers to. Any time that you have a pronoun, you'll have an antecedent, even if it's not in the very same sentence.

20. Survey questionnaire about Factors Affecting the English Proficiency of G9 Students​

Sure, here's a sample survey questionnaire about Factors Affecting the English Proficiency of G9 Students:

1. ) What is your gender?


2.) How often do you speak English outside of school?

Every daySeveral times a weekOnce a weekRarelyNever

3.) How often do you read English materials (e.g. books, articles, etc.) outside of school?

Every daySeveral times a weekOnce a weekRarelyNever

4.) How often do you watch English-language movies, TV shows, or videos outside of school?

Every daySeveral times a weekOnce a weekRarelyNever

5.) How often do you use English in your social media posts, cháts, or comments?

Every daySeveral times a weekOnce a weekRarelyNever

6.) How often do you practice speaking English with others (e.g. friends, family, teachers, etc.) outside of school?

Every daySeveral times a weekOnce a weekRarelyNever

7.) Do you think the English lessons in school are enough to improve your English proficiency?


8.) What do you think are the most challenging aspects of learning English?

Grammar rulesVocabularyPronunciationListening comprehensionSpeaking fluencyWriting skillsOther (please specify)

9.) How do you think your English proficiency can be improved?

More English classes in schoolMore English-speaking activities outside of schoolMore English materials (e.g. books, articles, movies, etc.)More English-speaking opportunities with othersOther (please specify)

10.) What other factors do you think affect your English proficiency? (e.g. cultural background, motivation, teacher's teaching style, etc.)


21. Why is it essential for a student like you to learn about the things entwined around questionnaire?​


It matters why you want your students to like you… ... If they like you because you genuinely like them and show a real interest in their growth, then they will also respect you and work hard for you. Students do not learn because of teachers, they learn for teachers.”

22. Survey Questionnaire on Students' Perception on Modular Distance Learning​


Dear: *your teachers name*

*teachers name* thank you for teching uss on how to learn and become good in life i hope you become good in life too

directions: dear all teachers i hope you have a grate day and be good in life i hope you the best


pls can you mark as brainlist

23. Factors Affecting the Choice of Course in College of Grade-12 Students questionnaire​


Factors such as interest in field, academic ability, familiarity, economic stability, and influential people can all play a role in the decision


24. The effect of online learning on communication between instructors and students questionnaire


Results revealed that the vast majority agree with the questions of the study. Students still prefer classroom classes over online classes due to many problems they face when taking online classes, such as lack of motivation, understanding of the material, decrease in communication levels between the students and their instructors and their feeling of isolation caused by online classes.

25. Factors affecting the grade 11 students choosing general academic strand sample questionnaire


kayo napo bahala dyan

keep learning

26. 21st century skills questionnaire for students

Answer:21st Century Assessment. A process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievement of intended instructional outcomes.

Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding.


27. sample questionnaire about health of students

this is just veerry simple

Why some parents or teachers tell their children or students not to eat some street foods?

a. Because it is healthy

b. Because we do not know what ingredients did they used and how did they make it. It might be dirty.

c. Because it has many bacteria that we cannot see

28. Grade of students in their recent test.A. Interview B. ObservationC. QuestionnaireD. Registration​


B. sure tama po

Step-by-step explanation:

paki brainliest po salamat

29. give some example questionnaire in Ways in which stress negatively AFFECTS STUDENT PERFORMANCE​


asn po yung pic


diq makita?

30. survey questionnaires about the usage of electronic gadgets on the academic performances of students

Directions: Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your answer for number 1 & 2. Write your quarterly grades for this school year for number 3.

1.Daily Allowance (in pesos)

0-25 26-50 51-75 75 & above

2. Choose the approximate time you spend daily on your gadget with the following purposes.

communication (ex. texting, chatting, etc.)

1-2 hrs 3-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7hrs and above

recreation (ex. web browsing, using social media, gaming, etc.)

1-2 hrs 3-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7hrs and above


1-2 hrs 3-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7hrs and above

3. Quarterly Grades for the school year 2018-2019

1st quarter _____

2nd quarter _____

3rd quarter _____

Average Grade for the 3 quarters:______

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