The Customer Is Not Always Right Essay

The Customer Is Not Always Right Essay

why is the customer always right? essay ​

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1. why is the customer always right? essay ​


The customer is always right because as a business you want your customers to return as well as feel welcomed and appreciated. Many businesses lose sight of this fact when they become wealthy, not realizing that they can still lose everything without the love and loyalty of their customers.

2. Essay: When the dictum is "the customer is always right” not followed? Cite situations when the store manager or salesperson decides that the customer is not always right.​

There are wrong customers.

Simply saying the customer is always right doesn't make it so. Sometimes customers are wrong and employees need to know how to handle them accordingly. Taking ownership of a mistake that the business is not accountable for is a slippery slope.

3. ESSAY:when the victim is the "customer is always right" not followed?Cite setuations when the store manager or salesperson decides that the customer is always right​


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A key point to keep in mind is that the customer is always right, in their own mind, although not necessarily in reality. It's critical not to disagree with the customer because that makes them angry and argumentative. ... Instead, focus on the positive—on what you can do to help the customer.


Interview Answer

Simply put, no. But one should never tell a customer that they are wrong. One must LISTEN attentively to their customer- many times that is all people want is to be heard and understood. Make sure to always ask what the customer wants in order to satisfy them.

5. Hey this is an essay :'> Do you agree with marketing customer service mantra, "The customer is always right"? Do you feel that as a customer "yo are always right"? Why or Why not?​


“The customer is always right” is an instructive saying that directs those dealing with the public to make customer satisfaction one of their highest priorities. This can be difficult when a customer has an issue with your organization and truly believes they are in the right. They may be making demands that are impossible for you to meet. So, what’s the best way to handle these situations?

“The customer is always right” is an instructive saying that directs those dealing with the public to make customer satisfaction one of their highest priorities. This can be difficult when a customer has an issue with your organization and truly believes they are in the right. They may be making demands that are impossible for you to meet. So, what’s the best way to handle these situations?A key point to keep in mind is that the customer is always right, in their own mind, although not necessarily in reality. It’s critical not to disagree with the customer because that makes them angry and argumentative. It’s not in anyone’s best interest to tell a customer they are wrong.

6. Essay: Answer the questions written below. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully as you can make it. Copy and answer it in your notebook. 1. When the dictum is "the customer is always right not followed? Cite situations when the store manager or salesperson decides that the customer is not always right.


This saying isn't carefully followed due to having problems in the management. Or also, in having problems with the customer because they are too contrlling and manipulating.

7. Direction: Identify the statement weather it is true orfalse.1. The combination of radio and television isknown as broadcast media.2. An advantage of radio advertising is that itis timely.3. A disadvantage of radio advertising is thatlisteners can sometimes be distracted.4. Successful radio campaigns reach the rightpeople, the right number of times, with the rightmessage.5. For advertisements, it is always a good ideato include as many new ideas as possible in onecommercial, so the audience doesn't get bored.6. Phone numbers are not generally a goodidea to include in radio advertisements.7. TV advertising is the timeliest form ofadvertising8. It is difficult to target customers for radioand television advertising because every station hasthe same group of people listening/ watching.9. It is not possible to display a picture of theproduct behind someone who is recording acommercial in the TV studio.10. Broad casting is informative way tobroaden the mind of one's individual.Essay: Give the importance of the following word.NEED KO PO NGAYON PLS PO​












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