Events Industry s Contribution To The Philippine Economy

Events Industry s Contribution To The Philippine Economy

events industry contribution to the Philippine economy​

Daftar Isi

1. events industry contribution to the Philippine economy​


The tourism industry's contribution to the economy reached another milestone in 2018 as it increased to 12.7% of the Philippines' Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 0.5% higher than in 2017, according to the data released by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) last June 6.


The tourism industry's contribution to the economy reached another milestone in 2018 as it increased to 12.7% of the Philippines' Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 0.5% higher than in 2017, according to the data released by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) last June 6.

2. Discuss the events industry contribution to the philippine economy


ummm i think buwan ng wika


3. write an essay on the events industry contribute to the Philippines economy​


Philippine culture is the Filipinos way of living

4. Write an essay on the events industry's contribution to the Philippines economy. Cite your references and concrete pieces of evidence.​


Magelan lapu lapu magelan

5. How does weaving contribute to Philippine economy?


The most important reason is found in the economic contribution of weaving. Weaving provided, for both Aztec women and contemporary Mayan women, their most important link to the larger economy. Tribute was paid in cloth and it was also a common market currency.


6. what is the implicationof the BPO industry in the Philippines economy?​

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has played a significant role in the Philippine economy. BPO refers to the outsourcing of non-primary business activities, such as customer service, data entry, and finance and accounting, to a third-party provider.

The Philippines has become a major global player in the BPO industry, particularly in the areas of customer service and technical support. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the BPO industry was the country's largest source of foreign exchange in 2020, accounting for more than $30 billion in export revenues.

The growth of the BPO industry in the Philippines has had a number of positive economic impacts. It has created jobs for a large number of Filipinos, particularly in urban areas where many of the BPO companies are located. The industry has also contributed to the development of infrastructure and support services, such as transportation and real estate, in the areas where it is concentrated.

Overall, the BPO industry has played a key role in the Philippine economy, contributing to the country's economic growth and development.

7. what is the implicationof the BPO industry in the Philippines economy?​


The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry has had a significant impact on the economy of the Philippines. The BPO industry has been a major contributor to the country's economic growth and has created significant employment opportunities for Filipinos.

The BPO industry in the Philippines has grown significantly in recent years, with the country now being one of the top destinations for outsourcing in the world. The industry is primarily focused on providing services such as customer support, technical support, and data entry to companies around the world.

The BPO industry has contributed to the growth of the Philippine economy in a number of ways. It has created employment opportunities for a large number of Filipinos, particularly in urban areas. It has also attracted foreign investment and has helped to improve the country's infrastructure, including telecommunications and transportation.

In addition to its economic contributions, the BPO industry has also had a positive impact on the country's social and cultural development. The industry has provided education and training opportunities for many Filipinos, which has helped to improve the country's overall human capital.

Overall, the BPO industry has been a major contributor to the economy of the Philippines and has played a significant role in the country's development.



The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in the Philippines has had a significant impact on the country's economy. BPO refers to the outsourcing of non-core business functions to specialized companies. These functions may include customer service, data entry, human resources, and finance and accounting.

One major implication of the BPO industry in the Philippines is the creation of employment opportunities. The BPO sector is a major employer in the country, with over 1.3 million people working in the industry as of 2021. This has helped to reduce unemployment and increase income for many Filipinos. The BPO industry has also helped to improve the skills and knowledge of the workforce, as employees are trained in the latest technologies and processes.

Another implication of the BPO industry in the Philippines is the increase in foreign investment. Many international companies have set up operations in the Philippines due to the country's highly skilled and English-speaking workforce, as well as the relatively low cost of labor. This has resulted in an influx of foreign capital into the country, which has contributed to economic growth.

The BPO industry has also had a positive impact on the country's infrastructure. As more companies have set up operations in the Philippines, there has been an increase in demand for office space, transportation, and other amenities. This has led to the development of new roads, bridges, and buildings, which has further supported economic growth.

Overall, the BPO industry in the Philippines has had a positive impact on the country's economy. It has created employment opportunities, attracted foreign investment, and contributed to the development of infrastructure. However, it is important to ensure that the benefits of the BPO industry are shared fairly and that the industry operates in a sustainable and responsible manner.

8. bint) Outline by methods the contribution of your picked business to individuals,community,and philippine economy5- contribution to individualscontribution to the communitycontribution to Philippine economy​










9. How does fashion industry contribute to the progress of economy?​


It contributes to the economy


Because it gives job to the people and also contributes to the growth of economy so that our nation can grow and build as a strong and independent nation

10. what is the contribution of small and medium scale industries to the economy of the country?


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have a very important role in developing the Philippine economy. They help reduce poverty by creating jobs for the country's growing labor force. They stimulate economic development in rural and far-flung areas.

11. what does The hospitality industry contribute to an economy​


People taking advantage of the hospitality industry spend money in retail areas, dining and drinking areas, on entrance fees to entertainment venues, and more. The hospitality industry can also help fund infrastructure developments for local communities.


Tourism is an important sector for the Philippine economy. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry contributed 12.7% to the country's GDP. Good travel and tourism policies enable millions of international visitors annually.

12. How does the cookery infustry contribute tonthe country's economy?​


The food service and catering industry makes a valuable contribution to the economy, and also impacts upon society. Ventures operation for profit contribute to local and national economies. Businesses pay tax which allow the government to fund community services. ... Work for the community is generated.



sorry po



13. what is the contribution of shopee to philippine economy​

It is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with an easy, secure and fast online shopping experience through strong payment and logistical support. Shopee aims to continually enhance its platform and become the region's e-commerce destination of choice.

