A Gutsy Game Digestive System

A Gutsy Game Digestive System

Learning Task 1 part 1A. A gutsy game

Daftar Isi

1. Learning Task 1 part 1A. A gutsy game

1. the token may be representing the foods as they were swallowed down into the whole system.

2. The spaces on the board game represent the different organs or structures of the digestive system. It is a representation of the different parts of the digestive system through which food passes

3. The directions on some of the spaces describe the different physical and chemical conditions that affect the proper functioning c the digestive system.

Pa brainliest ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

2. the game you are about to play is an analogy of the digestive system


hope it help

mark me aa brainliest answer please

need ko po ng brainliest e.

3. Learning Task 1Part 1A. A Gutsy gameProcedure:1. Find a classmate with whom you can play the board game.2. Choose a token for you and your classmate; place the tokens on the board's starting line.3. Take turns rolling the die.4. The number on the die determines how many spaces you will move your token.5. Follow the directions -- if there is any -- on the space you land your token.6. The player who first makes it all the way through the digestive system and down to the finish line wins the game.Question :1. The game you are aboit to play is an analogy of the digestive system. What do the tokens represent? 2. What do the spaces on the board game represent? 3. What do the direction on some of the spaces tell ypu about the digestive system? ​


Question :1. the token may be representing the foods as they were swallowed down into the whole system. 2. The spaces on the board game represent the different organs or structures of the digestive system. It is a representation of the different parts of the digestive system through which food passes.3. The directions on some of the spaces describe the different physical and chemical conditions that affect the proper functioning of the digestive system.


i hope it helps you : )

4. Which of the following best explain how the digestive and excretory system work together? a. The excretory system provides oxygen to the digestive system.b. The excretory system provides nutrients for the digestive system. The excretory system as well removes the wastes from the digestive system.c. The excretory system filters the blood in the digestive system.d. The excretory system eliminates the undigested food or waste products from the digestive system​




not sure pero hope hindi ito makatulong

5. what do the spaces on the board game represent ?digestive system?

The spaces on the board games represents the different organs and structures of the digestive system through which the food passes.


Is the breakdown of food into smaller pieces for the nutrients can be readily available for the body

The food will undergo digestive process it which it will be break down into tiny pieces and nutrients found on it will be absorbed and utilized by our body.

Here are the Passageways of Food in the digestive system:

Mouth -  Breaking of larger food particles occur during chewing.Pharynx - the food will move to the pharynx which is a common site of food and air. On the lower pharynx, the food will be transported to the esophagus.Esophagus - The passageway of food from the pharynx to the stomach.Stomach - Breaking down of chewed foods with the aid of acid digestion.Small intestine - The actual site of digestion and the actual site of absorption.                                                                                                 -      Duodenum - actual site of digestion                                                            Jejunum - actual site of absorption                                                                Ileum - absorption of some mineralsLarge intestine - Site of water absorption and accumulation of feces.Anus - End of digestive system part which facilitate defection.

For more information, kindly visit the link below:


6. 12. How does digestive system work with circulatory system? a. Digestive system provides oxygen to the circulatory system and circulatory system provides nutrients to the digestive system. b. Digestive system provides support to the circulatory system and circulatory system pumps blood to the digestive system. c. Digestive system digests food into simpler form whichwill be needed by the circulatory system and the circulatory system distributes nutrients to the body parts. d. Digestive system excretes waste product produced by the circulatory system and the circulatory system interprets message coming from the digestive system.​





7. 24. How does digestive system work with circulatory system?A. It provides oxygen to the circulatory system and circulatory system provides nutrientsto the digestive system.B. Digestive system provides support to the circulatory system andcirculatory system pumps blood to the digestive system.C. Digestive system digests food into simpler form which will be neededby the circulatory system and the circulatory system distributes nutrientsto the body parts.​


Digestive System gets nutrients (good) from food and hands it over to the blood and Circulatory System then carries those nutrients where they need to go. (2) Filters out waste from food and pushes it through intestines and out the body (and you know how and where it gets out).

the answer is c

8. SCIENCE 61. Directions: Read the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. How does digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory systems?A. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it providesoxygen to the digestive system.B. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the respiratory system to the circulatory system as it providesoxygen to the digestive system.C. Digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatory system digests food for the digestivesystem as it provides oxygen.D. Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory and respiratory system​


letter A ang tamang sagot

9. the game you are about to play is an analogy of the digestive system what do the tokens represent


The token in the game represents the food that we eat.

