Design Consideration Symbols

Design Consideration Symbols

Major consideration in interior design​

Daftar Isi

1. Major consideration in interior design​


In interior design, a focal object in a space must be established. This object will be the center of focus in the space and should stand out. On the other hand, even the focal object needs to stand out; it still has to be related to design or theme of the overall space.

2. the main consideration in furniture design​


There are 7 time-tested elements that make up great interior design: space, light, texture & pattern, colour, line, form and furniture & objects. We've put together a rough guide to each of the elements so you can take home design into your own hands.

sana makatulong.

3. what are the major considerations in designing a questionnaire? ​

In a survey, the researcher uses a questionnaire to gather information from the respondents to answer the research questions. A questionnaire is a very convenient way of collecting information from a large number of people within a period of time. Hence, the design of the questionnaire is of utmost importance to ensure accurate data is collected so that the results are interpretable and generalisable. A bad questionnaire renders the results uninterpretable, or worse, may lead to erroneous conclusions.

A survey can come in many forms: postal survey, telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews and internet surveys. Each type of survey requires a slightly different design. A self-administered questionnaire (e.g. postal survey) should have very clear instructions and questions, follow a logical order and avoid complex filtering. The respondents are more likely to answer truthfully without prompting from an interviewer. On the other hand, in an interviewer-administered questionnaire (e.g. face-to-face interview or telephone interview), the questions can be more complex as they can be clarified by the interviewers. However, the presence of an interviewer may “pressurise” the respondents to give “appropriate” rather than truthful answers.

4. What are the considerations when designing an interview questions?​


1. “Where do you find inspiration?”

See who or what influences your designer and whether they keep up with current trends.

2. “How did you design your portfolio?”

First, double-check that they actually did it themselves! Did they use Squarespace or Dribble? Or did they code it themselves? Then explore why it’s arranged like it is.

3. “Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of and why. What was your role?”

Before the interview, try to find your favorites, too (so you can mention them if the designer doesn’t). Get details on the project itself and the specific role they played in it.

4. “What software do you use?”

Can they go beyond Photoshop and InDesign toward newcomers like Sketch and UXPin? Do they have extra skills like animation, video, or illustration, which could come in handy for other projects? Are there languages or programs they would like to learn? Do they have print skills for layout and production work? Can they back up their design with coding skills? If you’re not familiar with the creative design world, get someone on your team who is to jump into the interview or check out our job descriptions to get a better understanding of the skills needed by role.

5. “How do you work cross-functionally with developers, copywriters, project managers, etc.?”

The best designers are team players. They know how to concept, ask questions, incorporate feedback, and collaborate on projects. Ask for a specific example of how they worked under a tight deadline when they had to rely on other people or for how they interacted when the team had very different work styles.

6. “Are you typically involved in the strategy or ‘concept’ phase of a project?”

Designers who have led projects, incorporated intake from stakeholders, and been part of the strategic planning phase are the ones you want to snag for your team.

7. “What’s your creative process?”

Here you want to understand how this person best works, and if that works for you and your team.

8. “How do you deal with feedback?”

Great designers actually want feedback on their work because they know it can make the final project even better. Ask for specific ways your designer has used feedback to improve, what they consider valuable criticism, how they prefer to receive it, and how they handle themselves when the feedback from you or a client differs from their own opinion.

9. “How do you hand off a project?”

Final handoff can determine the success (and future accessibility) of any design project, so you want a designer who makes the final handoff as smooth as possible.

10. “What’s your dream job?”

A big, broad open-ended question can be a glimpse into their personality. You might get someone who takes it very seriously and sticks to a realistic role within their current space, like the creative director at Wieden & Kennedy.

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest pls

5. provides design with consideration of convinience and efficiency.​


How can i help you if my self did'nt answer my own module


i think i can help you fo pero there's 1 condision If you gonna Brainliest Answer meh please


6. is another consideration in designing the organizational structure​


It's unique designer to performance structure over workshop for specialization.


Good job brainliest.

7. When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are?


The Appraisal Method The two basic considerations in designing the actual appraisal tool are what to measure(such as quality, quantity, and timelines of work) and how to measure it(including graphic rating scales, the alternation ranking method, and “MBO).

8. Which of the following is not an architectural design consideration for the project?


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9. what are the consideration when thinking of a layout and design​


Ergonomic office equipment and layouts keep employees feeling more comfortable and can reduce strain. A layout that maximizes natural light along with supplemental light makes it easier for employees to work efficiently with less eyestrain. Adding in lounge areas or break spaces can also increase comfort.


