Sample Questions For Pageant

Sample Questions For Pageant

Sample of question and answer in pageant

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1. Sample of question and answer in pageant

Why did you join this pageant and what will you do if you win this pageant..

2. Best questions and for beauty pageants

what is the characteristics if a beauty queen?
what will you do to the environment?
how can you stop poverty?
if you were the president of your country what will you do?

3. Preliminary questions in a beauty pageant

What would you say to people who do not believe that pageants are a good influence on women? (Read: Why Intelligent Women Compete in Pageantry)

4. are beauty pageants exploitive?​

No because it is a contest and you need to compete

Sorry sa grammar

5. Criteria for judging question and answer in pageant



Beauty Pageants are mostly for people who have the beauty inside and out and also the brains to match it. People mostly females join pageants to either exercise their “Winning competency” or to just plainly win the competition. There are some that takes small steps to get to their goal of participating in much more advanced tiers.

Suggested Criteria for Q & A:

Content of the Answer- 50 % Delivery of Speech- 25% Confidence and Overall Presence- 25%

Criteria mean the main points of judging, though for obvious reasons beauty is already an advantage. Making a Criterion for judging requires experience in the competition or that specific field itself or uses resources and other bases for it.  

Mostly deriving criteria from the very people joining, emphasize on their advantages and also try focusing on challenging rounds where it really gives them the experience of a competition or a challenge.

Other Criteria for Judging Competitions:

Their compliance with the theme at hand The contestant's Personality and attitude The audience impact

Links for other relating topics:

Examples of Criteria:

6. example of this speech can be seen in beautiful pageant's questions and answers portion​


- How different would the world be if women were to rule the world?

- Is life easier for women or men?

- Does a woman sacrifice more than a man?


7. what is the importance of beauty pageant?​


Beauty pageants give girls additional skills that they can use in their life growing up. From competing it gives them more confidence, develops social skills, poise and personality. In beauty pageants there are many different values that women can learn from and use to better herself in her careers in the future.


Beauty pageants give girls additional skills that they can use in their life growing up. From competing it gives them more confidence, develops social skills, poise and personality. In beauty pageants there are many different values that women can learn from and use to better herself in her careers in the future.


pa brainliest po tenchuuuu

8. tagalog questions use in school pageant

Paano ka magiging role model ng mga studyante dito sa ating paaralan

9. Pageants prayoridad kita


ano yong question ❓


❓❓ano yung question

10. Beauty pageant question and answer about tourism

In what way will you contribute to tourism as a beauty queen?

I will contribute to tourism by using my influence as a beauty queen, to promote the tourism of my country. I will show them by actions and by words that beauty is not just in the face but as well as for the whole country

11. 7. boxing : ring :: pageant : _______​







12. What is the essence of sportmanship? Question and Answer pageant


The essence of sportsmanship is that we can build camaraderie to our fellow athletes and is very important to exist in a game for it to be successful.

13. Philippine-based major international beauty pageant Miss Earth Pageant prepares open for all transgender woman category?


No, the Miss Earth Pageant does not currently have an open category for transgender women. The pageant is open to all women aged 18-26 who are natural-born females.

14. a candidate in a beauty and brain pageant who is going to answer the question given by the judge​


Impromptu speech,

that's the answer

15. Make a sentence about pageants.

pageant is the most exciting event in our campus

16. is beauty pageant a sport ?​


beauty is inside you


:) <33


They are contests. They are Not sports.





17. example of interest in Pageant​


if you have a self confidence, and didictation to your self you become it. in pageant not only a beauty but also have a knowledge and your body posture, facial expressions and many more that you need to develop or encounter to be win...


What motivates you to participate in the pageant?


The number one of a million reasons to enter a beauty pageant is to build self-confidence. Take me, for example... You would never catch me talking in front of large crowds, or being social at all... until my Mom entered me in my first pageant amongst 213 girls!

Taking part in a pageant will surely help to build a person's confidence because the event will be held in front of an audience of friends and strangers.

18. as winning the pageant how will you represent your place in the national pageant?​


I'll represent the beauty of our county and our culture.

19. ACTIVITY 1: QUESTION AND ANSWER PORTION...Pretend that you are one of the prestigious judges in the Miss UniversePageant. What would be your question to Ms. Catriona Gray? Write at least 2thought-provoking questions.​


1.Ms.Catriona Gray= When you win at this pageant what are you gonna do with the winning tickets and your golden crown

2.If you see someone need help to buy some groceries or something your gonna help him or no.


That's my only questionʕ◕◡◕ʔ

And i thank you


20. this for pageant :why did you join this pageant?​


I join this pageant to make my family proud,and also I join this because I want to show to everyone that I can do it without their help I can do it in my own way I just believe in my self and my family is my inspiration to continue this pageant

21. what is the relevance of this pageant to pandemic? ​


I think pageants are now an amazing platform to show that not all our dreams are cancelled, they're just put on hold. And for us, we're just lucky to make this one dream come true, to stand here, to spread hope, to rally people together in action and conversation and spark change, and together, I'm sure, we can make a positive impact out there on the stage. That is the essence of beauty pageants in the time of a pandemic.

22. self introduction in sports pageant




23. What is the essence of beauty pageant? ​


The essence of most beauty pageants is to celebrate the totality of the beauty of a woman. This however goes beyond looks to project such qualities as; intelligence, confidence, poise, charity, charm among others


The essence of most beauty pageants is to celebrate the totality of the beauty of a woman. This however goes beyond looks to project such qualities as; intelligence, confidence, poise, charity, charm among others.

24. criteria for judging beauty pageant

Answer:The judges are looking for: overall first impression, sense of confidence, walk, posture, carriage and grace, personality, stage presence, beauty and sense of attractiveness, and appropriateness of the evening wear.


25. Hi guys... Can you please give me a question for pageant... Then any answer pud plsss

What is the scariest thing that you fear when you get old?

I believe that losing my mother from my side is my fear as getting old because she is light int he world and by best friend I've ever asked for.

what will you do if you are not beautiful enough to be in a pageant or why did you join this pageant

26. Questions for high school beauty pageant

if you are given 1 million pesos what would you do with it?

27. A candidate in a beauty and brain pageant who is going to answer the question given by the judges


the candidate is answering the question given by the judges

28. What is a "PageantWagon"?​


A Pageant Wagon is a moveable stage that was used to depict religious play cycles from the 10th to the 16th century. These plays were derived from biblical texts, and originated as a way to spread the message of the Bible

What is a pageant wagon used for?

A pageant wagon is a movable stage or wagon used to accommodate the mystery and miracle play cycles of the 10th through the 16th century. These religious plays were developed from biblical texts; at the height of their popularity, they were allowed to stay within the churches, and special stages were erected for them.

Who built pageant wagons?

the trade guilds

The pageant wagons, or large carts, each containing from one to three mansions, or scenic locales, were constructed by the trade guilds and were dismantled at the close of the season each year and stored.


29. you are participating in a pageant, and the question you have pick isquestion ; you agree with the same sex marriage, why and why not? patulong po. ​


I do not agree.


Why not?, because marriage sacred. Thats why there is a woman and a man in this world we are living, you have to love a man and a woman not a woman to woman nor man to man.


yes I agree


in this world we can do anything we want. having the same sex marriage is not a bad thing or idea cause its our life not theirs

30. what is the dysfunction of beauty pageant​


Struggles with perfection, dieting, eating disorders and body image can take their toll in adulthood”. They are most likely prone to disordered eating behaviors and associated concerns, body dissatisfaction, depression and lower self-esteem. Many people focus on outer beauty in beauty pageants.

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