Politics Administration Dichotomy Essays

Politics Administration Dichotomy Essays

stand regarding politics administration dichotomy?​

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1. stand regarding politics administration dichotomy?​


The politics-administration dichotomy is a theory that constructs the boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative relationship between elected officials and administrators in a democratic society.


does it help? pa brainliest po. thank you

2. Advantages and disadvantages of politics-administration dichotomy


Advantages: The main advantage of administration and politics dichotomy is the sustainabilityof a productive and strong government. Further, this dichotomy usually provides a solution thatspecifically counter act the majority of the incumbent voters (Spicer, 2010). Moreover, the otheradvantage of the administration and politics dichotomy can be seen as to shaping and improvingthe condition in order to persuade the public opinion by the philosophical leaders. At the sametime, administration and politics dichotomy is also considered as the most pre-dominate systemsof democratic accountability because it is used to shape the government

On the other side, some disadvantages can also be seen dueto such a dichotomy today. In this, the main disadvantage is the underestimation of the theory ofdemocratic accountability for administrators that presumably includes city managers through participation. Further, objectivity and progress are also the administration that must be separatefrom.

3. What is your Stand regarding politics administration dichotomy?​


The politics-administration dichotomy is a theory that constructs the boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative relationship between elected officials and administrators in a democratic society


pa brainliest po

4. What are the other dichotomies of research?​


The two main types of research are qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research is descriptive in nature, because it generally deals with non-numerical and unquantifiable things.


5. does politics and administration are needed in managing voluntary sector​


Voluntary Sector – refers to those sectors of

Philippine Society that organizes themselves

into volunteers to take advocacy and action

primarily for local and national development.

Roles and Modalities of Volunteerism in the

Private Sector


6. what are the other dichotomies of research​





7. example and explain of Dichotomy corollary​

Dichotomy Corollary: A person's construction system is composed of a finite number of dichotomous constructs. 5. Choice Corollary: A person chooses for himself that alternative in a dichotomized construct through which he anticipates the greater possibility for extension and definition of his system.

8. What are the difference between politics and administration?​


The politics and administration are spelled differently, but both refer to the study of statecraft. The differences between politics and administration lies in the way they are applied. In a wider context, though they do sometimes mean the same thing, politics means 'the art or science of government'. Administration means 'management'. Politics is concerned with the eternal questions concerning human freedom and dignity; it helps us to define what 'freedom' and 'dignity' mean, as well as how they can be promoted or protected. Administration on the other hand focuses on dealing with concrete problems that you can see and touch.

9. Is there a dichotomy between Religion and Globalization?​


Among the consequences of this implication for religion have been that globalization encourages religious pluralism. ... Religions identify themselves in relation to one another, and they become less rooted in particular places because of diasporas and transnational ties.

10. Describe the political ideology of the Duterte Administration


Within weeks of his inauguration as president of the Philippines in June 2016, Rodrigo R. Duterte became the most internationally known Filipino leader since Ferdinand Marcos, the country’s infamous dictator, and Corazon Aquino, the iconic housewife-turned-president who championed the restoration of democracy in 1986. A great deal of media attention has been paid to Duterte’s murderous war on drugs as well as to his often crass and controversial statements. His embrace of China and his visceral disdain for the United States has garnered additional attention in foreign policy circles, and he frequently is included in media reports and scholarly articles on the rise of populism globally.


Hope that helps...!!

11. what are the other dichotomies of research?​

Answer: A division of two opposing parts.

Nasan po yung pag pipilian ng sagot ninyo

12. what are the causes of corruption in Politics, Administration and Constitution?


sana nakatulong po

pa brainlest po salamat❤


crab mentality bcoz of polticians pulling each other down, and selfishness bcause of corrupt polititcians trying to steal and rob the governments funds without thinking

13. similarities and differences between public administration and political science​


Public administration is a professional and academic dicipline that studies the application if government policy and public services to advance interest of society

Political Science is a focused field of study that evaluates the theory and practice if government at the local,state,national and international levels.

14. Will the separation of administration from politics solve the issue of politization? Why or why not?


The politics-administration dichotomy is an important concept in the field of public administration and shows no signs of going away because it deals with the policy-makers role as an administrator and the balancing act that is the relationship between politics and administration.


sana makatulong

15. Give 300 words of iditorial writing essay regarding to the politics and to the present administration​


When we hear the term politics, we usually think of the government, politicians and political parties. For a country to have an organized government and work as per specific guidelines, we require a certain organization. This is where politics comes in, as it essentially forms the government. Every country, group and organization use politics to instrument various ways to organize their events, prospects and more.

Politics does not limit to those in power in the government. It is also about the ones who are in the run to achieve the same power. The candidates of the opposition party question the party on power during political debates. They intend to inform people and make them aware of their agenda and what the present government is doing. All this is done with the help of politics only.

