Crowded Market Essay

Crowded Market Essay

Describe a crowded market​

Daftar Isi

1. Describe a crowded market​

can barely move, not enough space to walk normally. there are people anywhere your eye lands on

Crowded market-means a place or a market that is full of people

2. Describe the scene of a crowded market?​

a beatiful market should be


I hope it help! :)#KeepOnLearningPa Heart, Rate, Brainliest, at pa Follow na den Salamat! :D

3. Essay about a crowded street​


having a lot of people or too many people. We made our way through the crowded streets.

4. connotation of crowded​


adjective. filled to excess; packed. filled with a crowd: crowded streets. uncomfortably close together: crowded passengers on a bus.


#hope its help

#carry learning

Synonyms & Antonyms of crowded (Entry 1 of 2)

1containing or seeming to contain the greatest quantity or number possible

we kept circling around the crowded parking lot at the mall

Synonyms for crowded

brimful, brimming, bursting, chock-full (or chockful), chockablock, crammed, fat, filled, full, jam-packed, jammed, loaded, packed, stuffed

Words Related to crowded

overcrowded, overfilled, overflowing, overfull, overladen, overloaded, overstuffed

abounding, flush, fraught, replete, rife, swarming, teeming

Near Antonyms for crowded

deficient, inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, short, shortish, shy, wanting

depleted, drained, exhausted

Antonyms for crowded

bare, blank, devoid, empty, stark, vacant, void

2having little space between items or parts

a crowded design that made the bedroom wallpaper a little overwhelming

Synonyms for crowded

close, compact, dense, jam-packed, packed, serried, thick, tight

Words Related to crowded

crammed, jammed, overcrowded

crushed, massed, pressed, squeezed, wall-to-wall

airtight, snug

compacted, compressed, condensed, congested

firm, hard, solid

impenetrable, impermeable, impervious

Near Antonyms for crowded

commodious, roomy, spacious

Antonyms for crowded

airy, loose, open, uncrowded

crowded verb

past tense of crowd

Synonyms & Antonyms of crowded (Entry 2 of 2)

1to fit (people or things) into a tight space

crowded all the boats into the harbor before the storm struck

Synonyms for crowded

crammed, crushed, jammed, rammed, sandwiched, shoehorned, squeezed, stuffed, wedged

Words Related to crowded

filled, heaped, jam-packed, loaded, packed

2to move upon or fill (something) in great numbers

cars crowded the roads over the long holiday weekend

Synonyms for crowded

flocked, mobbed, swarmed, thronged

Words Related to crowded

beset, infested, invaded, overran

clogged, dammed, jammed, obstructed, plugged (up)

3to gather into a closely packed group

everyone crowded around to see the baby being shown off by his proud parents

Synonyms for crowded

bunched, clustered, huddled, piled, pressed

Words Related to crowded

assembled, collected, concentered, concentrated, conglomerated, congregated, convened, converged, flocked, forgathered (or foregathered), herded, swarmed, thronged

encircled, mobbed, surrounded

embraced, hugged

Near Antonyms for crowded

broke up, disbanded, dispersed, split (up)Answer:


5. differentiate crowd.​

Crowd is a large group

6. How will describe a healthy classroom?A. Classroom should be clean, convenient, and crowded. B. Classroom should be clean, convenient, and not crowded. C. Classroom should be untidy, convenient, and crowded. D. Classroom should be clean, not convenient, and crowded. ​


B (sana makatulong)

Explanation :: )

7. The major_____spoke to the crowd




I'm not sure..uhhh

8. Distancing is even worse, with crowds jostling in wet markets and passengers again packed into jeepneys. Families and neighbors have also resumed get-togethers, during which masks are off even if not eating or drinking.​


What's the question? I don't find any question here

9. what is the danger in crowded place like public market

There are many dangers in a crowded place like a public market or wet market. For example as it is crowded and noisy in a market you could get your belongings stolen and you could also get caught up in a middle of a fight that might turn violent. There are also many smugglers in the market so be careful to whom you are talking to and what you are buying.

10. I. underline the adjective phrase and draw an arrow to the word it modifies 1) The market at the town plaza is very crowded​


well as you can see it's town plaza so its normal po na madaming tao ;)



11. Cheering crowd in a sentence


the noise is coming from the cheering crowd



He obviously did a good work hearing the cheering crowd.

12. 11. Manila residents crowd vaccination centers. A. Centers are crowded with vaccines. B. Vaccination centers crowd residents. C. Manila residents crowded vaccination centers. D. Vaccination centers are crowded by Manila residents.


d po


that's my opinion

pa brainliest po ha at pa follow thanks for the points

13. only 0.34 of the crowd enjoyed the new movie. Write in fraction the number of crowd who enjoyed the movie​

Only 0.34 of the crowd enjoyed the new movie. Write in fraction the number of crowd who enjoyed the movie.

