Positive Effects Of Peer Pressure Essay

Positive Effects Of Peer Pressure Essay

the effects of peer pressure​

Daftar Isi

1. the effects of peer pressure​


1. Depression

2. Social anxiety

3. Lowering of self-esteem


We often compare ourselves to others, and this is an incredibly toxic practice. We tend to believe that we are useless and no one at all, after meeting or witnessing someone of great talent and/or skill. This thinking could lead to the lowering of self-esteem, which then leads to losing self-confidence, which could result to social anxiety. Social anxiety is a psychological condition in which we fear other people's judgment, and in which we feel inferior or incomplete. Social anxiety then could lead to depression.

Remember: You're already complete. Ignore what others say negatively about you. Their words speak more about them than they do about you. You're awesome. Keep it up.

2. Create a 3 paragraph documentary essay about teenagers experiencing forms and effects of peer pressure and how they can cope with it.

Peer pressure affect a teen's development

- Mentally/emotionally, this can limit children’s (especially teenagers’) ability to make their own decisions and think for themselves. By losing that crucial ability, they become more gullible, and easily influenced. This is how those types of people who believe anything they read on the news come to be. This can also seriously affect their self confidence, both in their own opinions, and especially in their problem-solving capabilities.

they can become more emotional and have more suicidal thoughts and fall deeper and deeper into depression

Be very particular about the peers you've, there's no need to have unnecessary people around you, just have those who fit well in your ideal thinking about career options, hobbies.Cut the negative ones off, I understand it's not that easy, there are some people whom you cannot cut off easily, but avoid them as much as possible.Make other friends, as I said you need substitution for your old friends, substitute the toxicity with positivity.

3. which of the following is the best example of positive peer pressure

Are there any choices or do you have to come up with some?

Some examples:

Instead of peers encouraging drinking and drugs, they encourage each other to study and so their best.

Instead of peers bullying they lift each other up and encourage each other to be kind to others as well as themselves.

Hope those help....

4. Trying to convince your friend to skip class is an example of a positive peer pressuretrue or false please help me​




Because peer pressuring your friend to skip class isn't positive. It's negative because it's a bad thing to do.

5. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 9 (1), 300-312, 2019 Adolescent have higher tendency to experience peer pressure in school. Peer pressure is clustered in four categories such as social belongingness, curiosity, cultural- parenting orientation of parents and education, this research design used is descriptive correlation. The researchers conducted the survey among the students in the Senior High School. With 96 respondents who completed the survey. Quantitative data were processed by using chi-square. The result would show the correlation between the perceived level of peer pressure in terms of social belongingness, curiosity, cultural- parenting orientation of parents and education. Generally, students are expected to face the effects of peer pressure optimistically to cope up the negative impact of peer pressure in their studies. Students may use positive or negative approach towards peer pressure. Teacher may guide and help them in facing the problems.give a supporting details?​


hope it's help pa brainliest po and pa follow na Rin po

6. what are the positive and negative effect of peer rejection to the child and to the deliquescent juvenile?​


the positive effect is they use that rejection to be strong and use it as a lesson and the negative effect is sometimes a lot of children are take it more seriously and lead them to depression


Many factors can lead to peer rejection, but the most consistently related factors, especially over the long-term, are aggressive and socially withdrawn behavior. Numerous studies have linked aggressive behavior problems in preschool, middle childhood, and adolescence to rejection from peers

7. Effects of peer pressure on the habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.Make 5 Questionnaire​


e habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.


e habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.

8. example of peer pressure?

Peer pressure, as the term implies, is the direct influence of an individual or a group of people to get you to do something, change your behaviour, attitude or values to conform to the influencing individuals.

Peer pressure can be either negative or positive. An example of negative peer pressure is when you feel like you need to act cool just to fit in-like getting the latest gadgets, go on a fad diet, etc. Positive peer pressure, on the other hand, can be within the likes of getting into a school club that is of your interest as persuaded by your friends, or probably hanging out with kids who allow you to go home by your curfew time.

9. "What are the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in your family, studies and relationship to peers?"​


No positive from my famliy and relavants and also negative


Sorry but yan ang sagot ko sa aken lang yan HEHE

10. what is peer pressure?

peer pressure is the influence on a peer group, individual, friends, or etc that exerts effort on encouraging others to change their attitude, values, or behaviour.

11. positive strengths that prevent you from negativity from peer pressure, drugs, and other possible problems ❤️









u can choose whatever u want

12. 15. The following are positive effects of stress, except: A. Peer pressure B. improves decisions C. boost one's morale D. motivates an individual


Sa tingin ko po ay letter A

13. What are the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in your family, studies and relationship to peers?"​


The positive effect of covid19 pandemic in my family was we are stay together no matter happen in our family while the negative, it make our life hard because in studies sometimes we can't understand the lesson, also in some thing that we can't get out easily.


