Galvanograph Component

Galvanograph Component

1. the component records changes occuring in the respiratory or breathing system.-the pneumograph component-the galvanograph component-the cardiograph component-the kymograph component​

1. 1. the component records changes occuring in the respiratory or breathing system.-the pneumograph component-the galvanograph component-the cardiograph component-the kymograph component​


The Pneumograph Component


The Pneumograph Component

The component that records changes occurring in the respiratory or breathing system is called the pneumograph component. Basically, it records the respiratory or breathing rate or pattern of a subject. The pneumograph component consists of a convoluted rubber tube filled with air. A pneumograph is used as one of the parts of a polygraph machine utilized to measure different physiological reactions. This instrument is used for investigations.

Information on Other Choices Mentioned Aside From The Pneumograph Component

Below are brief descriptions of the other choices mentioned in the question:

Galvanograph component - records the amount of perspiration produced by the skin.Cardiograph component - (or cardio-sphygmograph) used to record electric currents produced by heart contractions.Kymograph - used to record changes in arterial blood pressure.


Know about galvanometers:

What effect does the rotating part of the loop have on the needle of the galvanometer?

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