The Impact Of Covid 19 On Small Businesses In The Philippines

The Impact Of Covid 19 On Small Businesses In The Philippines

how to start data gathering about the impact of covid 19 on small business in philippines​

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1. how to start data gathering about the impact of covid 19 on small business in philippines​


first search on the internet if there if there's a case of covid 19 or how many case in you 'barangay'

next always use face mark&shield

then make sure you wash your hands and sanitizer it .

thats all I know if you think is wrong then use your brains

2. Activity 9: That's What They SayThe following paragraphs are all taken from opinion articles of Philippine StoreAnalyze them carefully and locatethe thesis statement or the main idea of thewriters in their essays. You will learn in thisactivity that opinion writers denot always use opinion signals or useful expressions in expressing their thesisstatement.1. The country's health insurance system is very sick. In fact, thePhilippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) that is supposed topump blood into it appears to be hemorrhaging so badly that thereserve fund supporting its subsidies could run out by 2022.2. The country is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since World War 2. Thus far, two thirds of all micro, small and medium enterprises(MSMEs) have either closed or significantly downsized. This shouldalarm us all since MSMEs comprise 98.57 percent of all businessestablishments in the country. They account for 71 percent ofemployment and 25 percent of export earnings. Collectively, theycontribute 39 percent to GDP.3. The conflict in the West Philippine Sea has intensified as China hasincreasingly become more aggressive. The United States and its allieshave increased their military and naval presence in the region. TheAmericans have also added a new dimension to the conflict by exploitingtheir economic and financial strength.4. COVID-19 is indeed a global challenge. According to the World HealthOrganization, almost 25 million people have been infected worldwide.We are now seeing how the economies of many nations have beenimpacted too. At the community level, families continue to juggle workand caring responsibilities, as many schools remain closed. Thesuffering is immense, especially for those who have lost jobs, or evenworse, loved ones as a result of this pandemic.5. President Duterte has distanced himself from the proposal of some ofhis supporters to create a revolutionary government, which can thenrailroad an overhaul of the Constitution to pave the way for a shift tofederalismPasagot po pls​

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3. Activity. That's what they say The following paragraphs are all talen mum opinion articles whippine Anab them carently and locate the thesis statement or the main idea of the writers in the You will learn in this activity that epitan wiera de not always opinion signals or of pressions in expressing their thesis 1 .The entry behinne system very well the the Philippine Health Insurance Corp (Phillteaith) that is wupposed to pump blood to appears to be hemorrhaging hadly that the reserve and supportin quades could run out by 202, 2.The country in the midst of its worst nevnte crisis ainee World War Thus far we thirds or all mter, small and medium enterprises (MSME) have either closed or significantly downsized This should alar wall since MSMEs comprise ou 57 percent of all business establishments in the country. They account for 7 percent of employment and 25 percent of expert earning Collectively, they contribute 3 percent to ODP 3. The contact in the West Philippine Sea har intensified as China ham Increasingly become more ressive. The United States and its allies have increased their military and naval presence in the region. The Americans have also added a new dimension to the conflict by exploiting their conomic and Financial strength 4. COVID-19 is indeed a global challenge According to the World Health Organization, almost 25 million people have been infected worldwide We are now seeing how the economies of many nations have been impacted too. At the community level families continue to juggle work and caring responsibilities, as many schools remain closed The kuffering is inimene, especially for those who have lost job, or even were loved ones as a result of this pandemie 5 .President Duterte has distanced himself from the proposal of some of his supporters to create a revolutionary overnment, which can then railroad an overhaul of the Constitution to pave the way for a thin to federalism​


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