Arts 10 Teacher s Guide

Arts 10 Teacher s Guide

What I KnowChoose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.1. One of the reasons that students are guided in their career goals in the secondary level is to ensure that they would contribute to the _____________ force of the country later on. a. employmentb. unemploymentc. mismatchd. underemployment2. It is a career development concept that discusses the relationship between a person’s age/life stage and career stage.a. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theoryb. Super’s Career Development Theoryc. Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choiced. Roe’s Subsequent Development Theory3. It includes the wants and hobbies of a person, which can be effectively used in identifying a career option.a. aptitudesb. interestsc. work valuesd. personality types4. When an employee is dissatisfied with his/her career, he/she may sooner be frustrated and lose his/her motivation.a. trueb. false5. Upbringing, external influences, and biases are aspects of this factor in career development.a. academicb. personalc. familiald. spiritual6. In January 2020, there was a sudden lowering of employment rate in the country according to the Philippine Statistics Authority.a. Trueb. False7. In E-N-F-P Personality Type Code, P stands for:a. perceptiveb. perceivingc. perceptiond. perceive8. In employment, the term being used when employees leave the company or institution is called:a. resignment rateb. unemployment ratec. turnover rated. productivity rate9. Respect for others belongs to which factor in choosing a career?a. work valuesb. personality typec. aptitudesd. interests10.This refers to the educational influences a person might consider in choosing the desired career path.a. spiritualb. academicc. familiald. personal11.DepED Memorandum No. 149, s. 2011 outlines the career pathways that students may take in secondary. If a student is athletically inclined and has a big potential in a sporting event, which career pathway is he/she probably taking in senior high school?a. Special Program in Journalismb. Special Program in Foreign Languagec. Special Program in the Artsd. Special Program in Sports 12.Identify the statement that is untrue about career planning:a. In order to choose the correct career, a student must consult personal considerations.b. In order to choose the correct career, a student must not consultpersonal considerations.c. In order to choose the correct career, a student must visit personal considerations.d. In order to choose the correct career, a student must must not avoidpersonal considerations.13.Pedro finds himself spontaneous and flexible when it comes to developing his career. He accomplishes tasks smoothly and he adjusts himself in achieving an outstanding performance in every task he is given with. According to personality types factors, what could be the weakness of Pedro in career development?a. Pedro may not finish his tasks on time.b. Pedro may easily quit his work.c. Pedro may not see possible hindrances in the future.d. Pedro may lose his interest in his work soon.14.Joanna has always been wanting to become an animal doctor since she was a child. Growing up, her interests, hobbies, and experiences were all aligned to becoming a doctor. However, because her family lacks the means to bring her to a medicine school in college, she instead decided to take education as a course. According to Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice, what may happen to Joanna afterwards?a. Joanna may perform well in being a teacher.b. Joanna may poorly perform in her chosen career.c. Joanna may become an outstanding teacher.d. Joanna may take being a teacher quite easily.15. Identify the statement that is untrue about career planning:a. The academe may hone how the students choose their career paths.b. Family is a factor to consider in choosing career paths.c. Personal strengths and weaknesses are consulted in identifying career paths.d. All statements are help po Huhuhu ​