14. Explain five (5) important events that contributed to the development and improvement of Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the global and philippine setting

































15. Essay:Identify and discuss the scope and market of tourism industry and how it contributes to the economy.​


The scope of the tourism industry is incredibly broad and encompasses everything from traditional forms of leisure travel, such as beach vacations and sightseeing, to more specialized forms of travel, such as eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and adventure travel. The tourism industry market is composed of consumers (travelers), businesses (hotels, airlines, tour operators, etc.) and governments (local, regional, and national).

The global tourism industry contributes significantly to the world economy. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2018, the industry directly contributed to 10.4% of global gross domestic product (GDP). Furthermore, the industry is estimated to have indirectly contributed to another 4.5% of global GDP. In terms of global employment, the industry is estimated to have directly contributed to 319 million jobs in 2018, which represents 1 in 10 jobs in the world. These figures are expected to grow in the coming years, with the World Travel and Tourism Council estimating that the industry will create an additional 75 million jobs by 2028.


16. How did the industrialization affect philippine economy?


A poor, agricultural nation, the process of industrialization enabled the Philippines to vastly improve the efficiency of its agricultural sector while concurrently enabling the emergence of a manufacturing base specializing in high-technology goods.

17. what doest the hospitality industry contribute to an economy?


The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) names the hospitality industry's importance as a main driver in global value creation. Recent figures published by the WTTC suggest a global contribution of 8.8 trillion USD to the global economy in 2018, representing 10.4 percent of the world's total GDP.

hope its help

18. what do you think is the biggest contribution of handicrafts industry to the economy of the country​


Handicrafts are very important in terms of economic development. They provide ample employment opportunities even with low capital investments and become a prominent medium for foreign income. India is one of the leading producers and suppliers of handicraft products in the world.

19. Give 10 Philippine Standard Industrial classification that identifies the various sector orindustries in the Philippine economy:​


(1) reflect changes in economic activities, emergence of new industries, and the structure of the economy (2) to take into account the new technologies employed which affect the organization of production and shifting of economic activities and (3) to realign with the ISIC revisions for purposes of international comparability.

20. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.The fruit industry of the Philippines contributes considerably to the economy of the country​




I didn't know how to explain this but my answer is true

21. What is the contribution of hospitality industry to the economy of a country


The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) names the hospitality industry's importance as a main driver in global value creation. Recent figures published by the WTTC suggest a global contribution of 8.8 trillion USD to the global economy in 2018, representing 10.4 percent of the world's total GDP.

22. What can you say about the agribusiness industry in the Philippines? what is it's contribution to the economy of the country?​


Involving about 40 percent of Filipino workers, it contributes an average of 20 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. This output comes mainly from agribusiness, which in turn accounts for about 70 percent of the total agricultural output (CIDA-LGSP, 2003).


I'm not sure po but try, I did search it tho kung tama

23. How it industries affect philippine economy? pahelp​​


manufactoring comprises more than half of the philipines imdustrial sector

24. what are the contribution of the entrepreneur to the philippine economy?​


As shown, that the Philippines do benefit from entrepreneurship since 57% of the respondents reported that it affects certain aspects of our economy in terms of the following: it allows international trade due to buyers and sellers in the market, invites positive competition because there is a diversity on products and services, it increases our Gross national product (GNP) and Gross domestic product (GDP) by creating new businesses and job opportunities, while lastly, it generally increases human productivity therefore creating a higher standard of living for all.


New and improved products, services, or technology from entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed and new wealth to be created. Additionally, increased employment and higher earnings contribute to better national income in the form of higher tax revenue and higher government spending


It helps our country to developed and progress, also it helps people to have work .

25. how does tourism and hospitality industry contribute to are economy100 words essay ​

Question & AnswerHow does tourism and hospitality industry contribute to our economy?

How does tourism and hospitality industry contribute our economy? Tourism enhances economic growth by augmenting the foreign exchange reserves, tourism improves our infrastructure, these include road and rail improvements, airport development and improvements in utilities, such as water supply and telecommunications.

Let's get to the point, how does hospitality industry contribute to our economy? It is important for our local economies people taking advantage of the hospitality industry spend money in retail areas, dining and drinking areas, on entrance fees to entertainment venues, and more. Also the importance of our hospitality industry is the immediate creation of new jobs.

26. how does it affect the Philippine economy of the oil industry​


Oil price increases are generally thought to increase inflation and reduce economic growth. In terms of inflation, oil prices directly affect the prices of goods made with petroleum products. As mentioned above, oil prices indirectly affect costs such as transportation, manufacturing, and heating.

27. What is the biggest contribution of the farm industry to our economy?​


Agriculture and its related industries (things like food sales and other industries that wouldn't exist or would be much smaller without agriculture) contribute $1.05 trillion to U.S. GDP, according to the latest data. That puts agriculture's contribution to the overall economy at about 6 percent.


p follow po

28. contribution to the philippine economy feasibility example​


The Philippines is one of the emerging markets and the 3rd highest in Southeast Asia by GDP nominal after Thailand and Indonesia. The Philippines is primarily considered a newly industrialized country, which has an economy in transition from one based on agriculture to one based more on services and manufacturing


Mark it pls

29. How much does the music industry contribute to the economy?


music industry helped create and sustain more than 56,000 local jobs and contributed USD5.5 billion to the local economy


30. how does the cookery industry contribute to the county's economy​


here in the Philippines almost a lot of tourists know us for our food so it helps foreigner go to our country to that our economy gets affected too

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