14. List down the positive influences or effects of family, peers,culture, and media to yourself


family: Good manners

peers: Good interaction

culture: love to your country

media: Privacy


15. One of the most pressing social issues in the country and the world is peer pressure. You almost hear that every day on radio, TV, | newspapers, and other social media platforms. Peer pressure is the direct influence on a person by peers, or the effect on a single person who gets encouraged to obey his/her peers by changing his/her attitudes, styles, i beliefs, or values to conform to those influencing group or individual. This could lead to either a positive or a negative effect or both. 1. why did you choose the story? 2. how do you feel about the story? 3. what are the learnings from the story?​


1 It's interesting

2 I feel how to destroy our mother earth

3 trow the garbage on trash can and don't or stop destroying our mother earth

16. PRACTICAL RESEARCH ( background of the study) effects of peer pressure on the academics performance of the students under the tvl strand at au jas​


An Uncomfortable Learning Environment. ...

Family Background. ...

Learning Infrastructure. ...

Difficulty In Understanding. ...

Teacher-Student Ratio. ...

Information Overload. ...

Performance Pressure. ...

Unhealthy Lifestyle.


idunno if tama hehe pero i hope it helps po <'3

17. Activity No. 5. Reflection JournalInstruction: Think of the peer influence and peer pressure you experienced as anadolescent. Peer pressure can be negative (e.g., encouraging a teenager to sraoke)or positive (e.g., getting on the all A honor roll at school). Write two to threeparagraphs describing your experience with peers in adolescence and how theyinfluenced your development.​


Im my own perspective i surround myself with good and educated friends that's why we strive together for a better scores and grades when it comes to academics.

We don't think about smoking and liquors cause that was just a waste of time, money and health instead we collect our money to buy foods and have some quality time and have some movie marathons and etc. group study as well.

Sometimes as a bonding we take a jog if its jot raining outside then take some pictures post it in instagram, there is so many ways in enjoying life. Don't let yourself be stressed we teenagers are too young to be depressed or stressed. Have some fun, your age is not waiting you it walks and it doesn't make backwards.


hope it helps brainliest

18. List down the positive influences or effects of family. peers, culture andmedia to yourself.​


Cultural values can influence communication orientation, or the degree of interaction between family members, as well as conformity orientation, or the degree of conformity within a family. ... Because social rules, communication beliefs, all of it, it really is, all in the family.

Here are 10 Ways to Have a Positive Influence on Your Children

Be available. ...

Be warm. ...

Listen, but don't fix. ...

Set limits. ...

Play. ...

Be grateful. ...

Be fair. ...

Set high expectations.

19. In an essay form,How do you say creatively "no" or express refusal in terms of peer pressure?​


nope it's the answer thank me later

20. what is a peer pressure


Peer pressure is the influence wielded by people within the same social group. It is also the term used to describe the effect this influence has on a person to conform in order to be accepted by the group.


hope it helps

21. What I Can DoActivity No.5. Reflection JournalInstruction: Think of the peer influence and peer pressure you experienced as anadolescent. Peer pressure can be negative (e.g., encouraging a teenager to smoke) or positive(e.g., getting on the all A honor roll at school). Write two to three paragraphs describing yourexperience with peers in adolescence and how they influenced your development.​


in my own perspective i surround myself with good and educated friends that's why we strive together for a better scores and grades when it comes to academics

we don't think about smoking and liquors cause that was just a waste of TIME AND MONEY AND HEALTH instead we collect our money to buy foods and have some quality time and have some movie marathons and etc. group study as well.

sometimes as a bonding we take a jog if its jot raining outside then take some pictures post it in instagram. there is so many ways in enjoying life. don't let yourself be stressed we teenagers are too young to be depressed or stressed. have some fun, your age is not waiting you it walks and it doesn't make backwards :)


by the way im 17

22. True or false 1. Is it okay to yell at someone when we are stressed? 2. Angry emotions, frustration and crying are symptoms of stress. 3. Can peer pressure be both positive and negative? 4. Trying to convince your friend to skip class is an example of a positive peer pressure.


1. false

2. true

3. true

4. true

hope it helps :)


1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False


yan po yong sinabi ng tito ko dati nong panahong sobrang stress ng mama ko.

23. Bk3: peer pressure: write a reflective blog on how you resisted peer pressure to prioritize your studies.

Sorry ah sa picture ko lng ma send

Hope its help

24. Effects of peer pressure in academic performance of learners independent and dependent variables need ko plz​


Peer Influence can be either positive or negative. If a student is influenced negatively by peer, it affects his or her academic performance. Nevertheless, stronger student do have an impact on their peers and actually help improve their overall academic performance.