Dirty Politics

Dirty politics refers to the kind of politics in which moves are made for the personal interest of a person or party. It ignores the overall development of a nation and hurts the essence of the country. If we look at it closely, there are various constituents of dirty politics.

The ministers of various political parties, in order to defame the opposition, spread fake news and give provocative speeches against them. This hampers with the harmony of the country and also degrades the essence of politics. They pass sexist remarks and instill hate in the hearts of people to watch their party win with a majority of seats.

16. what is the role of politics in public fiscal administration ?​


A fiscal administration shows the reality of government and public organization in their provision of public good or service for the citizen. It is an independent subject from the accounting, economic, political, and legal science, which is interdisciplinary and strives for any distinct goal of studies


17. Differentiate Politics from Administration / Governance​


non governance and government

18. Is it essential to have such separation about politics and administration?​

Nevertheless, “separating the will of the people from politics” could be extremely beneficial and institutionally separating administration from politics could prove valuable in sustaining government accountability. Politics-administration dichotomy also leads to political neutrality.


19. the characteristics of good politics and governance, administration of presient duterte​


i dont understand



20. Do politics play an important role in public administration?​




because it depends on politics doing

21. role of politics in fiscal administration​


this is my answer


The role of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy can promote macroeconomic stability by sustaining aggregate demand and private sector incomes during an economic downturn and by moderating economic activity during periods of strong growth. ... This helps economic agents to form correct expectations and enhances their confidence.

22. 1. Will the separation of administration from politics solve the issue of politization? Why or why not? 2. What do you think are the influences of our colonizers to our present public administration?​



Qualitative participation is a much-disputed concept. Since democratic

ideas gained popularity, theorists have tried to establish congruence between

formal democracy, in the form of a constitution for popular government, and

real democracy, in the sense of qualitative participation by the people in

government. But political theorists and political sociologists differ greatly in

their views about the nature and extent of such congruence, especially in

India. The democratic process in India since independence has followed a

political sequence of its own. But throughout this journey toward democracy,

some issues have continued to block the sought-for congruence between formal

and real democracy. One such issue is low literacy, which has hampered

participation in two ways: (i) it has impeded the development of the rationality

that is required for qualitative participation, to better understand the

perspectives and needs of others and seek solutions to accommodate as far as

possible the needs and interests of all; and (ii) it has helped maintain, if not

facilitate, social cohesions along with primordial loyalties to language, religion,

caste, and ethnic groups in a way that has blocked social harmony and

hampered the extension of political citizenship through active participation

in government. In India, participation at the village-level panchayati raj2 is

one means of participation in the larger democratic system that is relatively

accessible to the disadvantaged and facilitates the participation of the people

in decisions governing their lives, the public accountability of their leaders,

and the equitable distribution of power.

This paper explores the link between increased literacy and the increased

competence of citizens to participate in the decision-making structures of the

rural local government, the gram panchayats.

1 Head of the Department of Political Science, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India.

2 A unique grassroots rural self-governing institutional set-up for democratic decentralization.

23. Difference between political and administrative corruption


Politcal corruption is when officials or other high ranking people in the government use their position for any kind of favor for themselves. Being an official also means having special connections into different sectors depending on how greedy a politician is. They use their influence in order to corrupt the country itself.

Administrative corruption is known to have local officials up to higher officials that uses public funds inappropriately. Instead of benefitting the society, the officials uses them to their own gain. Administrative corruption also include bribery, embezzlement involving other public servants and even violence.

24. Differentiate the concept of administration from politics as written by Frank Goodnow (1997) in his famous book entitled, "Politics and Administration".​


thank you for the point


kalilanga ko ng points e

25. What is the Active form of this sentence?"Political enemies were jailed by the administration" a. "The administration jailed their political enemies." b. "The administration were jailed by their political enemies." c. "Political enemies have been jailed by the administration."

Letter A, since the sentence states an action.

26. The classical dichotomy and monetary neutrality are represented graphically by


The Classical Dichotomy And Monetary Neutrality Are Represented Graphically By O An Upward-sloping Short-run Aggregate-curve.

27. how politics and administration differ from each other?​


Politics is a decision making process which occurs in a social environment. Politics is the building of consensus through discussion, threats, extortion, trading favors, bribery, and all the other ways people try to get things they want.

Politics occurs everywhere.

“Administration” is simply management of an existing structure.

28. Identify and describe the inter-relationship of politics and administration.​


Public Administration is a child of Political Science, therefore Political Science is macro in nature because it deals with the state and systems of government and its bureaucracy, while Public Administration is micro in nature because it deals with the people or the bureaucrats who serve as the machinery of the state.

29. how does politics influence public fiscal administration?​

How? How? How? How? How? How?

30. what is the difference of government and politics in public administration?​


What is the differences between government politics and public policy?

Politics can be defined as a science or art of governing or government, especially governing a political entity like a nation. A policy can be defined as an overall plan that embraces the general goals. Politics refers to authority and refers to public life.


carry on learning

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