10. a journey into the digestive system the human digestive system

Digestive Processes

The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.

The first of these processes, ingestion, refers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth. There, the food is chewed and mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin breaking down the carbohydrates in the food plus some lipid digestion via lingual lipase. Chewing increases the surface area of the food and allows an appropriately sized bolus to be produced.

Food leaves the mouth when the tongue and pharyngeal muscles propel it into the esophagus. This act of swallowing, the last voluntary act until defecation, is an example of propulsion, which refers to the movement of food through the digestive tract. It includes both the voluntary process of swallowing and the involuntary process of peristalsis. Peristalsis consists of sequential, alternating waves of contraction and relaxation of alimentary wall smooth muscles, which act to propel food along (Figure 1). These waves also play a role in mixing food with digestive juices. Peristalsis is so powerful that foods and liquids you swallow enter your stomach even if you are standing on your head.

Digestion includes both mechanical and chemical processes. Mechanical digestion is a purely physical process that does not change the chemical nature of the food. Instead, it makes the food smaller to increase both surface area and mobility. It includes mastication, or chewing, as well as tongue movements that help break food into smaller bits and mix food with saliva. Although there may be a tendency to think that mechanical digestion is limited to the first steps of the digestive process, it occurs after the food leaves the mouth, as well. The mechanical churning of food in the stomach serves to further break it apart and expose more of its surface area to digestive juices, creating an acidic “soup” called chyme. Segmentation, which occurs mainly in the small intestine, consists of localized contractions of circular muscle of the muscularis layer of the alimentary canal. These contractions isolate small sections of the intestine, moving their contents back and forth while continuously subdividing, breaking up, and mixing the contents. By moving food back and forth in the intestinal lumen, segmentation mixes food with digestive juices and facilitates absorption.

In chemical digestion, starting in the mouth, digestive secretions break down complex food molecules into their chemical building blocks (for example, proteins into separate amino acids). These secretions vary in composition, but typically contain water, various enzymes, acids, and salts. The process is completed in the small intestine.

Food that has been broken down is of no value to the body unless it enters the bloodstream and its nutrients are put to work. This occurs through the process of absorption, which takes place primarily within the small intestine. There, most nutrients are absorbed from the lumen of the alimentary canal into the bloodstream through the epithelial cells that make up the mucosa. Lipids are absorbed into lacteals and are transported via the lymphatic vessels to the bloodstream (the subclavian veins near the heart). The details of these processes will be discussed later.

In defecation, the final step in digestion, undigested materials are removed from the body as feces.

11. 39. How does digestive system work with nervous system?a. Digestive system provides nutrients to the nervous system and the nervous system regulates thefunction of the digestive system.b. Digestive system provides oxygen to the nervous system and the nervous system regulates thefunction of the digestive system.c. Digestive system regulates the function of the nervous system and the nervous system providesnutrients to the digestive system.d. Digestive system provides nutrients to the nervous system and the nervous system providesoxygen to the digestive system.Thank you :)​



[tex]digestive \: system \: provides[/tex]

[tex]oxygen \: to \: the \: nervous \: system \: [/tex]

[tex]regulates \: the \: function[/tex]

[tex]of \: digestive \: system[/tex]





12. 5. How does digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory systems? a. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatorysystem to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to thedigestive system.b. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by therespiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides oxygento the digestive system.c. Digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system, whilecirculatory system digests food for the digestive system as itprovides oxygen.d. Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory andrespiratory system​


1. C


(1) Inhales (breathes in) Oxygen - good for the body - gives it to the Circulatory System to be transported throughout the body through the blood. (1) Digestive System gets nutrients (good) from food and hands it over to the blood and Circulatory System then carries those nutrients where they need to go.

