Structure Of Concept Paper

Structure Of Concept Paper

the structure that present the concept in concept paper is called​

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1. the structure that present the concept in concept paper is called​


the structure that present the concept in concept paper is called​


What is the structure of concept paper?

The concept paper will include your proposed research title, a brief introduction to the subject, the aim of the study, the research questions you intend to answer, the type of data you will collect and how you will collect it. A concept paper can also be referred to as a research proposal.

Jiyaa( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

research proposal


thank you

2. what are the guidelines and structure of concept paper

A concept paper is meant to give the university an informed idea of the applicant's areas of research interest in order to avail the necessary assistance for them to develop a full research proposal and allocate supervisors to give the necessary assistance.


Structure of the Concept Paper.

As a guide and to encourage uniformity in assessment of the concept papers, all applicants should structure their concept papers; taking into account the preceding process guidelines; as follows:-

·         Cover page — include the title of your research, your names as they appear in the academic documents, the area of specialization of the PhD as advertised and months and date

·         Introduction — Briefly tells us about the area of your proposed interest and why such area is of significance to study. Justify why such an area is of utmost importance to do research about ( not more than 3 paragraphs)

·         Problem statement — Briefly state what the problem of the investigation will be for the proposed study. Give evidence of the magnitude of the problem by either giving the statistics where applicable or citations. Remember your problem can be theoretical or practical and whichever you opt to address, make sure you have ‘convicted’ the problem (two paragraphs)

·         Research Questions, Objectives and Hypotheses — Formulate the key questions which your study intends to explore. The questions should be in harmony with the formulated objectives and any hypotheses if any; given the natural relationships among the three. Not more than 6 research questions/ objectives should be formulated

·         Literature — Briefly review the current literature about the proposed area of research. Use journal sources and primary sources like dissertations within your area of specialization. At this level, you can show how current you are aware of the debates and developments within your chosen area of research ( 2-3 pages would be adequate)

·         Methodology — Finally, you should briefly describe the methodology you intend to follow in conducting the proposed research. You need to show in this methodology the research orientation in terms of research paradigm-qualitative, quantitative or both

·         References — The last part of your concept paper should be a list of references (all works cited in the text) and ensure you follow the American Psychological association style of referencing (APA). Its guidelines are available on the World Wide Web.

3. 5 similarities of the two structure or format of a Concept Paper for a Project and the Concept Paper for an Academic Research.​


What is the similarities and differences of concept paper for a project and concept paper for an academic research?:

Answer: A clear distinction between the two is merely their types. A concept paper is about a topic of your interest which you would like to explore further while carrying out research, while a research paper is the output of your work.


What are the five structures of concept paper for a project?:


The fundamental elements of a Concept Paper are project vision, project scope, project targets, timeline and milestones and project management.

am i right oh no

its ok

# keep learning

4. Activity 2. Venn Diagram. Using the Venn diagram, provide similarities anddifferences between the two structure or format of a Concept Paper fora Project and the Concept Paper for an Academic Research.DaConcept Paperfor a ProjectConcept PaperFor an AcademicResearch​


Similarities of Concept paper for a project and Concept Paper for Academic Research

Research is the gathering of information, the investigation, the experimentation in order to gain new knowledge or to discover something. A project is a temporary attempt to accomplish a specified objective.

The concept paper is the initial step of writing a research project in which you gather your initial thoughts.

The research report is the culmination of all your research and findings in written form. The research report will include what you have researched, how you have conducted the research, what your findings have been, what your findings are, and often the implications or questions for further study.

5. 1. Define what a concept paper is. 2. Identify its salient structures and uses.​


1. A concept paper is a brief paper written by a university student around a research question before undertaking the research. The paper is about two or three pages long and provides key details about the research, such as the question, purpose, and methods.

2. The concept paper will include your proposed research title, a brief introduction to the subject, the aim of the study, the research questions you intend to answer, the type of data you will collect and how you will collect it. A concept paper can also be referred to as a research proposal.


Sana naka tulong, Correct me if I'm wrong, Pa brainliests nadin po if okay lng sainyo

6. Directions: Using the concept map below, explain what is Structural-Functionalism. Use a separate bond paper for this activity.​


Structural functionalism, in sociology and other social sciences, a school of thought according to which each of the institutions, relationships, roles, and norms that together constitute a society serves a purpose, and each is indispensable for the continued existence of the others and of society as a whole.