Daftar Isi

1. What I KnowChoose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.1. One of the reasons that students are guided in their career goals in the secondary level is to ensure that they would contribute to the _____________ force of the country later on. a. employmentb. unemploymentc. mismatchd. underemployment2. It is a career development concept that discusses the relationship between a person’s age/life stage and career stage.a. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theoryb. Super’s Career Development Theoryc. Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choiced. Roe’s Subsequent Development Theory3. It includes the wants and hobbies of a person, which can be effectively used in identifying a career option.a. aptitudesb. interestsc. work valuesd. personality types4. When an employee is dissatisfied with his/her career, he/she may sooner be frustrated and lose his/her motivation.a. trueb. false5. Upbringing, external influences, and biases are aspects of this factor in career development.a. academicb. personalc. familiald. spiritual6. In January 2020, there was a sudden lowering of employment rate in the country according to the Philippine Statistics Authority.a. Trueb. False7. In E-N-F-P Personality Type Code, P stands for:a. perceptiveb. perceivingc. perceptiond. perceive8. In employment, the term being used when employees leave the company or institution is called:a. resignment rateb. unemployment ratec. turnover rated. productivity rate9. Respect for others belongs to which factor in choosing a career?a. work valuesb. personality typec. aptitudesd. interests10.This refers to the educational influences a person might consider in choosing the desired career path.a. spiritualb. academicc. familiald. personal11.DepED Memorandum No. 149, s. 2011 outlines the career pathways that students may take in secondary. If a student is athletically inclined and has a big potential in a sporting event, which career pathway is he/she probably taking in senior high school?a. Special Program in Journalismb. Special Program in Foreign Languagec. Special Program in the Artsd. Special Program in Sports 12.Identify the statement that is untrue about career planning:a. In order to choose the correct career, a student must consult personal considerations.b. In order to choose the correct career, a student must not consultpersonal considerations.c. In order to choose the correct career, a student must visit personal considerations.d. In order to choose the correct career, a student must must not avoidpersonal considerations.13.Pedro finds himself spontaneous and flexible when it comes to developing his career. He accomplishes tasks smoothly and he adjusts himself in achieving an outstanding performance in every task he is given with. According to personality types factors, what could be the weakness of Pedro in career development?a. Pedro may not finish his tasks on time.b. Pedro may easily quit his work.c. Pedro may not see possible hindrances in the future.d. Pedro may lose his interest in his work soon.14.Joanna has always been wanting to become an animal doctor since she was a child. Growing up, her interests, hobbies, and experiences were all aligned to becoming a doctor. However, because her family lacks the means to bring her to a medicine school in college, she instead decided to take education as a course. According to Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice, what may happen to Joanna afterwards?a. Joanna may perform well in being a teacher.b. Joanna may poorly perform in her chosen career.c. Joanna may become an outstanding teacher.d. Joanna may take being a teacher quite easily.15. Identify the statement that is untrue about career planning:a. The academe may hone how the students choose their career paths.b. Family is a factor to consider in choosing career paths.c. Personal strengths and weaknesses are consulted in identifying career paths.d. All statements are help po Huhuhu ​







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2. Written Work No 2 (Week 3-4) English SI Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the blank before each number.1. It is a reference book that lists words in aphabetical orderA English BookB. Science BookC. AP BookD. Dictionary2. How are the words listed in a dictionary?A. Roman NumerolB. alphabetical order C. Descending order D. Ascending order3. How do we call listed word in a dictionary?A Entry WordB. Page numberC. Part of Speech D. Definition4. It tells how to pronounce the entry word.A Entry WordB. PronounciationC. Part of Speech D. Definition5. It explains the maening of the word.A Entry WordB PronounciationC. Part of Speech D. Definition6. These are the first and last words found on the page of a dictionary.A. Entry WordB. Guide WordsC. Part of SpeechD. Detinition7. The postman delivers mails in the community every day.A. muilmanB. janitorC. engineerD. garbage collector8. Manny Pacquiao knocked-out his opponent in a boxing match.A. defeatedB. rechargedC revivedD. refreshed9. A carefree child is seen playing under the rain.A. happyB. worriedC. troubledD. nervous10. A person who makes works of art is anA. artistB. artisticC. artistryD. art11. Anperson is someone who has shown great intellectA intelligent B. intellectual C. intelligenic D. intelligence12. A state of being dark isA. darkerB. darkestC. darkD. darkness13. Angela prepared a dozen of plates and twenty pieces of spork for their picnicA. plastic platesB. family picnic C. plasticsD. spoon & fork14. Tenchers need wifi for their work. The wireless fidelity is very useful nowadays.A. computerB. wireless fidelity C. teachers' workD. laptop15. Motels along the highway are helpful among motorists looking for affordable hotel to spend the night.A. motor hotelB. residential house C. expensive hotels D. spend night16. No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is being made with an lotemeronnection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous. Ifkomething is ubiquitous,A. it is fuzzy and will bite you B. it is everywhere C. it costs too much money D. it causes rashes17. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be an incentive for them towork harder. What is the meaning of incentive?A. a reason to do something B. a small amount of money C. a tax D. a good job18. Some people are sure that the new health care law will mean better care for everyone. Others argue that the law willmean less care and longer waiting lines for those who need to see doctors. It's a controversy that will not go away soon. Acontroversy is something that peopleA. have strong disagreements overC. need to pay for a visit to a doctorB. blow their noses intoD. eat with sweet candyMOUsing IQ tests and MRI brain scans, researchers have found that the measurable intelligence of teenagers can rise and fall over time.We used to believe that intelligence was static. But now, because of new studies, we know that teens and even fully mature adultscan grow more brain cells when needed.19. What does "static" mean in the above selection?A noiseB. not changing C. moldyD. unreal20. What are researchers?A. people who lose thingsC. creatures from MarsB. people who search for knowledgeD. students who don't study​























hope it helps pa follow at brainliest ty


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