13. the game you are about to play is an analogy of the digestive system.what do the tokens represent ?digestive system?

The token represent the food we eat and needs to be digested in order to get the nutrient and minerals from it. The machine will start to work or function when you feed it with coin. Just like our body, when we eat, we get energy from it and our body will be able to function properly.


Is the breakdown of food into smaller pieces for the nutrients can be readily available for the body

The food will undergo digestive process it which it will be break down into tiny pieces and nutrients found on it will be absorbed and utilized by our body.

Here are the Passageways of Food in the digestive system:

Mouth -  Breaking of larger food particles occur during chewing.Pharynx - the food will move to the pharynx which is a common site of food and air. On the lower pharynx, the food will be transported to the esophagus.Esophagus - The passageway of food from the pharynx to the stomach.Stomach - Breaking down of chewed foods with the aid of acid digestion.Small intestine - The actual site of digestion and the actual site of absorption.                                                                                                 -      Duodenum - actual site of digestion                                                            Jejunum - actual site of absorption                                                                Ileum - absorption of some mineralsLarge intestine - Site of water absorption and accumulation of feces.Anus - End of digestive system part which facilitate defection.

For more information, kindly visit the link below:


14. What does the spaces of the board game anology of the digestive a system represent

the different organs of the digestive system

15. 16. How does digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory systems? * a.Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. b.Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the respiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. c.Digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatory system digests food for the digestive system as it provides oxygen. d.Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory and respiratory system.



cause ito lang ung sure sakin

16. Which of the following best explain how the digestive and excretory system work together? a. The excretory system provides oxygen to the digestive system.b. The excretory system provides nutrients for the digestive system. The excretory system as well removes the wastes from the digestive system.c. The excretory system filters the blood in the digestive system.d. The excretory system eliminates the undigested food or waste products from the digestive system.​


b po


Sana po makatulong

pa brainliest answer po

17. 3. How digestive system do work with circulatory system?A. Digestive system provides support to the circulatory system and circulatory system pumps blood to the digestive systemB. Digestive system provides oxygen to the circulatory system and circulatory system provides nutrients to the digestive systemC. Digestive system digests food into simpler form which will be needed by the circulatory system and the circulatory system distributes nutrients to the body partsD. Digestive system excrete waste product produce by the circulatory system and the circulatory system interprets message coming from the digestive system​


C.digestive system digest food into simpler form which will be needed by the circulatory system and the citculatory system distribute nutrients to the body parts


pabrainliest po please

18. Part 1A. A Gutsy gameProcedureL. Find a classmate with whom you can play the board game. 2. Choose a token for you and your classmate place the tokens on the board's starting line. 3. Take turns rolling the die4. The number on the die delermines how many spaces you will move your token5. Follow the directions -- if there is any -- on the space you land your token6. The player who first makes it all the way through the digestive system and down to the finish line wins the game​.





19. Which statement is not a function of the Digestive System? a. Digestive system aids in the elimination process b. Digestive system transports oxygen to the body c. Digestive system absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream d. Digestive system transfers the nutrients to the cells to produce energy


b.digestive system transports oxygen to the body

20. 14. which of the following best explain how the digestive and excretory system work together a. the excretory system provides oxygen to the digestive system. b. the excretory system provides nutrients for the digestive system.c. the excretory system filters the blood in the digestive system.d. the excretory system eliminates the undisgested food or waste products from the digestive system.15. how does digestive system work with circulatory system?a. digestive system provides oxygen to the circulatory system provides nutrients to the digestive system.b. digestive system provides support to the circulatory system and circulatory system pumps blood to the digestive system.c. digestive system digests food into simpler form which will be needed by the circulatory system and the circulatory system distributes nutrients to the body parts. d. digestive system excretes waste product produced by the circulatory system and the circulatory system interprets message coming from the digestive system.




