Personal Development Module Grade 12

Personal Development Module Grade 12

6. Diana is a newly elected Barangay councilor, as a publicservant Diana wants to improve herself to better serve herconstituents. In the scenario, what do you call the development ofcognitive, psychological, physical, emotional, and social abilitiesthat Diana needs to develop to foster personal growth?A Holistic DevelopmentC. Physical DevelopmentB. Intellectual DevelopmentD. Self-concept Development7. Jessabelle is a Medical Technology student and the SSGPresident in their school. As a teenager, Jesabelle experiencessituations that influence her choices and judgements. What arethe areas that Jesabelle needs to connect and control to come upwith sound decisions all the time?A. thoughts, feelings, perseveranceB. Creativity, thoughts, determinationC. Determination, Self-care, Social responsibilityD. Thoughts, Behaviors, Feelings8. Loki is a grade 12 student and the President of his class, tofoster growth Loki wants to enhance his skill in dealing with peopleat different levels. What aspect in holistic development Loki shouldimprove?A. Physical B. Psychological C. Social D. Spiritual9. A woman with a big belly was about to enter the building. Itold my friend, "We need to go open the door for that lady, I thinkshe is pregnant". What should be the proper thing to do?A. Open the door for the pregnant womanB. Ask the woman if she is pregnantC. Do not assume that the woman is pregnantD. Let the guard open the door10. Individual has set of emotions, feelings, and thoughts thatinfluence our behavior in different situations. Below are thepositive types of personality you should embody, except for:A. being judgmental C. being open-mindedB. being fairD. being optimisticplease answer this right now because I'm answering the Modulesthank you ​

Daftar Isi

1. 6. Diana is a newly elected Barangay councilor, as a publicservant Diana wants to improve herself to better serve herconstituents. In the scenario, what do you call the development ofcognitive, psychological, physical, emotional, and social abilitiesthat Diana needs to develop to foster personal growth?A Holistic DevelopmentC. Physical DevelopmentB. Intellectual DevelopmentD. Self-concept Development7. Jessabelle is a Medical Technology student and the SSGPresident in their school. As a teenager, Jesabelle experiencessituations that influence her choices and judgements. What arethe areas that Jesabelle needs to connect and control to come upwith sound decisions all the time?A. thoughts, feelings, perseveranceB. Creativity, thoughts, determinationC. Determination, Self-care, Social responsibilityD. Thoughts, Behaviors, Feelings8. Loki is a grade 12 student and the President of his class, tofoster growth Loki wants to enhance his skill in dealing with peopleat different levels. What aspect in holistic development Loki shouldimprove?A. Physical B. Psychological C. Social D. Spiritual9. A woman with a big belly was about to enter the building. Itold my friend, "We need to go open the door for that lady, I thinkshe is pregnant". What should be the proper thing to do?A. Open the door for the pregnant womanB. Ask the woman if she is pregnantC. Do not assume that the woman is pregnantD. Let the guard open the door10. Individual has set of emotions, feelings, and thoughts thatinfluence our behavior in different situations. Below are thepositive types of personality you should embody, except for:A. being judgmental C. being open-mindedB. being fairD. being optimisticplease answer this right now because I'm answering the Modulesthank you ​








I hope nakatulong

2. Directions. Give your reactions about the following situations: 1. You are a grade 12 student bombarded with plenty of modules. Your classmates are in the same situations as yours. One day they invited you to have a brisk walking every afternoon for a health break. 2. Your parents keep on quarelling about financial inatters because your father is jobless since the onset of pandemic You have a little amount of money kept for your studies, what would you do? Directions: List some additional activities you could try and give the best things that could happen. Consider the entire positive that you can do to help for your personal development The best that could happen12345678910 I should try 1. 2. 3 4 5. 6. 7 8. 9 10.​


decimal which can be expressed in a finite number of figures or for which all figures to the right of some place are zero — compare repeating decimal

3. 1. To educate oneself is aA necessityB. possibilityC. willingnessD. likelihood2. It is their tather's lastfor his daughters to forgive one another.NUMBA requestB. chanceC. certainlyD. promise3. I believe that the Monterde family as one of the elites has theto buy this islandA requirement B. possibilityC. capacityD. promise4. We are pleased to know that the people in every barangay has theto cooperatefor the delivery and retrieval of modules for the learners.A. necessityB. possibilityC. willingnessD. likelihood5. It is ourto do the household chores and study well.A. obligationB. permissionC. chanceD. requirement6. I amhappy seeing my friends for the longest time.A necessarily B. obligatelyC. ablyD. certainly7. My student has theto study hard despite the difficulties in learning.A. likelihoodB. willingnessC. promiseD. obligation81 amasleep when he called so I wasn't able to answer his callA. ablyB. certainlyC. responsibility D. obligately9. We rehearsedwith our respective groupmates last Saturday at the gymnasiumA. surelyB. permissively C. certainlyD. promisingly10. The team is full ofto win the game after the series of tedious practices.A. requestB. chanceC. certaintyD. promise11. There is ato rain later since the sky is getting dark.A. decisionB. requestC. possibilityD. necessity12. She said that she has theto read minds and it scares me.A. abilityB. possibilityC. requestD. permission13. He isworking at a very young age because he is an orphan.A. obligatelyB. possiblyCablyD. promisingly14. The student who finishes an examination first does notget the best grade.A. possiblyB. decidedly C. obligately D. necessarily15. She has theto win the pageant since she has the looks, the wit and the personality,A. requestB. chanceC. certaintyD. promise16. Youhurry or you will miss the school bus.A. couldB. mightC. shouldD would17.1say that you were the best but I am sure enough that you did your best.A. canB. cannotD. must18. Our teachercall us to the office after making so much noise during the program.A. couldB. mightC. shouldD. would19. Sarahspeak English well. No doubt she's been awarded as the most eloquent in our English class.A.canB. cannotC. mustD. must notC.may20. Ifbe best if you will tell the truth rather than losing people's trustB. wouldC. mightD. shouldA. can21. Rogerseem to be mean but he has the softest heart among my friends.A. canC. mustD. will22. The principalgive his message after the flag raising ceremony.A. canC. mustD. will23. Minors and senior citizensstrictly stay at home during pandemic.A. canB. cannotC. mustD. may24. Youdisrespect and belittle anybody if you wanted to be respected and be loved.A. canB. mayC. mustD. must not25.forgive her only if she sincerely ask for forgiveness.A.canB. willC. mustD. mayobey26. To prevent the spread of the virus and stop the pandemic, everyonethe health protocols given by the government.A. canB. cannotC.mayD. must27. Weblame the government for what's happening right now if we ourselves didn't doanything to take part in any advocacies for the development of our country.B. cannotA. canC. mayD. must28. My favorite teacherturn 60 this year and plans to retire from work.A. canB. willC. mustD. may29. Youbelieve in yourself for others to believe in you.A. couldB. mightC. shouldD. wouldreturn it back right away.30. My seatmate borrowed my favorite pen, but he promised that heA. canB. mayD. willC. must​


1) A

2) A

3) C

4) C

5) A

6) D

7) B

8) B























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