10. how important are audience in design consideration to the preparation of a research proposal ​


Pa-brainliest answer naman po

11. 1. How important are audience and design considerations to the preparation of a research?​


Audience research is essentially any research conducted on a specific sample (i.e. the audience!) in order to find out about their attitudes, behaviours and habits - i.e. to understand them. The sample can be made up of any group of interest – whether this is nationally representative, or focused on a particular age, gender, region, ethnicity etc. The definition of ‘audience’ is important, but changeable.


The purpose of audience research is to answer a range of business questions, such as to find out what interests them, who influences them, what problems they have, what they think of existing products or how they feel about branding and service. Audience understanding research helps companies communicate with their audience and integrate their views and opinions into their products and services.

12. What are your considerations in designing your typography?​

Choosing a typeface for any design project can be stressful. Some designers default to using the same handful of fonts they’re comfortable with for every project. Others spend hours trying to figure out the right typeface for the job without ever really feeling confident in their final choice. Not surprising considering there are more than half a million fonts in existence.

The right typeface can make a design, while the wrong one can definitely break it. Experimentation and practice are both important to mastering typeface selection. But there are a few things designers can keep in mind to make typeface selection easier and more focused.


The scope of the project or projects in which a font will be used is one of the first things designers should consider when choosing a typeface. A font that will only be used for a limited scope, such as a slide deck, will need to be less flexible than one that will be used across a brand’s entire visual presence.

Designers should think through whether the typeface will be used only for digital projects or also in print. They should also think about whether the fonts will be used for a limited time or indefinitely. It can be helpful to make a list of all the potential projects a typeface will be used for at the outset of choosing a new font.


Every project has a mood. Whether that mood is formal or informal, fun or serious, modern or classic, or something else entirely. And like every project, every typeface has a mood.

It’s important for designers to consider the mood of the project and how the typefaces they’re considering reinforce or clash with that mood. For example, using Comic Sans on a website for a law firm would clash. Something like Crimson Text or Helvetica would work much better.


Not every typeface looks good at every weight and size. Display fonts that look amazing in larger sizes can become illegible at smaller sizes. Typefaces that look great at small sizes in body text can sometimes look too plain or even boring when used at display sizes.

Some typefaces can look good at virtually any size, though. Designers should test fonts they’re considering at each size they may use those fonts to be sure they’re readable and don’t negatively impact UX.


The message of the project—whether it’s a slide deck or a brand’s visual identity—is vital to determining the best font to use. If the message is serious, the font should also be serious, and vice versa.

The wrong font can completely derail the message a brand is trying to send. For example, using something modern like Open Sans on a design for a historical society website doesn’t really reinforce the message. A font like Crimson Text would work much better.


Readability is arguably the most important feature of a typeface. Since type is used to communicate a message, if that message can’t be read, the typeface has failed its job.

Readability and legibility aren’t exactly the same. Legibility refers to how easy it is to distinguish letter forms within a font. Readability takes that one step further and refers to how easily different words can be distinguished and read.

Readability and legibility can both be impacted dramatically by the size of the font being used. A font that looks great at 18 pixels might be illegible at 10 pixels. That’s not necessarily a deal-breaker unless the designer knows the font will need to be used at smaller sizes.


Not every website or design project will be translated into multiple languages. But it’s a good idea to determine at the start of a project whether translation is likely. Not all typefaces support special characters (like those that are accented), let alone alphabets like Cyrillic and Greek.

In almost all projects, it’s important for the typeface being used to at least support extended Latin characters, like accents and umlauts. Not being able to spell words or names because accents aren’t supported can make a project look unprofessional at best.


13. What are the considerations in designing a technological product?


To help you on your way, we've put together a list of 8 important factors to be aware of when designing a product.










Correct me if I'm wrong po:)

14. Ano ang processing and design considerations?


The design considerations are formulated to bring to the attention of the designers in applying the universal accessibility design principles and requirements to buildings and facilities. They can also be used to identify barriers in existing buildings.

chemical engineering, process design is the choice and sequencing of units for desired physical and/or chemical transformation of materials. Process design is central to chemical engineering, and it can be considered to be the summit of that field, bringing together all of the field's components.

15. What are the considerations in writing a good research design for your study?


Writing a good research design is critical for the success of any research project. The following are some considerations to keep in mind when designing your study:

1.Research question: Clearly define the research question or hypothesis that you want to answer in your study. This will guide your research design and help you determine the appropriate methods and data analysis techniques.