7. 1. Define what a concept paper is.2. Identify its salient structures and uses.​


A concept paper is a brief paper written by a university student around a research question before undertaking the research. The paper is about two or three pages long and provides key details about the research, such as the question, purpose, and methods.The Concept paper is a brief document. Depending upon the requirements of the specific school or academic program, the Concept Paper may range from as few as 2-3 pages to as many as 10-20 pages. The essential point of the Concept Paper is to explain the importance of a particular research project.

8. Please pa help EAPP subject Direction: Give your insights about the 8 features of a concept paper. Eto po yung tatlong di nasama sa module Methodology : Provides the student's best idea on how to conduct the research and analyze the data. For the Concept Paper, the methodology is simplified or summarized, serving as a general outline of the methods that will be employed. Timeline: Provides a range of time for completion of the project, highlighting key elements for each stage of the project. This element is unique to the Concept Paper and provides the student structure for managing sections of the project within a realistic time frame. References: Provides references to the material cited in the literature review and elsewhere in the Concept Paper. Pa help please


1. Title: The title is the first thing that readers will see, so it should be attention-grabbing and accurately reflect the essence of the proposed project or study. It should be concise yet informative, providing a clear indication of the content.

2. Introduction: The introduction should effectively engage the reader and provide a compelling overview of the proposed project or study. It should establish the context and significance of the topic, and create interest in the reader to continue reading further.

3. Problem Statement: The problem statement is a critical component of the concept paper as it identifies the issue or problem that the proposed project or study aims to address. It should be well-defined, specific, and supported by evidence to highlight the need for the project or study.

4. Objectives: The objectives should be clearly stated and aligned with the problem statement. They should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), providing a clear roadmap of what the project or study aims to achieve. Well-defined objectives demonstrate a clear sense of purpose and direction.

5. Methodology: The methodology section should provide a clear description of the approach and methods that will be used to conduct the proposed project or study. It should be well-reasoned, feasible, and aligned with the research design or project plan. Including details about data collection, analysis, and other procedures adds credibility to the concept paper.

6. Literature Review: The literature review should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the existing knowledge and research related to the proposed project or study. It should highlight the gaps or limitations in the literature and provide a rationale for why the proposed project or study is needed to address those gaps. A well-structured literature review strengthens the theoretical foundation of the concept paper.

7. Budget: The budget section should provide a realistic estimate of the financial resources required to complete the proposed project or study. It should be well-justified and transparent, indicating how the resources will be allocated and used. A well-planned budget shows that the project or study is feasible and financially viable.

8. Conclusion: The conclusion should effectively summarize the main points of the concept paper and reinforce the significance of the proposed project or study. It should leave a lasting impression on the reader and emphasize the potential impact or contributions of the project or study. A strong conclusion reinforces the value and relevance of the concept paper.

9. Using the Venn diagram, provide similarities and differences of the two structures of concept papers.​



Research is the gathering of information, the investigation, the experimentation  in order to gain new knowledge or to discover something.  A project is a temporary  attempt to accomplish a specified objective.



The concept paper is the initial step of writing  a research project in which you gather your initial thoughts.  



The research report is the culmination of  all your research and findings in written form. The research report will include what you have researched, how you have conducted the research, what  your findings have been, what your findings are, and often the implications or questions for further study."

10. define what concept paper is an undead if i its uses and structure​


The concept paper will include your proposed research title, a brief introduction to the subject, the aim of the study, the research questions you intend to answer, the type of data you will collect and how you will collect it. A concept paper can also be referred to as a research proposal.


11. 1.Define what a concept paper is and identify its uses and structure.​


A concept paper is a brief paper written by a university student around a research question before undertaking the research. The paper is about two or three pages long and provides key details about the research, such as the question, purpose, and methods.


Answer: A concept paper is a brief paper written by a university student around a research question before undertaking the research. The paper is about two or three pages long and provides key details about the research, such as the question, purpose, and methods


(correct me if im wrong)

12. Comprehension Questions 1. What is Judy Brady's main thesis in the essay? 2. What is the concept being defined in the essay? 3. Why does she want a wife? 4. How was the concept developed? What techniques of defining were used? 5.What is her definition of a wife or of being a wife? 6.Does the essay have a clear structure? Is there a clear introduction, body and conclusion? 7. What is the purpose of the writer in defining the concept? 8. Is there a significant difference between the role of a wife and of a mother? 9. Is the essay a good sample of a concept paper? Why? 10. Do you now have a much clearer understanding of what a concept paper is through this sample essay? How would you define a concept paper now? Note: Write your answers at the back of your paper. -Answer it wellⒸ​


I don't know what happened but it was a good moseason is over and I can we get a can we get a chance please help you out today so I

13. THINK OUT. Write a concept paper. Assume that your researcher for a non-government organization who in funded by Asian Development Bank. Follow the structure of CONCEPT PAPER FOR A PRO in your class. Refer to the format given: LETTER OR STYLE FONT &12 FONT SIZE. Deadline is on Dece written test for 2nd quarter.) I. Cover Page II. Introduction III. Rationale or Background IV. Project Description V. Project Needs and Cost​


where's the structures of concept paper?