✔ [tex] \green {\boxed {\tt {{ \frac{34}{100} \: = \: \frac{17}{50} }}}} [/tex]

34/100 of the crowd enjoyed the movie. Simplified form is 17/50.

Simply determine the number of decimal numbers we have starting the decimal point. Knowing we reached hundredths place, put 34 as numerator of the fraction and 100 as the denominator. Simplify if needed. The result is 17/50.

Godspeed! ❤

14. team is to player as crowd is to ​


team is to player as crowd is to_supportive___

15. Compose a two paragraph essay persuading others to support our newly crowded Miss Universe​


We filipinos are connected to each because we are proud to be a filipino citizen,at this time I am engaging you to join and support our one and only queen.We build a strong a strong unity with vigorous love to support our queen at her journey.

16. dont follow the crowd let the crowd follow you means

It means for me, we should not follow the crowd and the paths that they take, and if it is the path that will lead us astray, we should change paths and correct it. But in your goodness and virtue, let them follow you so that they can be lead into Something good and will produce good fruits and as they follow you, they will know the truth and soon can change ways also.Don't follow the croweds way and don't let them control your life, and you should control your own life and tell the crowd hot it feels good to let yourself make the decision to your life. Don't let others change who you are and who you love about yourself. ☺️

17. what is the sentence of crowdCrowd is a number,group or quantity of people.-jamelarindenise​

The crowd had dispersed, so they turned toward the only hotel in town.

18. use crowd in a sentence​

[tex]{\boxed{CROWD IN SENTENCE}}[/tex]

I Saw a crowd of people in the mall.A crowd of people make a rally in front of a company.


Crowd is a number,group or quantity of people.




I saw a crowd of people in a circle at the road

19. what is crowded mining ​


Crowded is like space full of people. leaving no room for movement.

20. Directions: Solve the problems below. Give your answer in the simplest form. (Show solution) 1. In a volleyball game during the school intramurals, 60% of the crowd cheered for Grade 10 players. In the same crowd, 40% of the crowd were waving banners and cheering for Grade 10 team. What is the probability that a crowd waved a banner given that the crowd cheered for Grade 10 team?​

Let's denote the events as follows:

Event A: Crowd waved a banner

Event B: Crowd cheered for Grade 10 team

We are given:

P(B) = 0.60 (probability that the crowd cheered for Grade 10 team)

P(A|B) = 0.40 (probability that the crowd waved a banner given that they cheered for Grade 10 team)

We need to find:

P(A|B) (probability that the crowd waved a banner given that they cheered for Grade 10 team)

We can use the formula for conditional probability:

P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B) / P(B)

Now, we need to find P(A ∩ B) (probability that both events A and B occur). Since 40% of the crowd waved banners and cheered for Grade 10 team, we have P(A ∩ B) = 0.40.

Plugging in the given values into the formula for conditional probability, we get:

P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B) / P(B) = 0.40 / 0.60 = 2/3

So, the probability that a crowd waved a banner given that they cheered for Grade 10 team is 2/3 or 0.67 when expressed as a decimal.

21. the mayor_______spoke to the crowd.​

ano gagawin namin jan?




kase sabi spoke kaya speak ang sagot

22. Why did samuel spotted saul easily in the crowded market?​


God guided him



23. one characteristics of cheer dance that can be used to lead the crowd and emphasize words for crowd response.




im not sure


The rise of the 21st century competitive arts heralded the emergence of new dance styles that are competitive in nature. These are the trendy and sporty dances such as hip-hop and cheerdance. Although innovations have been introduced through the years, these dances remain an irreplaceable way of expressing human thought and emotion and captured the interest of the new generation due to its more upbeat music and fierce movements. In this module, we will discuss the history, nature, characteristics, and basic movements of hip-hop and cheerdance that can be considered moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). These dance is regarded not only an art form with technical and expressive aspect but also sports form due to its high physiological capacity. Hip-hop and cheerdancing as a form of exercise requires planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement that affects our heart rate. Physiological indicators such as heart rates and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) as well as the exercise intensity can be calculated and can be monitored by checking your pulse. At the end of this module, you will engage dancing hip-hop and cheerdance as MVPA. You will be given activities to display and enhance your skills in hip-hop and cheerdancing. Monitoring your heart rate and rate of perceived exertion is essential as you participate actively in this dance exercise. You will also discover how these dances can revitalize your body and mind, and sustain lifelong fitness while taking into considerations your target heart zone. The module is divided into three lessons, namely:.