2.Research design: Choose a research design that is appropriate for your research question and objectives. The most common types of research designs are experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, and descriptive.

3.Sample size and selection: Determine the sample size and selection criteria for your study. The sample size should be large enough to ensure statistical power and representativeness, while the selection criteria should be relevant to the research question and minimize bias.

4. Data collection: Determine the data collection methods and instruments that you will use in your study. These may include surveys, interviews, observations, and experiments.

5. Data analysis: Determine the data analysis techniques that you will use to analyze your data. These may include statistical tests, content analysis, or thematic analysis, among others.

6. Ethical considerations: Consider ethical issues that may arise in your research, such as privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, and the use of human or animal subjects.

7. Time and resources: Consider the time and resources required for your study, including funding, personnel, and equipment.

8. Validity and reliability: Ensure that your research design is valid and reliable. Validity refers to the degree to which your research measures what it intends to measure, while reliability refers to the consistency of your research findings.

9. Dissemination: Determine how you will disseminate your research findings, such as through academic publications, conferences, or presentations to stakeholders.

By considering these factors, you can design a rigorous and effective research study that addresses your research question and objectives.


16. the seven major design consideration in surface in irrigation include​


Attractive appearance: All over the appearance of a Hotel is one of the very important considerations for a Hotel. ...

Efficient Plan: ...

Good Location: ...

Suitable Material: ...

Good Workmanship: ...

Sound Financing: ...

Competent Management

17. what are the main considerations in selecting the appropriate research design for a study? ​


The main considerations in selecting the appropriate research design for a study include:

1. Research question or problem: The research question or problem should be clearly defined to identify the type of data needed and the appropriate research design to answer the question.

2. Research objective: The research objective should be clear and specific to determine the level of depth and scope of the study, and guide the selection of the appropriate research design.

3. Timeframe: The time available for the study should be taken into consideration in determining the research design that is feasible to execute within the timeframe.

4. Available resources: The resources available such as budget, equipment, and personnel should be considered in selecting the research design that is feasible with the available resources.

5. Population or sample: The population or sample size and characteristics should be taken into account in determining the research design that is most suitable for the study.

6. Data collection method: The method of data collection should be considered to determine the type of research design that is most appropriate for collecting the data needed for the study.

7. Ethics and feasibility: Ethical considerations and feasibility of the research design should be taken into account to ensure that the study is practical, legal, and ethical.

18. Describe two considerations in conservation preserve design.

Describe two considerations in conservation preserve design. Larger preserves will contain more species. Preserves should have a buffer around them to protect species from edge effects. Preserves that are round or square are better than preserves with many thin arms.


Sana makatulog

19. what consideration you must observe in making design?​


So you’ve had an idea for a product or been given the specification. The idea has been proven, prototyped and tested and it’s ready to go into final product design phases.

There are so many different aspects of product design, so many different nuances to be aware of. To help you on your way, we’ve put together a list of 7 important factors to be aware of when designing a product.

20. what are the considerations in designing a technological product?​

Considerations in designing a technological product

AESTHETICS - The product's aesthetics are the most noticeable component of the design process, and it's the first thing consumers (and colleagues and clients) can notice about how the product is built. People may note how a product looks before they consider its features, how it feels to use, or how well it performs its purpose. And frequently, this is the determining factor.ERGONOMICS - It's essential to prioritize "feature" at this point. Customers can soon forget about a product's appealing aesthetic if it is painful and irritating to use.MATERIALS - The material or materials from which the product is made are one of the more apparent considerations for product design. To ensure its survival, a thorough review of the product's use, expected existence, and environment is required.MANUFACTURE - Although it is not difficult to produce complex shapes and products, they usually require the component to be broken down into smaller parts that can be cast or machined and then assembled.MODULARITY - Many car producers, like vehicle manufacturers, use the technique of breaking down a product into smaller parts. The concept is to create a single product component that can be used across multiple product lines.SUSTAINABILITY - Choosing materials and components that are easy to find and in plentiful supply is an important part of product design.PROTECTION - Ascertain that your product has the requisite environmental and consumption security to ensure that it can be used for a long time.PACKAGING & ASSEMBLY - One of the first things a consumer sees when dealing with your product, aside from product aesthetics, is packaging and assembly.

21. what are the different consideration in designing a campus paper​


The design of UREs should consider the goals of all participants: students, faculty, department, and institution. Knowing who the various stakeholders are and paying attention to their goals and priorities can help shape and direct the design of a new URE or the refinement of an existing program.