14. using the venn diagram provide similarities and differences between the two structure or format of a concept paper for a project as a concept paper for an academic research​

Similarities and Differences Between the Two Structures or Formats of a Concept Paper for a Project and as a Concept Paper for Academic Research

Concept papers for projects and concept papers for academic research have a few important distinctions. First off, compared to a concept paper for academic research, a concept paper for a project is often shorter and more focused. This is to ensure that readers would understand that a concept paper for a project is intended to provide a concise summary of the project, whereas a concept paper for academic research is intended to provide a more thorough review of the research issue. Second, a concept paper for an academic study is normally prepared by a group of researchers, as opposed to a concept paper for a project, which is typically authored by the project manager or main researcher. A concept paper for a project, on the other hand, is often used to secure money for the project, whilst a concept paper for academic research, on the other hand, is typically used to secure funding for the research team.

Both concept papers for projects and concept papers for academic research function as an initial proposal or overview of an idea. They are frequently employed to aid in the clarification of the planned project or study's aims and objectives, as well as the strategies and tactics that will be employed to meet those objectives. Both kinds of concept papers serve to give a broad overview of the proposed work and to pique readers' interest in and support for the project or study. Both kinds of concept papers frequently include details about the proposed work's history and context as well as any potential relevance of the outcomes.

In conclusion, the length, focus, and author are the main distinctions between concept papers for projects and concept papers for academic research.

To learn more about concept paper, just click the link below:


15. Your task is to write the basic concepts and principles of Structural Functionalism, Marxism, and Symbolic Interactionism by writing your answer in the Venn Diagram. Based on your answer from the article that you have read earlier. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


nasa chrome po yan lahat may ganyan po kasi ako po,hope it helps po


thank you po keep safe po thank you

16. in Do Activity 3. My Novel Concept Based on what you have learned about a concept paper, present a creative and informative article about the top 5 reasons why and how concept papers can contribute to societal change. Provide specific scenarios or various statistics to support presentation is rated using the rubrics below. Content Guide Questions Score (1-5) 1. Does the paper clearly provide an overview of the project or research? 2. Does the paper state the significance of the project? 3. Are the claims supported by facts and statistics? 4. Are the objectives and goals clear? 5. Are references properly cited? Organization / 1. Does the paper use organizational patter and structure appropriate for the genre? 2. Are the ideas correctly placed which improves the paper's organization? 3. Is the flow of ideas smooth and easy to read? Style 1. Does the paper showcase the writer's voice? 2. Does the paper use language appropriate to context? 3. Does the paper use variety of sentence structure? sual 1. Does the video introduced the details sentation of the concept paper in an effective manner or style? 2. Does the video showcase the writers' voice and support important concepts of the presentation? OTAL SCORE​


Sorry I can't answer this it's confusing

17. what organization does each concept paper follow how is it structured?#ndhlp​


There could be various types of conceptual papers such as development of theories, expansion of research methods, commentaries, and discussions. The structure of the paper mainly depends on the journal to which author wants to submit. However, in all conceptual papers there has to be an introduction entailing the need for the paper, what is already written about the subject, and what this new paper adds to the literature. The remaining subsections are authors' discretion. Those conceptual papers in which the authors clearly state their methodology and the sources for argumentation could be based on extensive and systematic literature reviews. A general structure could be:

Introduction (Explaining the need of and international relevance of the paper and a few statements about the existing literature)

Background (A detailed discussion of the previous literature on the very subject)


Major arguments along with the supporting literature

Discussion (Implications, future research, limitations)


18. Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F otherwise. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. 1. An outline is a general plan of what you are going to write. 2. Preparing an outline can take time but, when you are finished, you will be able to write the rough draft of your essay more quickly. 3. Synopsis is used in non-research academic texts. 4. The aim of abstract, précis, or summary is to precisely condense a larger work to present only the key ideas. 5. Formal outlines are less traditional and structured. 6. A concept paper is a summary document. 7. Concept paper for a project and concept paper for academic research has the same format. 8. The aim of a concept paper is to subjectively inform the reader about the idea or concept. 9. The parts of a concept paper may vary depending on the specifications of the funding agencies. 10. Clarification is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general abstract idea to specific and concrete examples. ​