hope it helps to people dont worry im smart

21. SOU1system.19wens wo circulatory system, thus circulatory system pumps blood to the respiratoryC. Respiratory system provides oxygen to the circulatory system, thuscirculatory system carries blood with nutrients needed by the respiratorysystem.D. Respiratory system carries carbon dioxide to the circulatory system, thuscirculatory system provides oxygen needed by the respiratory system.9. How does digestive system work with circulatory system?A. Digestive system provides oxygen to the circulatory system and circulatory systemprovides nutrients to the digestive system.B. Digestive system provides support to the circulatory system and circulatory systempumps blood to the digestive system.C. Digestive system digests food into simpler form which will be needed by thecirculatory system and the circulatory system distributes nutrients to the body parts.D. Digestive system excretes waste product produced by the circulatory system andthe circulatory system interprets message coming from the digestive system.10. How does digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory systems?A. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatory system to therespiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system.B. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the respiratory system to thecirculatory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system.C. Digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatorysystem digests food for the digestive system as it provides oxygen.D. Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory and respiratorysystem8. How does respiratory system work with circulatory system?A. Respiratory system provides nutrients to the circulatory system, thuscirculatory system provides oxygen to the respiratory system.B. Respiratory system serves as pathway of blood carrying nutrients to the​


1. C

2. C

3. D

4. B


i am not sure







I am not sure. But

22. How does the digestive system work with all other system?A. The digestive system transports blood to all the other system.B. The digestive system gives the body energy and nutrients.C. The digestive system puts oxygen into the body.D. The digestive system allows the body to move.​




The digestive system works very closely with the circulatory system to get the absorbed nutrients distributed through your body. ... While the digestive system collects and removes undigested solids, the excretory system filters compounds from the blood stream and collects them in urine.

23. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1. What is Digestive System?​


The digestive system is made up of organs that are important for digesting food and liquids. These include the mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.

24. journey in to the digestive system the human digestive system​

Stages of digestion

digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. excess water is absorbed back into the body in the large intestine. any undigested food passes out of the anus as faeces when we go to the toilet.

25. How does digestive system work with nervous system? A. Digestive system provides nutrients to the nervous system and the nervous system regulates the function of the digestive system. B.Digestive system provides oxygen to the nervous system and the nervous system regulates the function of the digestive system. C. Digestive system regulates the function of the nervous system and the nervous system provides nutrients to the digestive system. D.Digestive system provides nutrients to the nervous system and the nervous system provides nutrients to the digestive system.


Letter A, not sure just helping

26. 5. How does digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory systems? a. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the respiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatory system digests food for the digestive system as it provides oxygen. c. Digestive system d. Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory and respiratory system. b.​


Digestive system digest food to nutrients. Then nutrients are carried by blood in circulatory system to distribute it to all cell or organs. Respiratory takes In oxygen and passed to blood or circulatory system to distribute as well


All system is helping each other or teamwork

A. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the respiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system. carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatory system digests food for the digestive system as it provides oxygen.

27. Which of the following best explain how the digestive and excretory system work together? a. The circulatory system provides oxygen which is needed by the excretory system.b. The digestive system provides nutrients for the excretory system. The excretory system as well removes the wastes in the digestive system.c. The digestive system filters the wastes in the excretory system.d. The digestive system controls the excretory system.​


B. The digestive system provides nutrients for the excretory system. The excretory system as well removes the wastes in the digestive system.

-sana po makatulong. take care always po! ^.^


b. The digestive system provides nutrients for the excretory system. The excretory system as well removes the wastes in the digestive system.


Sana makatulong

28. 1. Which digestive system wherein food enters through the mouth, travels through the long tube, and exits through the anus? A. Complete Digestive System C. Partially Developed Digestive System D. Undeveloped Digestive System B. Incomplete Digestive System​


A. Complete Digestive System


pa follow

29. the game you are about to play is an analogy of the digestive system. what do the chips represent?​


The token may be representing the foods as they were swallowed down into the whole system.


30. 10. How digestive system work together with respiratory and circulatory system?A. digestive system digests food to be carry out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system.B. digestive system digests food to be carry out by the respiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system.C. digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system, while circulatory system digests food for the digestive system as it provides oxygen.D. digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory and respiratory system.​


A. digestive system digests food to be carry out by the circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the digestive system.


All human systems help each other or teamwork!

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