• Lesson 1 – Hip-Hop • Lesson 2 – Cheerdance • Lesson 3 – Exercise Physiology Indicators After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. discuss the nature of hip-hop and cheer dances; 2. analyze physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and pacing associated with MVPA’s to monitor and/or adjust participation or effort; and 3. engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA’s) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in and-out-of-school

24. 1. How could the company adjust its marketing mix to better meet the needs of this segment? 2. How has the use of digital technologies changed the way companies approach product design, pricing, promotion, and distribution?3. How can we use the marketing mix to create a competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace? 4. How can we balance the four elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) to achieve our marketing objectives? 5. How can we use the marketing mix to appeal to different segments of our target market and increase our market share? ​

To better meet the needs of a specific segment, the company could adjust its marketing mix in various ways, such as:

Product: develop or modify products that better align with the needs and preferences of the segment. For instance, a cosmetics company could create a line of skincare products specifically for men or for individuals with sensitive skin.

Price: set prices that are more competitive or appealing to the segment. For example, a company targeting college students could offer discounts or package deals to fit their budget.

Place: choose distribution channels that are convenient and accessible to the segment. For instance, a company targeting busy professionals could sell their products online or through a mobile app for easy access.

Promotion: use communication channels and messages that resonate with the segment. For example, a sports equipment company targeting women could use social media influencers or sponsor women's sports events.

The use of digital technologies has significantly changed how companies approach product design, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Here are some examples:

Product design: Digital tools like 3D printing and virtual reality allow companies to create and test prototypes faster and more cost-effectively than traditional methods.

Pricing: Companies can now use data analytics and dynamic pricing algorithms to adjust prices in real-time based on supply and demand, competition, and other factors.

Promotion: Digital channels like social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships offer new and more targeted ways to reach customers with personalized messages and offers.

Distribution: E-commerce platforms and mobile apps have opened up new channels for companies to sell and distribute their products directly to customers, bypassing traditional retail channels.

To create a competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace, companies can use the marketing mix in various ways, such as:

Product differentiation: develop unique or superior products that stand out from competitors.

Price positioning: offer prices that are lower, higher, or perceived as more valuable than competitors.

Distribution strategy: choose distribution channels that are more convenient, accessible, or exclusive than competitors.

Promotion strategy: use communication channels and messages that differentiate the brand or create a strong emotional connection with customers.

Balancing the four elements of the marketing mix requires a deep understanding of the target market, competitors, and internal capabilities. To achieve marketing objectives, companies need to:

Set clear objectives: define what the company wants to achieve with its marketing mix and how it will measure success.

Analyze the market and competition: gather information about the target market, customer needs, and competitor offerings to inform decisions about product, price, place, and promotion.

Develop a marketing mix strategy: based on the market analysis, develop a marketing mix strategy that aligns with the company's objectives and capabilities.

Implement and monitor the strategy: put the marketing mix strategy into action and continuously monitor and adjust based on feedback and performance data.

To appeal to different segments of the target market and increase market share, companies can use the marketing mix in various ways, such as:

Product customization: develop products that can be customized to meet the unique needs and preferences of different segments.

Price differentiation: offer different prices or pricing models that cater to different segments' budget and value perceptions.

Distribution channels: choose distribution channels that are more convenient or accessible to different segments.

Promotion messages and channels: tailor communication messages and channels to resonate with different segments' interests and lifestyles.


pa brainliest nalang

25. unhealthy classrooms are crowded.​


There is not enough of the teacher to go around. ...

Overcrowding increases classroom discipline issues. ...

Struggling students fall further behind. ...

Standardized test scores suffer. ...

The overall noise level is increased. ...

Teacher stress is increased often leading to teacher burnout.


26. crowd is to audience as team is to​




team is a part of respiratory system do cells need

27. the movement of material from a more crowded area are less crowded area is called​


Most molecules move from places where they are crowded to places where they are less crowded. The movement of molecules from crowded areas to less crowded areas is called diffusion.

28. Crowd is a noun or not ​


It's noun


29. What should be the speed of a vehicle when passing markets, school zones or crowded streets?

In the Philippines, generally 20 km/h is the ideal speed for vehicles driving on crowded streets, school zones and markets.

Explanation :

It is generally recommended that vehicles reduce their speed when passing through markets, school zones or busy streets. The specific speed at which vehicles must be driven in these areas may vary depending on local laws and regulations, as well as any special conditions that exist. However, in general, it is important to use caution and reduce speed in these areas to ensure the safety of pedestrians, especially children, and allow more time to react to unforeseen events. It is also important to be aware of posted speed limit signs and to comply with them in these areas.

Speed Limits for cars and motorbikes in the Philippines

When crossing a road or boulevard, traffic free : 40 km/h.When crossing city and town roads, with light traffic : 30 km/h.When crossing congested roads, school zones, roads that must be passed by drivers of stationary vehicles : 20 km/hour.

Learn More About Speed Limit at :


30. what is the danger in crowded place like public market?need answer po.​


There are so many danger in crowded places nowadays, There are harmful people that can hurt you even accident, It acn also cause heart attack since the temperature is high, there are also people that has bad intentions like snatching your bag or robbing inside it.

Nowdays, the Deadly COVID-19 exist so it was on the first place to cause why is it dangerous to go crowded places.


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