Peer pressure convinces them to take certain actions, and when they do, they suffer the natural consequences – which they are not mature enough to handle. Peer pressure can lead students to alcohol, drugs, unsafe sex practices, blatant disrespect for authority, and aggression toward family members.


Enjoy ⚘


25. solutions of peer pressure​

Solutions to deal with Peer Pressure

1. School classes to address this topic

2. Parents should build self-esteem in children

3. Increase of tolerance in our society

4. Changes in our value systems

5. Parents should observe changes in their kids’ behavior

6. Parents should watch out for changes in ideologies

7. Support children to find their passion

8. Educate children about the consequences of drug use

9. Get to know your kids’ friends


Yes. Everyone has experienced peer pressure in some part of their life. You may not realize that you have peer pressured someone but in a small way, you did. Peer pressure can become a great influence on your decision in doing a certain act or in making decisions. There are certain things that you may indirectly do without your knowledge that may affect other people's decisions or acts.

26. Have you experienced peer pressure? Or have you peer pressured someone before? Why?

The desire to fit in and feel like you are part of a group is normal, and most people feel this way sometimes, especially in the teen and young adult years. Peer pressure, that feeling that you have to do something to fit in, be accepted, or be respected, can be tough to deal with. It can be overt (i.e., friends telling you to do something) or less direct (e.g., friends joking around about your not doing what they are doing, seeing others at a party doing shots and feeling left out if you don't, knowing a friend tried LSD and feeling curious about it). While peer pressure can be helpful at times (e.g., recognizing that your friends are studying more than you are as a motivator for you to work harder, noticing that your drinking is more extreme than your friends' and deciding to cut back), it can also cause you to do things you may not be sure about, or even things that you don't really think are right for you. Dealing with this pressure can be challenging, but it’s important to reflect on your own personal values and preferences and make decisions based on those rather than on peer pressure.

Manging peer pressure is usually not that difficult if you are only surrounded by people whose values, preferences, and behaviors are similar to yours. However, in a college environment, it's very likely that you will meet people with a wide variety of attitudes and behaviors. At times, it may feel easy to know where you stand and act accordingly, but at other times, you might feel confused, pressured, or tempted to act against your own judgment. What's more, college may be a time when you are away from home and family with more freedom to make your own choices than before. You might even feel a desire to do things your family doesn't do or doesn't think are OK as a way to establish your own identity and try new things. Again, it's important to reflect on what you think is important, your values, and who you want to be. It's also good to try and think ahead to potential consequences of an action. If you go with the crowd and do something you might not have considered before, what will happen? Could there be a negative outcome? Could you feel bad about yourself for acting against your values or judgment? All important considerations!

When it comes to pressures around alcohol and other drug use, something else to think about is that most students overestimate how many of their peers drink or use drugs. The truth is that many fewer college students drink or use drugs than people assume. It's similar with sex and "hooking up"—most students have a skewed idea of what others are doing. Knowing the facts can help you to resist pressures based on the idea that "everyone is doing it" and that you must party to fit in.

Yes. Everyone has experienced peer pressure in some part of their life. You may not realize that you have peer pressured someone but in a small way, you did. Peer pressure can become a great influence on your decision in doing a certain act or in making decisions. There are certain things that you may indirectly do without your knowledge that may affect other people’s decisions or acts.

27. positive influences or effects of familly, peers, culture and media to yourself.​


It is important to surround ourselves with family and friends for support and comfort in both times of joy and distress. Studies have shown that having supportive relationships is a strong protective factor against mental illnesses and helps to increase our mental well-being.

28. explain how you positively manage sexuality relatated issues such as identity crisis,peer pressure,physical changes,social relationship,etc​


Asking another person who has gone through the same situation you are now experiencing can really help you manage it.

29. Essay, About YOUTH Theme Peer Pressure Please I need It Thankyou!!


Peer pressure is all around us. It can encourage us to do things that we might not normally do, and it can also discourage us from doing the things that we want. It can be a powerful force in people's daily lives, and it can be hard to deal with. As adults, we know how to resist peer pressure, but young people don't always have the experience or the maturity to resist it. This can lead to problems for them, as their peers try to influence them to do things that might harm them.

Peer pressure can be a good thing. It can give us the confidence to do things that we wouldn't normally do on our own. But it can also be a negative thing, encouraging us to do things that are harmful to ourselves or others. Young people can be especially vulnerable to peer pressure, as they may not have the life experience or the maturity to be able to resist it. This can lead to problems for them, as their peers try to influence them in ways that may be harmful to them or detrimental to their future.