Mark me as Brainliest

22. What are the thermal considerations in brake design?


Thermal Considerations in Brake Design: When we apply brake then due to friction between brake and wheel kinetic energy ofwheel(vehicle) converted into thermal energy and heat is liberated & temperature rises,&when the temperature increases, the coefficient of friction decreases which adversely affect the torque.



23. What are your considerations in designing your typography?​

Choosing a typeface for any design project can be stressful. Some designers default to using the same handful of fonts they’re comfortable with for every project. Others spend hours trying to figure out the right typeface for the job without ever really feeling confident in their final choice. Not surprising considering there are more than half a million fonts in existence.

The right typeface can make a design, while the wrong one can definitely break it. Experimentation and practice are both important to mastering typeface selection. But there are a few things designers can keep in mind to make typeface selection easier and more focused.


The scope of the project or projects in which a font will be used is one of the first things designers should consider when choosing a typeface. A font that will only be used for a limited scope, such as a slide deck, will need to be less flexible than one that will be used across a brand’s entire visual presence.

Designers should think through whether the typeface will be used only for digital projects or also in print. They should also think about whether the fonts will be used for a limited time or indefinitely. It can be helpful to make a list of all the potential projects a typeface will be used for at the outset of choosing a new font.


Every project has a mood. Whether that mood is formal or informal, fun or serious, modern or classic, or something else entirely. And like every project, every typeface has a mood.

It’s important for designers to consider the mood of the project and how the typefaces they’re considering reinforce or clash with that mood. For example, using Comic Sans on a website for a law firm would clash. Something like Crimson Text or Helvetica would work much better.


Not every typeface looks good at every weight and size. Display fonts that look amazing in larger sizes can become illegible at smaller sizes. Typefaces that look great at small sizes in body text can sometimes look too plain or even boring when used at display sizes.

Some typefaces can look good at virtually any size, though. Designers should test fonts they’re considering at each size they may use those fonts to be sure they’re readable and don’t negatively impact UX.


The message of the project—whether it’s a slide deck or a brand’s visual identity—is vital to determining the best font to use. If the message is serious, the font should also be serious, and vice versa.

The wrong font can completely derail the message a brand is trying to send. For example, using something modern like Open Sans on a design for a historical society website doesn’t really reinforce the message. A font like Crimson Text would work much better.


Readability is arguably the most important feature of a typeface. Since type is used to communicate a message, if that message can’t be read, the typeface has failed its job.

Readability and legibility aren’t exactly the same. Legibility refers to how easy it is to distinguish letter forms within a font. Readability takes that one step further and refers to how easily different words can be distinguished and read.

Readability and legibility can both be impacted dramatically by the size of the font being used. A font that looks great at 18 pixels might be illegible at 10 pixels. That’s not necessarily a deal-breaker unless the designer knows the font will need to be used at smaller sizes.


Not every website or design project will be translated into multiple languages. But it’s a good idea to determine at the start of a project whether translation is likely. Not all typefaces support special characters (like those that are accented), let alone alphabets like Cyrillic and Greek.

In almost all projects, it’s important for the typeface being used to at least support extended Latin characters, like accents and umlauts. Not being able to spell words or names because accents aren’t supported can make a project look unprofessional at best.


24. It is a computer keyboard designed with ergonomics consideration to incorporates comfort and safety. *


yes it is


is this a answer or question

25. Ano ang processing and design considerations?

Answer:A successful process design has to take into account the appropriateness of the process to overall organization objective. Process design requires a broad view of the whole organization and should not have a myopic outlook. And the process should deliver customer value with constant involvement of the management at various stages.


26. what consideration you must observed in making designed​


I hope it can help

pabrainest po

27. 9. It is one major consideration in interior design. A. Flexibility C. Design B. Availability D. Unity​



that is the correct answer@#mark as brainlyst pleasepa follow please

28. It is the first consideration in designing modern structures.



Cost is always been the major factor of consideration while designing the machine elements or machine and modern structures of this age of competition it has become more important.

29. What are considerations in the preparation of your research design?​


Objectives of the research study;

Means of obtaining the information;

Tools for data collection;

Data analysis (qualitative and quantitative);

Time available for each stage of the research;

Cost involved for the research.



Important factors to remember while preparing the research design:

Objectives of the research study;

Means of obtaining the information;

Tools for data collection;

Data analysis (qualitative and quantitative);

Time available for each stage of the research;

Cost involved for the research.

30. An architectural is designed and constructed in consideration of the following of which aspects of life


Social and Economic                                      


Sana makatulong.

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