19. Write your initial and general idea about the concept paper. Infer its purpose, nature and characteristics, structure and qualities on the evaluationneed lg po Ng help​


The main purpose of writing a concept paper is to convince your supervisor that the proposed research project is worth doing.


pa brainlest foe

20. D.3 EngagementActivity4 analyzeDirections: Answer the following question about the text "Why Sinigang" on clean sheet of yellow paperWhat is the concept discussed in the text?What elucidating technique where used in the text?What type of concept paper is it?Describe the structure and organization of ideas in the text?​


The concepts discussed in the test is because to sinigang to clean in the sheets of yellow paper



21. 1-5 Differentiate Reaction Paper from a Concept Paper.6-7 Define Critique. How does it differ from the word"Critic?8-10. Discuss how you understand the different kinds ofconcept paper.II. Identify what approach is used in the critique writingbelow.CHOICES:a. Gender Approach b. Feministic Approachc. Structural Approach d. Sociological approache. Formalistic Approach​


ll. E.formalistic approach

22. What's More Activity 2. Venn Diagram Using the Venn diagram, provide similarities and differences between the two structure or format of a Concept Paper for a Project and the Concept Paper for an Academic Research. Do this in your notebook. Concept Paper for a project Concept Paper for an Academic Research​


Similarities of Concept paper for a project and Concept Paper for Academic Research

Research is the gathering of information, the investigation, the experimentation in order to gain new knowledge or to discover something. A project is a temporary attempt to accomplish a specified objective.

The concept paper is the initial step of writing a research project in which you gather your initial thoughts.

The research report is the culmination of all your research and findings in written form. The research report will include what you have researched, how you have conducted the research, what your findings have been, what your findings are, and often the implications or questions for further study.


study well.

23. old paki sagutan po ng maayosCRITERIA Knowledge Integration Content Style 10 points Concepts are integrated into student's own insight. Student provides remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas. The content is focusing clearly enough for the scope of the lesson. Precise, illustrative use of variety of words and sentence structure to describe the topic appropriately. 5 points Concepts are integrated into student's own insight. But some of the conclusions are not supported in the body of the paper. Sufficiently developed content with adequate elaboration or explanation Generic use of a variety of words and sentence structures that may describe the topic appropriately. 3 points The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Limited content with inadequate elaboration and explanation. Limited word choice and control of sentence structure that may or may not describe the topic appropriately. ​




but easy and simple answer

24. Instructions:1. Choose any topic you wish to make.2. The paper shall follow the structure of a good concept paper.3. The rubrics above will serve as basis for the grading of your paper.4. The output shall be type written using this format.5. You may add pages on this document shall this not be enough.​


the topic I choose is the output shall be type written using this format

25. examples of concept paper and list their differences when it comes to structure and content​


A general structure could be: Introduction (Explaining the need of and international relevance of the paper and a few statements about the existing literature) Background (A detailed discussion of the previous literature on the very subject) Purpose/Aim.

26. Which of the following academic texts typically makes use of the three-part essay structure? a. research paper b. concept paper c. literary analysis d. none of the above


A. Research paper


I hope this answer will help you^_^

Pa brainiest po thanks^_^


27. using the concept map below explain what is a structural functionalism use a separate bond paper for this activity​


the function of different parts of cultures or societies. This varies from different roles that need to be carried out, to things like morals, ideologies, etc.

Often, it will be contrasted with other social paradigms known conflict theory and symbolic interactionism — if you’re just starting out in sociology.

28. Using venn diagram, provide similarities and differences between the two structure or format of a concept paper for a project and the concept paper for an academic research. ​


Academic Research is defined as a “Systematic investigation into a problem or situation, where the intention is to identify facts and/or opinions that will assist in solving the problem or dealing with the situation”. ... Professional research focuses on research goals/questions that emerge from business requirements.

29. POSITION PAPER: Write a position paper about " How does stress affect the body" on clean paper. Don't forget to follow the proper structure of a concept paper.​


stress don't only makes you haggard, it can also affect both your mental and physical health. If you're constantly stress, you can have physical symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, problems with sleep and emotional problems like depression, panic attacks or any form of anxiety or worry.


ba brainliest pls

30. What is the structure of a Concept paper for a Project or How do you write a Project concept Paper?


sana po makatulong ito

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