One of the biggest problems with peer pressure is that it can often cause people to start doing things that are harmful to themselves or others. People may experiment with drugs or alcohol, or start engaging in other unhealthy or dangerous behaviors. This can be particularly a problem with younger people who are trying to fit in with their friends. They may feel pressure to try these substances or activities, even if they know that they shouldn't be doing them.

Another problem with peer pressure is that it can cause people to make poor choices about their careers or their educational and personal lives. They may feel pressure from their friends to drop out of high school or to quit college. They may feel pressure to stop pursuing their dreams or to give up on their goals. This can be especially harmful for young people who are trying to start their careers or build their lives.

Of course, not all peer pressure is negative. Sometimes, it can be positive. It can give young people confidence in their abilities and encourage them to try new things. It can help them find their passion and pursue it. But, it can also lead to problems. People can be negatively influenced by their peers, and it can lead to them doing things that are harmful to themselves or others.

30. Essay, About YOUTH Theme Peer Pressure I need It Thankyou!

Peer pressure is a common theme in the youth culture. It refers to the influence that peers can have on one’s thoughts and actions. Peer pressure has both positive and negative effects on teenagers, and can lead to either positive or negative outcomes. In this essay, I will explore the impact that peer pressure has on the youth and the ways to deal with it.

Peer pressure can lead to positive outcomes when it influences teenagers to engage in positive behaviors. When peers encourage one another to be respectful, honest and kind, they can make positive changes in their lives. Positive peer pressure can also motivate teenagers to work harder in school, join clubs and sports teams, and engage in community service.

On the other hand, negative peer pressure can lead to harmful and destructive behaviors. When teenagers feel pressured to experiment with drugs, alcohol, or engage in sexual activity before they are ready, they may experience negative consequences that can affect their mental health, future goals, and overall well-being. Negative peer pressure can also lead to bullying, skipping school, and breaking the law.

To deal with peer pressure, it is important for teenagers to learn how to make decisions for themselves. They need to develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-confidence, which will help them to resist negative peer pressure. Teenagers should be encouraged to pursue positive activities, such as sports, music, or art, which can help them to build their self-esteem and resistance to negative peer pressure. Parents, teachers, and counselors can also be instrumental in helping teenagers to manage peer pressure by providing guidance and support.

It’s also important to create safe and supportive communities for teenagers, where they can feel connected and have positive relationships with adults and peers. These communities can help teenagers to feel valued and supported, which can increase their resiliency to negative peer pressure.

In conclusion, peer pressure is a common theme in the youth culture. It can have both positive and negative effects on teenagers, and can lead to either positive or negative outcomes. To manage peer pressure, teenagers need to develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-confidence, pursue positive activities, and have access to safe and supportive communities. By doing so, teenagers can overcome negative peer pressure and build positive relationships that will help them to grow into healthy, happy adults.


Peer pressure is a common issue that many youths face. It can be defined as the influence that peers have on each other to conform to certain behaviors, attitudes, or actions. This influence can be positive, such as encouraging each other to study harder, or negative, such as pressuring peers to engage in risky behaviors like smoking or drinking.

Peer pressure can have a significant impact on a youth's life, especially during their teenage years. At this age, youths are still trying to figure out who they are, and they might feel the need to fit in with their peers to gain acceptance and avoid rejection. Unfortunately, this can lead to them making poor decisions that could affect their future.

One of the most common forms of peer pressure is related to substance abuse. Many youths feel pressured to try alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs because their peers are doing it. They might feel that they need to do it to fit in or be seen as cool. However, this can lead to addiction, health problems, and legal issues.

Another form of peer pressure is related to social media. Youths are constantly bombarded with images and messages on social media that can make them feel inadequate or like they are missing out. They might feel the need to buy certain brands or products to fit in with their peers or to post inappropriate pictures or videos to gain popularity.

Peer pressure can also affect academic performance. Youths might feel pressured to skip school or cheat on exams to keep up with their peers who are doing the same. This can lead to poor grades, which could affect their chances of getting into college or getting a good job in the future.

To prevent negative peer pressure, it is important for parents, teachers, and counselors to educate youths about the dangers of risky behaviors and teach them how to say no to peer pressure. Youths should be taught the importance of making their own decisions and standing up for what they believe in. They should also be encouraged to surround themselves with positive influences and seek help if they feel overwhelmed.

In conclusion, peer pressure is a common issue that many youths face. It can have a significant impact on their lives, especially during their teenage years. However, with the right guidance and education, youths can learn to resist negative peer pressure and make positive decisions that will benefit them in the long run

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